I wanted to share my experience as i found this website really helpful when i was struggling with small plaque psoriasis. I first noticed spots appear about 15 months ago which quickly became widespread. I panicked and went to my GP where i was prescribed some steroids and moisturises. After about 6 months of not much happening and it getting progressively worse (over 100 plaques all over my body, on my face and scalp) i chose to take things into my own hands. I have always been a bit sceptical of pharmaceuticals anyway. I started by doing diets as had read lots about this. I did everything from eliminating dairy to gluten and even going full carnivore for a month. None of this made any difference and i was getting more and more frustrated. Further i found my GP's advice to be unreassuring and conflicting. I originally thought i had guttate psoriasis as had a cold prior to getting it but think it was small plaque psoriasis in the end. I had a family holiday to Tenerife and noticed it improve dramatically but it returned within a week of getting home. At this point i had tried everything from sea swimming to possibly every diet possible (admittedly for no longer than a month for each diet but noticed no change). I then started to drink daily a litre of either dandelion, burdoch, angelica or gentian tea. These herbs are all natural liver tonics which i think is what my psoriasis began from. I had taken a fluconazole pill literally a week before my psoriasis began. I had taken this for a fungal problem i had at the time. Again adding to my scepticism of pharmaceuticals. I used 25 grams of dry root with 1 litre of water for the teas. After 2 months of this my skin started to clear. I also tried to eliminate all stress and improve my sleep as well. I then spent 6 weeks in Indonesia with lots of sun with drastic improvements. I also think the different type of water i was showering in made a huge difference getting rid of my scalp issues almost immediately. Now after about 9 months of drinking these teas along with trying to eliminate stress and sleeping well my skin is completely clear. I try eat as healthy as possible with no processes foods or seed oils. I'm aware not everyone has the luxury of a 6 week holiday to a hot country but i think a few factors in conjunction with these herbal teas is what made a difference for me. I also have eliminated pretty much all non natural soaps etc which i think makes a difference. I had heard of beef tallow moisturiser which i made at home and i find amazing all over. If i could do it again i would completely avoid steroids as these i feel exasperated my problems and also has caused me to have red patches on my face which have slowly gone away with my new moisturiser. I hope this helps anyone who's struggling. Keep persevering and it will get better! If anyone has any questions about this i'd be more than happy to help as i know how lonely it can feel struggling with a problem the health profession label as incurable.
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