Research Publications

Since awarding our first research grants in 1971, the Psoriasis Association has funded over 200 projects. If you'd like to learn more about the results of these projects, take a look at paper and PhD thesis libraries below.

Paper Library

The availability of the full text for each paper will depend on whether the article is open-access or not. An open-access paper can be read online by anyone and requires no payment, whereas a closed access paper will cost money to read. The abstract or summary, however, should be freely available for all papers. This will give you an overview of the work that has been done and what the researchers found out.


GWAS meta-analysis of psoriasis identifies new susceptibility alleles impacting disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets

N. Dand, P. E. Stuart, J. Bowes et al.

Nature Communications, 2025

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Associations between diet quality indices and psoriasis severity: results from the Asking People with Psoriasis about Lifestyle and Eating (APPLE) cross-sectional study

S. Zanesco, T. Maruthappu, C. E. M. Griffiths, K. V. Dalrymple, R. Gibson and W. L. Hall

British Journal of Nutrition, 2025

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The impact of psoriasis on wellbeing and clinical outcomes in juvenile psoriatic arthritis

J. M. Low, K. L. Hyrich, C. Ciurtin, F. McErlane, L. R. Wedderburn, N. Geifman, S. J. W. Shoop-Worrall, CAPS Principal Investigators

Rheumatology, 2024

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Acceptability of ‘as needed’ biologic therapy in psoriasis: insights from a multistakeholder mixed-methods study

D. Gleeson, M. Naveed, L. Moorhead, H. McAteer, G. Sewell, A. McGuire, J. Weinman, J. N. W. N. Barker, S. Norton, S. C. E. Chapman, C. H. Smith and S. Mahil

British Journal of Dermatology, 2024

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A genome-wide meta-analysis of palmoplantar pustulosis implicates TH2 responses and cigarette smoking in disease pathogenesis

A. Harnandez-Cordero, L. Thomas, A. Smail, Z. Q. Lim, J. R. Saklatvala, R. Chung, C. J. Curtis, P. Baum, S. Visvanathan, A. D. Burden, H. L Cooper, G. Dunnill, C. E. M. Griffiths, N. J. Levell, R. Parslew, N. J. Reynolds, S. Wahie, R. B. Warren, A. Wright, APRICOT and PLUM Study Team and F. Capon

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2024

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Epidermal proteomics demonstrates Elafin as a psoriasis-specific biomarker and highlights increased anti-inflammatory activity around psoriatic plaques.

A. Berekmeri, T. Macleod, I. Hyde, G. J. Ijak, C. Mann, D. Kramer, M. Stacey, and M. Wittmann.

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

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Using wearable technology to objectively investigate physical behaviour and determine health outcomes of a physical activity intervention in patients with psoriasis.

R. Sheppard, W.K. Gan, G. L. Onambele-Pearson, and H. S. Young.

Skin Health and Disease.

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Increased physical activity promotes skin clearance, improves cardiovascular and psychological health, and increases functional capacity in patients with psoriasis.

R. Sheppard, W.K. Gan, G. L. Onambele-Pearson, and H. S. Young.

Skin Health and Disease

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Inflammatory memory in psoriasis: From remission to recurrence

L. Francis, F. Capon, C. H. Smith, M. Haniffa, and S. K. Mahil.

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

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Single-cell analysis of psoriasis resolution demonstrates an inflammatory fibroblast state targeted by IL-23 blockade

L. Francis, D. McCluskey, C. Ganier, T. Jiang, X. Du-Harper, J. Gabriel, P. Dhami, Y. Kamra, S. Visvanathan, J. N. Barker, C. H. Smith, F. Capon, and S. K. Mahil.

