
Posted Sat 8 Feb 2025 11.18 by JO

Hi. I am just looking for opinions as to if I have PsA. I have had pain on and off for almost three years in my knees, heel/arch, sternum and fingers. It moves around is intermittent (lasts for 6-8 weeks then eases for 6 months, not totally pain free but tolerable) knee x-rays show: "Minor osteoarthritic changes visualised to the patellofemoral joints, joint lines are otherwise unremarkable in both knees. Endophytes are visualised to the bases of the patellae at the Insertion, the quadriceps tendons bilaterally." "An ultrasound on foot showed: Right Achilles Calcaneal spur, Calcific enthesopathy noted at the achilles insertion, no active inflammation. Foot lesions on right foot. Severe bony irregularities and osteophytes seen over visible lump at the IPJ of second toe. No vascularity suggesting active inflammation." I had psoriasis 6 years ago on scalp for 2 years then disappeared. 4 months ago I had psoriasis on my right hand. Ring finger middle joint slightly swollen and bumps on most of end finger joints. Behind left knee extremely painful and stiff radiating down calf, shin and around lower thigh. My nails have longitude ridges and one toe nail turned chalky white then fell off half way. I also have digestive issues, dry eyes, heart flutters and dizziness all intermittent. I am at a complete loss as to what it all is

Posted Sat 8 Feb 2025 22.15 by Billy bass

Seems you may have PsA,all the signs are there along with a few other health issues,you need too get checked by a dermatologist for your psoriasis,thay will then point you in the right direction ie treatment,other medical needs you need ect,its always best to talk it over with your gp, your concerns and your health issues first, its a long process,ive been there took yrs too finaly get a diagnosis of PsA,good luck hope everything works out for you dont stop trying keep us informed,others on this site are going through the same thing and will give you advice"

Posted Sat 8 Feb 2025 22.49 by JO

Thank you for replying Billy. I also think something else could be going on but wasn't sure if it was related. My GP surgery is useless, 3 or 4 week wait for an appointment and a different locum each time. Hopefully the rheumatologist is more helpful.

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