
Posted Fri 8 Jul 2016 12.23 by Psoriasis Association (Admin)Mod (edited Fri 8 Jul 2016 12.25 by Psoriasis Association (Admin)Mod) - from Northampton, UK
Patient Advocacy and Communications Manager at the Psoriasis Association

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Posted Thu 28 Jul 2016 11.14 by Pipster

Hi I was on MTX for nearly 5 years. I started off on tablet form and was in bed quite allot after taking it. After 8 months I was switched to 25mg via injection, it didn't really do anything for my psoriasis. I then went onto Humeria every fortnight and continued on with MTX every week by injection and I was about 99% clear until about a month ago as I was having a really bad flare up. My deem said the treatment had failed and I'm waiting to go onto a new biological drug

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 08.44 by katykaye

I'm about to take my 4th dose of 15mg of MTX. I have had psoriasis for 50 years pretty consistently with only a handful of times when it's been clear. For the past two years I have also had RA and PA which have had a serious effect on my life in terms of constant pain and mobility. 3 hours after taking my first dose of Mtx I felt very sick BUT I could make my hands into a fist for the first time in years. 2 days later the sickness was gone and so was the pain. One week later after taking the second dose I was pain free and could stand up straght - I can't even remember the last time I Did that. 3 weeks in and I am still pain free, I can chop vegetables, I managed a supermarket shop alone, moved some furniture in preparation for decorating and even walked round the local area. My skin is amazing too - not quite clear but pale marking and no flakes - the best it's been in years. I take the drug on Friday night, on Saturday I feel tired and nauseous but by Sunday I am back to normal. I have had the odd side effect such as dry eyes but it's cleared in a few hours. It's early days yet but this drug has completely transformed my life for the better. I am amazed how quickly I have seen results and hoping that it continues.

Posted Mon 28 Nov 2016 21.24 by Gemma61

Hey, So I'm 23 and have been suffering with psoriasis for the last 2 years. It came on all of a sudden out of nowhere and it's awful, BUT I'm determined to not let it rule my life. Yeah it's soar, I can't go swimming, wear certain clothes etc but I can't let it Control my life. I have been in and out of hospital for the last two years with sunlight treatment, like you guys, it goes away for a few weeks, then creeps back up on me. I'm thinking about trying methotrexate but the reviews don't look that great and also the no alcohol thing it's going to really affect my social life because that's a huge part of it... However I'm going to give it a go and hope for the best. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one our there....

Posted Fri 2 Dec 2016 05.36 by Lk92

I am 24, I have it from head to toe, I was in methotrexate for a year and a half I ended up getting up to 10 tablets, 2.5mg it's stopped the plaque and the itchy it just went red. But unfortunately as it was everywhere it was still affecting my life. I've just been of on a clinical trial of an biological injection am so excited, but while I am off methotrexate and waiting for the injection Jan it went so sore I couldn't even walk, just got the enstilar foam and it's amazing, I can move !!!!!

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