Nature Communications

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Nonadherence to systemic immune-modifying therapy in people with psoriasis during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from a global cross-sectional survey

S. Quirke-McFarlane, J. Weinman, E. S. Cook, Z. Z. N. Yiu, N. Dand, S. M. Langan, K. Bechman, T. Tsakok, K. J. Mason, H. McAteer, F. Meynell, B. Coker, A. Vincent, D. Urmston, A. Vesty, J. Kelly, C. Lancelot, L. Moorhead, I. A. Barbosa, H. Bachelez, F. Capon, C. R. Contreras, C. De La Cruz, P. Di Meglio, P. Gisondi, D. Jullien, J. Lambert, L. Naldi, L. Puig, P. Spuls, T. Torres, R. B. Warren, H. Waweru, J. B. Galloway, C. E. M. Griffiths, J. N. Barker, S. Norton, C. H. Smith, S. K. Mahil and the PsoProtect study group

British Journal of Dermatology, 2023

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Genetic Validation of Psoriasis Phenotyping in UK Biobank Supports the Utility of Self-Reported Data and Composite Definitions for Large Genetic and Epidemiological Studies

J. R. Saklatvala, K. B. Hanscombe, S. K. Mahil, L. C. Tsoi, J. T. Elder, J. N. Barker, M. A. Simpson, C. H. Smith and N. Dand

Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2023

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Real-World Implementation and Outcomes of Adalimumab Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Psoriasis: A National Specialized Center Experience

A. Raharja, Z. Arkir, G. Rinaldi, T. Tsakok, T. Dasandi, S. Guard, A. McGuire, A. E. Pink, R. Woolf, J. N. Barker, C. H. Smith and S. K. Mahil

Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2023

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Developing an aerobic exercise intervention for patients with psoriasis to support lifestyle behaviour change and improve health outcomes

R. Sheppard, W. K. Gan, G. L. Onambele-Pearson and H. S. Young

Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 2023

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Uptake of tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor biosimilars for psoriasis: a drug utilization study from the British Association of Dermatologists Biologic and Immunomodulators Register (BADBIR)

D. B. Phan, A. P. Bewley, C. H. Smith, T. Mackenzie, C. E. M. Griffiths, M. Lunt, R. B. Warren and Z. Z. N. Yiu

British Journal of Dermatology, 2023

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Atopic Polygenic Risk Score Is Associated with Paradoxical Eczema Developing in Patients with Psoriasis Treated with Biologics

A. Al-Janabi, S. Eyre, A. C. Foulkes, A. R. Khan, N. Dand, E. Burova, B. DeSilva, A. Makrygeorgou, E. Davies, C. H. Smith, C. E. M. Griffiths, A. P. Morris, R. B. Warren on behalf of the BSTOP Study Group and the BADBIR Study Group

Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2023

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Integrated proteomics and genomics analysis of paradoxical eczema in psoriasis patients treated with biologics

A. Al-Janabi, P. Martin, A. R. Khan, A. C. Foulkes, C. H. Smith, C. E. M. Griffiths, A. P. Morris, S. Eyre, R. B. Warren on behalf of the BSTOP Study Group and the BADBIR Study Group

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2023

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Damaging Alleles Affecting Multiple CARD14 Domains Are Associated with Palmoplantar Pustulosis

A.Niaouris, A. Hernandez-Cordero, S. Haddad, N. K. Hassi, N. Benzian-Olsson, C. B. Diz, A. D. Burden, H. L. Cooper, C. E. M. Griffiths, R. Parslew, A. E. Pink, N. J. Reynolds, S. Wahie, R. B. Warren, A. Wright, M. Simpson, P. Baum, S. Visvanathan, J. N. Barker, C. H. Smith, F. Capon and The APRICOT and PLUM study team

Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2023

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A UK online survey exploring patient perspectives of remote consultations for managing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

R. M. Hewitt, D. Urmston, H. McAteer, J. Schofield and C. Bundy

Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2023

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Drug survival and safety biosimilars and originator adalimumab in the treatment of psoriasis: a multinational cohort study.

D. B. Phan, H. Jourdain, A. Gonzalez-Quesada, M. Zureik, R. Rivera-Diaz, A. Sahuuillo-Torralba, M. A. Descalzo-Gallego, M. Lunt, I. Garcia-Doval, E. Sbidian, R. B. Warren, and Z. Z. N. Yiu.

BMJ Open

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Systematic review of deep learning image analyses for the diagnosis and monitoring of skin disease

S. P. Choy, B. J. Kim, A. Paolina, W. R. Tan, S. M. L. Lim, J. Seo, S. P. Tan, L. Francis, T. Tsakok, M. Simpson, J. N. W. N. Barker, M. D. Lynch, M. S. Corbett, C. H. Smith, and S. K. Mahil.

