How to approach boyfriend...

Posted Fri 9 Nov 2012 14.14 by amg
My boyfriend has had psoriasis for 5 years.

Hey there, I hope you can give me some advice! I've been with my boyfriend for a few months now. He's had psoriasis for about 5 years. The worst is on his forearms but he has it on his torso, legs etc too. I have no problem with it - I just feel bad that he gets itchy. However, he also has psoriasis on his eyebrows and top lip (hidden by his beard but it still gets flaky) and these bother him, particularly the eyebrows. I've been reading up on it and so many people say they use a moisturiser to help. However, he doesn't - he says he doesn't like the feeling on his skin, and that it doesn't make it go away. My question is this: if he did use a moisturiser on his face, wouldn't that stop the white flakes associated with psoriasis? I understand that he'd still get red patches, but would it stop being flaky? If so, what can I recommend he use and how can I approach him about it? He seems quite adamant that creams won't help but I know he is bothered by the psoriasis on his eyebrows more than he admits. Thanks for any advice you can give me!

Posted Sat 10 Nov 2012 06.43 by Anon1972 (edited Mon 19 Nov 2012 18.10 by fgjfeather)
Where do I start.... been to the darkest places of my mind with this condition, ometimes I'm good, sometimes I feel like I can't keep going.

Hi, To a point your boyfriend is right, moiturisers won't work, not with psoriasis. however in conjuntion with proper care and medication they do help reduce the itching and flaking. I can totally understand his view on the feel of it on your skin, I have been through the same problem and it's a case of finding what works for you. I find clinique and nivea for men among the best. They can be pricey but I only buy them when on special offers, I had psoriasis heavily on my face at one point and I was prescribed a cream by my consultan that I only use on my face. It's not a moisturiser and you only put it where the psoriasis is. It's called Eumovate. If he is quite covered it's possible that light treatment could be suitable and I found the first place to clear up with that was my face and ears. I write a blog about my psoriasis and actually have a page about my skin care routine, if this helps. Also the association have helpful notes about medication and treatments. If he hasn't seen his GP for a referal to a consultant, I strongly recommend this too.

Posted Wed 14 Nov 2012 13.14 by TimA
Plaque psoriasis over most of body: especially shins, elbows and hands.

I would recommend Dovobet, but you need a prescription for it. I use it around my eyes (very carefully!), in my beard, and on my head. Works for me, but everyone is different (or so I keep hearing :-). As soon as I see the red appearing around my eyes, I apply the Dovobet. The patches are usually gone before the flaking starts. You only need to use a little at a time.

Posted Sat 11 Apr 2015 17.44 by edie132

Though it doesnt get rid of psossis i have found that loreal triple active stops the flakiness a lot as i too have a patch on my eyebrows,

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