Just thought I'd let you know, seems to be working, worth a try

Posted Sat 13 Oct 2012 08.37 by dizzydi
for 20 years on and off

I have had a flare up and really bad have had on and off for 20 years well really fed up so decided to look up some items , I bought some pine tar soap and pine tar shampoo off amazon ( Pine Tar Collection: Pine Tar Shampoo and Pine Tar Soap 2 In 1) and the effects so far are amazing in two days. The scales of the ps has fallen off and seem to be calming down and some bits seem to be drying up. it is still red but feel that it may be stopping well hopefully. I have soaped myself up in bath and have used the shampoo as a body wash which I must say is not the most lovely smells and colour but if it works well worth a try. I have also been using Salcura DermaSpray Intensive Skin Nourishment Spray 50m and find this really good

Posted Sun 30 Dec 2012 20.13 by RiaB
Palmopustular on hands and feet. Current flare up started March 2012. No topical creams have worked so far. Going slowly insane.

Hi. Just wondered if you were still seeing any difference using the pine tar shampoo and soap? I used the soap (black one?) once and saw no difference but what made a difference last time is having no effect at all this time. Sick of wasting money on creams that just don't work but hey...willing to give it a try if it works for someone else. xx

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2015 23.25 by J7d (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 08.09 by sallyanne42)
Plaque psoriasis 30 yrs

Try the Pagano diet, it has worked for me. John Pagano - Healing Psoriasis, the Natural Alternative is the book that changed me life. I too had bought just about every ointment on the market over the last few years and some just made it worse. I found exorex one of the best but this diet actually healed me after living with the disease for 30 years. It's almost completely gone after 14 months on the diet and I feel great! I reckon that makes it the best book I've ever bought!!

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