NPJ Digital Medicine

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Exploring Mast Cell-CD8 T Cell Interactions in Inflammatory Skin Diseases

Y. Chen, C. E. M. Griffiths and S. Bulfone-Paus.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023

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Connexins and the Epithelial Tissue Barrier: A Focus on Connexin 26
L. Garcia-Vega, E. M. O’Shaughnessy, A. Albuloushi and P. E. Martin
Biology, 2021
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2016 - 2020

Melanoma Risk in Patients Treated With Biologic Therapy for Common Inflammatory Diseases. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
S. Esse, K. J. Mason, A. C. Green and R. B. Warren
JAMA Dermatology, 2020
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What are the barriers to physical activity in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis?
L. Auker, L. Cordingley, D. R. Pye, C. E. M. Griffiths and H. S. Young
British Journal of Dermatology, 2020
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IL-36 Promotes Systemic IFN-I Responses in Severe Forms of Psoriasis
M. Catapano, M.Vergnano, M. Romano, S.K. Mahil, S.-E. Choon, A.D. Burden, H.S. Young, I.M. Carr, H.J. Lachmann, G. Lombardi, C.H. Smith, F.D. Ciccarelli, J.N. Barker and F. Capon
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2019
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Defining the Therapeutic Range for Adalimumab and Predicting Response in Psoriasis: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Cohort Study
N. Wilkinson, T. Tsakok, N. Dand, K. Bloem , M. Duckworth, D. Baudry , A. Pushpa-Rajah, C.E.M. Griffiths, N.J. Reynolds, J. Barker, R.B. Warren, A.D. Burden, T. Rispens, D. Stocken, C. Smith, BSTOP study group , PSORT consortium
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2019
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Understanding the experience of sleep disturbance in psoriasis: a qualitative exploration using the Common‐Sense Model of Self‐Regulation
A.L. Henry, C. Bundy, S.D. Kyle, C.E.M. Griffiths and A. Chisholm
British Journal of Dermatology, 2019
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Connexin 26 and 43 play a role in regulating proinflammatory events in the epidermis
L. García‐Vega, E. O'Shaughnessy, A. Jan, C. Bartholomew and P. E. Martin
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019
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The prevalence of co-morbidities and their impact on physical activity in people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases compared with the general population: results from the UK Biobank
M.J Cook, E. Bellou, J. Bowes, J.C. Sergeant, T.W. O'Neill, A. Barton, S.M.M. Verstappen
Rheumatology, 2018
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Intentional and Unintentional Medication Non-Adherence in Psoriasis: The Role of Patients' Medication Beliefs and Habit Strength
R.J. Thorneloe, C.E.M. Griffiths, R. Emsley, D.M. Ashcroft, L. Cordingley, BADBIR, PSORT Study Groups
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2018
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HLA-C*06:02 genotype is a predictive biomarker of biologic treatment response in psoriasis
N. Dand, M. Duckworth, D. Baudry, A. Russell, C.J. Curtis, S.H. Lee, I. Evans, K.J. Mason, A. Alsharqi, G. Becher, A.D. Burden, R.G. Goodwin, K. McKenna, R. Murphy, G.K. Perera, R. Rotarescu, S. Wahie, A. Wright, N.J. Reynolds, R.B. Warren, C.E.M. Griffiths, C.H. Smith, M.A. Simpson, J.N. Barker, BADBIR Study Group , BSTOP Study Group , PSORT Consortium
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018
