Advise please methotrexate

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 10.03 by Laura may

Hi. Never posted on here before. Feeling really down. Had a huge flare up the other week and now feeling really low. Tried light therapy.... and pretty much every cream gel and ointment going... it has spread to scalp, hands, arms, legs and my back. Went to the doctors today who has basically said won't prescribe enstilar foam as it has same chemicals in as diprosalic and dobovet but he will try to get it for me although could take months to be approved. 😢 Therefore has recommended that I go back to consultant to try methotrexate. I have 2 children. I don't think we will have anymore but it is really upsetting to know that if I take this medication I won't be having anymore for definite. Can anyone give me some advice as to whether this medication or similar is actually life changing and do either work.... feeling really worried about having to go down this route. Yet at the same time I can't carry on feeling like I do. Fed up of the itching and greasy skin and dandruff look!! Thanks.

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 10.35 by Andy
Psoriasis for 35 years and Psoriatic Arthritis for 15 years.

Hello Laura I've had Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis for nearly 40 years and tried most of the medications on offer. Sorry to hear about your flare up and the feeling being low. I was prescribed methotrexate a few years ago when going through a bad phase with high skin coverage. I found methotrexate to be very good when given several weeks to work. Methotrexate. It does need to be given with folic acid which you take on a diffent day. You'll also need to make sure you have regular blood tests. Monthly to begin with and make sure they monitor liver function. My experiences with Methotrexate to begin with was it does initially cause a bit nausea and sickness. In my case this did settle down and the improvement in my skin was very good at the 6 to 8 week mark. I guess it would be difficult to predict how methotrexate would effect each individual but I think it's worth considering as long you have a good treament plan with your consultant. The key things for me was always take it on the same day day every week and take folic acid on another day. Ensure your consultant writes to your GP to inform them of the need to monitor your blood monthly. Also make sure he gives you a blood treatment book to record your resultants so you can take this to your appointments. I personally think it's worth considering if your having a real bad time and the results can be very good. As I said it does take time to work so I would give it 3 months unless you really can't tolerant the medication. If you want to dicuss futher I'm happy to have a conversation. I really do hope you find some relief soon and try not to feel low. Easy said than done when your Psoriasis is giving you such an awful time. Over the years I have found trying to stay positive is helpful because becoming low, depressed and worried can somtimes make the problem worse. All the best and hope you find relief real soon. Andy

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 13.41 by Suzie
I have suffered for around 7 years and have it covering my back and front.

Hi Laura, I'v been on Methotrexate for almost 2 years and i have never been told i would not be able to have children in the future, i was just told to not get pregnant whilst on it and when i do want to start a family i will need to come off of it for 4-6 months before trying. who was it who told you this? you've got me worried now! Suzanne.x

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 16.07 by Andy
Psoriasis for 35 years and Psoriatic Arthritis for 15 years.

Hi My understanding from the consultant that gave it to me is that you mustn't start a family while on the treatment and not for 6 months after the treatment. He had patients that would stopped their methotrexate under his guidance so they could have a family. Then they would return to the treatment plan. You also need to check with a health professional about the risks of breastfeeding while on the drug. I seem to remember reading it can be given to the infant in the milk. Andy

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 08.58 by Laura may

Thanks so much for your replies.... my god just said about family.... I wouldn't advise this medication if you are planning to have anymore children so I may have misinterpreted that!! Sorry for causing worry!! After some further reading and your advise. I am feeling a bit better about it today. .... I just don't like the idea of taking this medication!! My GPS said it could be life changing for me and my psoriosi could completely clear up.... but I also know that it may not clear it and I suppose I am just dreading having to stay on this kind of medication long term. Thanks so much again for your comments I felt so upset yesterday. I will book an appointment with the consultant to make sure this approach is 100% for me. But I feel sadly that I am going to have to do something especially with winter coming.... so sore! !!

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 08.59 by Laura may

My GP not my god!!! 😉 blooming auto text!!

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 10.39 by Andy
Psoriasis for 35 years and Psoriatic Arthritis for 15 years.

Hi Laura I find that spending a few minutes to write down the questions you need to ask is useful. I hope you find some rekief very soon. All the best Andy

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