Meningitis a cure for Psoriasis??

Posted Mon 20 Aug 2012 08.35 by vickybell
I started getting psorasis when I was 12 and it has moved around my body at different times in my life. The scale of my psorasis is quite ba

Hi there, I don't really believe that meningitis could cure psoriasis, but I just wanted to share my experience with you all. I have suffered with psoriasis since I was 12 and have it quite widespread... over my scalp, all over my back, over my stomach, thighs, arms, knees... I have had many ointments, creams etc over the years, had one course of light treatment (which I had to stop as I fell pregnant), and have been waiting to start my second course of light treatment. At the beginning of July this year, I caught bacterial meningitis and was seriously ill for 3 weeks in hospital. However, during my stay in hospital, my psoriasis went completely! It went slowly, and at first I thought it was improving clearing up as I wasn't able to shower, but when I came home and starting washing as normal, it didn't come back. I have now been out of hospital for 4 and a half weeks and my skin looks perfect. I can't describe how it feels to have smooth, non itchy, blemish free skin for the first time in my adult life! I really don't know why it has gone...maybe it was the antibiotics the doctors gave me, or the fact that my body was so busy fighting the infection of the meningitis? What are your thoughts? I am sure it will come back, but I intend to enjoy it while it lasts! Short sleeve I come!

Posted Sat 8 Sep 2012 06.34 by neil1pat (edited Thu 8 Jan 2015 15.04 by no1cheesecake)

Interesting story Vicky, let's hope it doesn't come back. Please keep us posted! Good luck!

Posted Mon 22 Oct 2012 00.29 by mikew

hi vicky i had really bad pso on my scalp and 2 year ago i was very ill with enchephalitus (swelling of the brain) and in hospital for 7 week the doctors gave me all kinds of meds and steriods and within 2 weeks the pso was completely gone.we dont know if it was the meds they gave me but my mum thinks it could have been the steroids.after 2 years it has come back but on a scale of 1 to 10 its a 1 where i was at 10 before it doesnt itch and isnt nearly as bad as it was.good luck and i hope you dont get it back

2 Posted Tue 16 Jul 2013 19.10 by chachi29 (edited Sun 20 Dec 2015 13.05 by melika)

I dont think it will be a cure for it. I had Meningitis in my 20s and I still have psoriasis. There might be a connection, but not sure. see what your doctor says.

Posted Sun 20 Dec 2015 13.04 by (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 08.02 by Dealsnprice)
Had it for twenty odd years

Hi there im thinking its more to do with the kind of antibiotics you were given to treat the meningitis, my dad had severe p till he began medication for cancer, then it all vanished. Ive had menigitis and have psoriasis would be interesting to read up on this though

Posted Mon 11 Jan 2016 08.02 by patchy
I have had it since I was about 1, all over my body at varying degrees. It comes and goes but in my head it is constant and drives me mad as

Hi, I have had p since I was about 10 years old. When I fell pregnant for the first time my p completely went but returned when I had the baby. This also happened when I was pregnant the second time, so when I was expecting my third child I was looking forward to a p free pregnancy, but sadly that time it didn't go. The doctors couldn't give me a reason why this happened, just put it down to hormones. P certainly seems to be a law unto itself.

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