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The Connexin Mimetic Peptide Gap27 and Cx43-Knockdown Reveal Differential Roles for Connexin43 in Wound Closure Events in Skin Model Systems
C. Faniku, E. O’Shaughnessy, C. Lorraine, S. R. Johnstone, A. Graham, S. Greenhoug, and P. E. Martin
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018
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Connexin Communication Compartments and Wound Repair in Epithelial Tissue
M. Chanson, M. Watanabe, E. M. O’Shaughnessy, A. Zoso and P. E. Martin
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018
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Human Endothelial Cells Modulate CD4+ T Cell Populations and Enhance Regulatory T Cell Suppressive Capacity
W. C. Lim, M. Olding , E. Healy, T. M. Millar
Frontiers in Immunology, 2018
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Exome-wide association study reveals novel psoriasis susceptibility locus at TNFSF15 and rare protective alleles in genes contributing to type I IFN signalling
N. Dand, S. Mucha, L.C. Tsoi, S.K. Mahil, P.E. Stuart, A. Arnold, H. Baurecht, A.D. Burden, K. Callis Duffin, V. Chandran, C.J. Curtis, S. Das, D. Ellinghaus, E. Ellinghaus, C. Enerback, T. Esko, D.D. Gladman, C.E.M. Griffiths, J.E. Gudjonsson, P. Hoffman, G. Homuth, U. Hüffmeier, G.G. Krueger, M. Laudes, S. Hyuck Lee, W. Lieb, H.W. Lim, S. Löhr, U. Mrowietz, M. Müller-Nurayid, M. Nöthen, A. Peters, P. Rahman, A. Reis, N.J. Reynolds, E. Rodriguez, C.O. Schmidt, S.L. Spain, K. Strauch, T. Tejasvi, J.J. Voorhees, R.B. Warren, M. Weichenthal, S. Weidinger, M. Zawistowski, R.P. Nair, F. Capon, C.H. Smith, R.C. Trembath, G.R. Abecasis, J.T. Elder, A. Franke, M.A. Simpson, J.N. Barker
Human Molecular Genetics, 2017
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Nonadherence to psoriasis medication as an outcome of limited coping resources and conflicting goals: findings from a qualitative interview study with people with psoriasis
R.J. Thorneloe, C. Bundy, C.E.M. Griffiths, D.M. Ashcroft and L. Cordingley
British Journal of Dermatology, 2017                                         
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Nitric oxide induces human CLA+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells with skin-homing potential
C. Yu, A. Fitzpatrick,  D. Cong, C. Yao,  J. Yoo  A. Turnbull,, J. Schwarze, M. Norval, S.E.M. Howie, R. B. Weller, A. L. Astier
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2017                   
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An analysis of IL-36 signature genes and individuals with IL1RL2 knockout mutations validates IL-36 as a psoriasis therapeutic target
S.K. Mahil, M. Catapano, P. Di Meglio, N. Dand, H. Ahlfors, I. M. Carr, C. H. Smith, R. C. Trembath, M. Peakman, J. Wright, F. D. Ciccarelli, J. N. Barker, F. Capon
Science Translational Medicine, 2017
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A cross-sectional survey of the nature and correlates of sleep disturbance in people with psoriasis
A.L. Henry, S.D. Kyle, A. Chisholm, C.E.M. Griffiths, and C. Bundy
British Journal of Dermatology, 2017      
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The challenges of assessing patients' medication beliefs: a qualitative study
R. J. Thorneloe, C.E.M. Griffiths, D. M. Ashcroft and L. Cordingley
BMC Health Services Research, 2017
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Measurement, Classification and Evaluation of Sleep Disturbance in Psoriasis: A Systematic Review
A.L. Henry, S.D. Kyle, S. Bhandari S, A. Chisholm, C.E.M. Griffiths, and C. Bundy 
PLoS One, 2016
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2011 - 2015

