My Journey to Overcome Psoriasis

Posted Sat 1 Oct 2016 10.46 by skumars

Friends , this is my journey in battling psoriasis and succeeded almost , I wish to share you all so that some may get relief with this approach. Please note that this article is not a substitution for the medical advice, you are requested to try them in consultation with your Doctor. 2 years back, one day I noticed small patch on my palm and I thought this was the resultant of some allergy and ignored it.Over 15-30 days it started appearing much and with little itching during nights. Consulted one of the best dermatologist In the city/region who has tons of credentials under his account as a reputed doctor. He nodded his head and declared it as Psoriasis , by then I did not know what this disease is all about , but took no time to realize this as disgusting dis order. Doctor prescribed Some topical cream & aceterin, the booklet showing huge side effects (possible) along with the tablet pushed me in deep dilemma. I started exploring info across the websites and understood there is no proven medicine to get rid of this and the best thing is we canManage this by taking medicines regularly. I have not taken the prescribed tablets , but searching for ayurvedic and other stuff And indeed tried couple of oils and could not notice relief. In the mean time, my condition is worsened (but limited to palms & sole of feet), I have faced embarrassment & depression some times, but at the same time not compromised to take powerful medicines like aceterin. I have started using some alternatives and over period of time a list of things are framed. • Before bed, Drink Aloevera juice 30 ml /every night mixed with water, be careful with duplicates in market. • I have checked my D vitamin levels and they are dead low, started exposing to sun and also Vitamin tablets orally. • Stay away from foods ( brinjal, chicken , some sort of fish & other foods you notice them as allergitic to you) • Key is to Maintain the mental strength , stop worrying , start mild exercise. Mental tension multiplies the psoriasis effect. • Cod liver oil & Vitamin D combination pills (qty as adviced by doctor). • Take more precautions in Winter & Cold weather ( using oils for effected areas and minimize encountering cold weather) • Try this approach for a 45 days to feel relief , need to continue until full recovery. With the above approach, I could say that my condition is 95 % better now , only grey shade/patch remained in sole of feet. You can try to analyse the approach and follow the same (of course with the advice of medical practitioner) , wish you all the best.

Posted Sat 1 Oct 2016 10.56 by skumars

Pl. abstain/limit Smoking /Boozing,

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2016 22.40 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Alcohol hasn't been a proven contributor yet and smoking tests have been limited. Psoriasis is more internal and auto immune related than anything,that and the 101 other variables that affect us....

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 09.37 by skumars

Hi Obi1138-39 I was at the same desperation as you on seeing various reasons/factors attributed towards the disease in the course of finding right cure. it is autoimmune disease and by definition, this immunity is developed because of some lacuna in your body, identify them and attack them, that was the logic , I have approached and I am remarkably better now. all the best

Posted Sat 29 Oct 2016 23.13 by Psad

I think that alcohol heats you up and promotes itchiness, so have some cream in the fridge or a rosewater spray ready for your sleep-disruptive itch. Drink the very best wine in moderation. As for smoking, in many people it causes cancer and other diseases where the immune system failed to protect you.

Posted Tue 15 Nov 2016 21.17 by BobbyJean
I love heavy metal xx

I don't think anyone should be allowed to say that psoriasis is a disgusting disease. You could say the same about cancer. Its a disgusting disease. But on the inside.x

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