IL36RN mutations define a severe autoinflammatory phenotype of generalized pustular psoriasis.
S. Hussain, D.M. Berki, S.E. Choon, A.D. Burden, M.H. Allen, J.I. Arostegui, A. Chaves, M. Duckworth, A.D. Irvine, M. Mockenhaupt, A. A. Navarini, M.M.B. Seyger, P. Soler-Palacin, C. Prins, L. Valeyrie-Allanore, M. Asuncion Vicente, R.C. Trembath, C.H. Smith, J.N. Barker, F.Capon
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2015
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Activating CARD14 Mutations Are Associated with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis but Rarely Account for Familial Recurrence in Psoriasis Vulgaris
D. M. Berki, L. Liu, S.E. Choon, A. D.Burden, C.E.M. Griffiths, A. A. Navarini, E. S. Tan, A.D. Irvine, A. Ranki, T. Ogo, G. Petrof, S. K. Mahil, M. Duckworth, M. H. Allen, P. Vito, R. C. Trembath, J. McGrath, C. H. Smith, F. Capon, J.N. Barker
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2015
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Loss of IL36RN Function Does Not Confer Susceptibility to Psoriasis Vulgaris
D. M. Berki, S.K. Mahil, A. D.Burden, R. C. Trembath, C. H. Smith, F. Capon, J. N. Barker
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2014
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Predicting treatment response in psoriasis using serum levels of adalimumab and etanercept: a single-centre, cohort study
S. K. Mahil, Z. Arkir, G. Richards, C. M. Lewis, J. N. Barker, and C. H. Smith
British Journal of Dermatology, 2013
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Comment on ‘Predicting treatment response in psoriasis using serum levels of adalimumab and etanercept: a single-centre, cohort study’: reply from authors
S. K. Mahil and C. H. Smith
British Journal of Dermatology, 2013
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Skin treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis
A.R. Mason, J. Mason, M. Cork, G. Dooley, H. Hancock
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013
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Topical treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis: An abridged Cochrane Systematic Review
A. Mason, J. Mason, M. Cork, H. Hancock, G. Dooley
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2013
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Topical treatments for chronic plaque psoriasis of the scalp: a systematic review
A.R. Mason, J. Mason, M. Cork, H. Hancock, G. Dooley
British Journal of Dermatology, 2013
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Predominance of activated, clonally expanded T helper type 17 cells within the CD4+ T cell population in psoriatic lesions.
B. J. Lewis, S. Rajpara, A. M. Haggart, H. M. Wilson, R.N. Barker, and A. D. Ormerod
Clinical Experimental Immunology, 2013
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Adherence to medication in patients with psoriasis: a systemic literature review
R. J. Thorneloe, C. Bundy, C.E.M. Griffiths, D.M. Ashcroft, L. Cordingley
British Journal of Dermatology, 2013
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A pilot randomized controlled trial to examine the feasibility and efficacy of an educational nursing intervention to improve self-management practices in patients with mild-moderate psoriasis.
S. J. Ersser, F. C. Cowdell, P. G. Nicholls, S. M. Latter, and E. Healy
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2011
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Keratinocyte Apoptosis in Epidermal Remodelling and Clearance of Psoriasis Induced by UV Radiation.
S. C. Weatherhead, P.M. Farr, D. Jamieson, J. S. Hallinan, J. J. Lloyd, A. Wipat, N. J. Reynolds
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2011
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2006 - 2010

Self-management experiences in adults with mild–moderate psoriasis: an exploratory study and implications for improved support
S. J. Ersser, F. C. Cowdell, S. M. Latter, and E. Healy
British Journal of Dermatology, 2010
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Skin conditions in the UK : a health care needs assessment.
J. Schofield, D. Grindlay and H. Williams
ISBN 13 978 085358 261 8, Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology, 2009
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Differential contribution of CDKAL1 variants to psoriasis, Crohn's disease and type II diabetes
M. Quaranta, A. D. Burden, C. E. M. Griffiths, J. Worthington, J. N. Barker, R. C. Trembath and F. Capon
Genes and Immunity, 2009
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Severely Photosensitive Psoriasis: A Phenotypically Defined Patient Subset
K. J. Rutter, R.E.B. Watson, L. F. Cotterell, T. Brenn, C.E.M. Griffiths, L.E. Rhodes
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2009
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Psoriasis is associated with pleiotropic susceptibility loci identified in type II diabetes and Crohn disease.
N. Wolf, M. Quaranta, N. J. Prescott, M. Allen, R. Smith, A. D. Burden, J. Worthington, C. E. M. Griffiths, C. G. Mathew, J. N. Barker, F. Capon, R. C. Trembath
Journal of Medical Genetics, 2008
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Identification of ZNF313 / RNF114 as a novel psoriasis susceptibility gene
F. Capon, M. J. Bijlmakers, N. Wolf, M. Quaranta, U. Huffmeier, M. Allen, K. Timms, V. Abkevich, A. Gutin, R. Smith, R. B. Warren, H. S. Young, J. Worthington, A. D. Burden, C. E.M. Griffiths, A. Hayday, F. O. Nestle, A. Reis, J. Lanchbury, J. N. Barker, R. C. Trembath
Human Molecular Genetics, 2008
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G-protein-dependent and -independent pathways regulate proteinase-activated receptor-2 mediated p65 NFκB serine 536 phosphorylation in human keratinocytes
F. G. Goh, C. M. Sloss, M. R. Cunningham, M. Nilsson, L. Cadalbert, R. Plevin
Cellular Signalling, 2008
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Inhibition of calcium-independent phospholipase A impairs agonist-induced calcium entry in keratinocytes.
K. Ross, G. Parker, M. Whitaker, and N. J. Reynolds
British Journal of Dermatology, 2008
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β-Papillomaviruses and psoriasis: an intra-patient comparison of human papillomavirus carriage in skin and hair
J. G. Cronin, D. Mesher, K. Purdie, H. Evans, J. Breuer, C. A. Harwood, J. M. McGregor, and C. M. Proby
British Journal of Dermatology, 2008
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The Psoriatic Transcriptome Closely Resembles That Induced by Interleukin-1 in Cultured Keratinocytes, Dominance of Innate Immune Responses in Psoriasis
J. B. Mee, C. M. Johnson, N. Morar, F. Burslem, and R. W. Groves
The American Journal of Pathology, 2007
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Increased Blood Levels of IgG Reactive with Secreted Streptococcus pyogenes Proteins in Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
R. G. El-Rachkidy, J. M. Hales, P. P.E. Freestone, H. S. Young, C. E.M. Griffiths, R. D.R. Camp
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2007
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2000 - 2005

Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms, particularly the novel A-1012G promoter polymorphism, are associated with vitamin D3 responsiveness and non-familial susceptibility in psoriasis
J. A. Halsall, J. E. Osborne, J. H. Pringle, P. E. Hutchinson
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, 2005
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Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphisms are associated with psoriasis but do not determine disease response to acitretin
E. Campalani, M. H. Allen, D. Fairhurst, H. S. Young, C. O. Mendonca, A. D. Burden, C. E. M. Griffiths, M. A. Crook, J. N. W. N. Barker, and C. H. Smith
British Journal of Dermatology, 2005
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The effect of inositol supplements on the psoriasis of patients taking lithium: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
S.J.R. Allan, G.M. Kavanagh, R.M. Herd, J.A.Savin
British Journal of Dermatology, 2004
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Psychological Distress Impairs Clearance of Psoriasis in Patients Treated With Photochemotherapy
G. Fortune, H. L. Richards, B. Kirby, K. McElhone, T. Markham, S. Rogers, C. J. Main, C. E. M. Griffiths.
Archives of Dermatology, 2003
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Attentional Bias for Psoriasis-Specific and Psychosocial Threat in Patients with Psoriasis
D.G. Fortune, H. L. Richards, A. Corrin, R. J. Taylor, C. E. M. Griffiths, C. J. Main
Journal of Behavioural Medicine, 2003
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Identification of a novel psoriasis susceptibility locus at 1p and evidence of epistasis between PSORS1 and candidate loci
C. D. Veal, R. L. Clough, R. C. Barber, S. Mason, D. Tillman, B. Ferry, A. B. Jones, M. Ameen, N. Balendran, S. H. Powis, A. D. Burden, J. N. W. N. Barker, R. C. Trembath
Journal of Medical Genetics, 2001
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Psoriatic keratinocytes show reduced IRF-1 and STAT 1-alpha activation in response to gamma-IFN
M. Jackson, S. E. M. Howie, R. Weller, E. Sabin, J. A. A. Hunter, R. C. McKenzie
The FASEB Journal, 1999
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Novel Genetic Association Between the Corneodesmosin (MHC S) Gene and Susceptibility to Psoriasis
R. Tazi Ahnini, N. J. Camp, M. J. Cork, J. B. Mee, S. G. Keohane, G. W. Duff, F. S. di Giovine
Human Molecular Genetics, 1999
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The antiproliferative effect of lectin from the edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) on human keratinocytes: preliminary studies on its use in psoriasis
Parslew, Jones, Rhodes and Sharpe
British Journal of Dermatology, 1999
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Characterization of the Major Susceptibility Region for Psoriasis at Chromosome 6p21.3
N. Balendran, R. L. Clough, J. R. Arguello, R. Barber, C. Veal, A. B. Jones, J. L. Rosbotham, A. M. Little, A. Madrigal, J. N.W.N. Barker, S. H. Powis, R. C. Trembath
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1999
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Antigen Receptor β Chain Variable Region Usage by CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells in Psoriasis
R. D. R. Camp, M. A. Vekony
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1998
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Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphism and Calcipotriol Response in Patients with Psoriasis
J. B. Mee, M. J. Cork
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1998
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Identification of a major susceptibility locus on chromosome 6p and evidence for further disease loci revealed by a two stage genome-wide search in psoriasis
R. C. Trembath, R. L. Clough, J. L. Rosbotham, A. B. Jones, R. D. R. Camp, A. Frodsham, J. Browne, R. Barber, J. Terwilliger, G. M. Lathrop and J. N. W. N. Barker
Human Molecular Genetics, 1997
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Postal questionnaire study of disability in the community associated with psoriasis
P. O'Neill and P. Kelly
British Journal of Dermatology, 1996
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Suprabasal integrin expression in the epidermis of transgenic mice results in developmental defects and a phenotype resembling psoriasis
J. M. Carroll, M. R. Romero, F. M.Watt
Cell, 1995
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Up-Regulation of p21WAF1/CIP1 in Psoriasis and After the Application of Irritants and Tape Stripping
E. Healy, N. J. Reynolds, M. D. Smith, D. Harrison, E. Doherty, C. Campbell, J. L. Rees
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1995
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Down-regulation of Langerhans cell protein kinase C-β isoenzyme expression in inflammatory and hyperplastic dermatoses
N. J. Reynolds, J. Y. Yi, G. J. Fisher, K. D. Cooper, J. J. Voorhees and C. E. M. Griffiths
British Journal of Dermatology, 1995
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Differential inhibition of cutaneous T-cell-mediated reactions and epidermal cell proliferation by cyclosporin A, FK-506, and rapamycin.
J. I. Duncan
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1994
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Blood mononuclear cells from patients with psoriasis exhibit an enhanced adherence to cultured vascular endothelium
F. Leroy, K. A. Brown, M. W. Greaves, A. J. Vora, B. Slavin, M. Robinson, B. A. Ellis, P. M. Dowd, D. C. Dumonde
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1991
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The Effect of Supplementation with Selenium and Vitamin E in Psoriasis
G. M. Fairris, B. Lloyd, L. Hinks, P. J. Perkins and B. E. Clayton
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 1989
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An investigation of the ability of antipsoriatic drugs to inhibit calmodulin activity: a possible mode of action of dithranol (anthralin)
W. F. Tucker, S. MacNeil, R. A. Dawson, S. Tomlinson, S. S. Bleehen
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1986
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Effect of ischemia and reperfusion of pig skin flaps on epidermal glycogen metabolism
C. S. Harmon, M. R. Masser, P. J. Phizackerley
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1986
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A Study of Uniaxial Tension on the Superficial Dermal Microvasculature
R. L. Barnhill, D. L. Bader, T. J. Ryan
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1984
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Biochemical Modulation of Angiogenesis in the Chorioallantoic Membrane of the Chick Embryo
R. L. Barnhill, and T. J. Ryan
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1983
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The effects of starvation and re-feeding on glycogen metabolism in mouse tail skin.
C. S. Harmon, P. J. Phizackerley
Biochemical Journal, 1983
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Thesis Library

The availability of a thesis will depend on whether it has been embargoed, which means that the thesis has been completed but no-one can read it yet. The embargo can last for months or years. This allows the researcher time to publish their work as research papers before the thesis becomes available.


Identifying Candidate Biomarkers of Clinical Response to Ustekinumab in Psoriasis

Shane Solanky, supervised by Professor Jonathan Barker and Dr Paola Di Meglio.

King’s College London

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Investigating the therapeutic benefits of exercise in patients with psoriasis

Rory Sheppard, supervised by Dr Helen Young and Professor Catherine O’Neill

University of Manchester

Investigating the genetic determinants of palmoplantar pustulosis

Ariana Hernandez-Cordero, supervised by Professor Francesca Capon and Professor Catherine Smith

King’s College London

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Attentional bias in itch & psoriasis

Sarah Elizabeth Etty, supervised by Dr Henning Holle and Dr David George

University of Hull

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Deregulation of Epidermal Autophagy Using Psoriasis as a Chronic Inflammatory Skin Disease Model

Nadia Uddin, supervised by Dr Daniele Bergamaschi

Queen Mary University of London

An Investigation into the Risk of Cancer in Patients with Psoriasis treated with Biologic Therapy

Shamarke Esse, supervised by Professor Richard Warren and Dr Kayleigh Mason.

University of Manchester

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Analysis of cancerous and pre-cancerous skin lesions to generate a repository for studying the mutation burden of UV

Noeline Dharini Nadarajah, supervised by Professor Eugene Healy, Dr Mat Rose-Zerilli and Professor John Holloway

University of Southampton

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Characterization of novel candidate genes for pustular psoriasis

Thanos Niaouris, supervised by Professor Francesca Capon and Professor Catherine Smith

King’s College London


Neuropsychological Morbidity in Psoriasis

Susan Moschogianis, supervised by Professor Christopher Griffiths, Professor Rebecca Elliott, Dr Shane Mckie and Dr Elise Kleyn.

University of Manchester

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The role of interactions between mast cells and nerve fibres in psoriasis

Haris H. Atmoko, supervised by Professor Silvia Bulfone-Paus and Professor Christopher Griffiths

University of Manchester

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Not just skin deep: circulating lipids in a “localised” disease and their role in angiogenesis

Jemma Alanna Jane Paterson, supervised by Dr Timothy Millar and Dr Alan Hunt

University of Southampton

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2016 - 2020

The Genetic Basis of Pustular Psoriasis and its Overlap with Psoriasis Vulgaris
Dorottya Maria Berki, supervised by Dr Francesca Capon, Professor Richard Trembath and Professor Jonathan Barker
King's College London, 2016                                                             
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Oxidised lipids and their role in the immunopathology of psoriasis
Michael Olding, supervised by Dr Tim Millar, Dr Mike Arden-Jones and Professor Eugene Healy
University of Southampton, 2017
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The role of exercise on cardiovascular disease risk in psoriasis
Lisa Auker, supervised by Dr Helen Young, Professor Christopher Griffiths and Dr Lis Cordingley
University of Manchester, 2017

Psoriasis and sleep deprivation
Alasdair Henry, supervised by Professor Chris Bundy, Dr Simon Kyle and Dr Anna Chisholm
University of Manchester, 2018

An investigation into genetic factors which discriminate psoriasis from psoriatic arthritis
Eftychia Bellou, supervised by Professor Richard Warren, Dr John Bowes and Professor Anne Barton
University of Manchester, 2018

Cell and tissue specific functional genomics of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Alicia Lledo Lara, supervised by Dr Julian Knight and Dr A J Berlanga-Taylor

University of Oxford, 2019

A role for connexin-mediated signalling events in the pathogenesis of psoriasis

Erin O'Shaughnessy, supervised by Dr Patricia Martin, Professor Ann Graham, Dr Sue Lang, Dr Mozheh Zamiri and Dr William Duffy

Glasgow Caledonian University, 2019

Characterisation of novel pathogenic pathways for generalised pustular psoriasis

Marika Catapano, supervised by Dr Francesca Capon

King's College London, 2019

2012 - 2015

A molecular genetic analysis of Crohn's disease susceptibility loci in psoriasis

Maria Quaranta, supervised by Dr Francesca Capon, Professor Richard Trembath and Professor Jonathan Barker
King's College London, 2012
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Investigating medication adherence in psoriasis: Exploring the role of illness perceptions, medication beliefs, and emotional distress

Rachael Jane Thorneloe, supervised by Dr Lis Cordingley, Professor Darren Ashcroft and Professor Christopher Griffiths
University of Manchester, 2014
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