Dithranol Preparations
Dithranol has been used to treat psoriasis for many years, and was traditionally applied by nurses in a hospital ward. Modern dithranol preparations mean that people are able to use it themselves at home, although it can be time-consuming and messy.
What is dithranol?
Dithranol has been used in the treatment of psoriasis since the nineteenth century. Dithranol is
thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, and slows down the over-production of skin cells,
which is a problem in psoriasis.
It was traditionally used in a hospital and applied by a Dermatology Nurse. As the availability of
ready-made applications of Dithranol improved, people were able to use it at home.
Unfortunately, the ready-made applications are no longer available and so dithranol treatments
are now only available via a prescription from your doctor requesting that a special-order is made
by the pharmacist. The type of dithranol made via special-order prescription comes as an
ointment. Dithranol treatments are no longer manufactured for general sale in pharmacies.
Dithranol can be an effective treatment for some if used correctly, with no significant long-term
side effects, although it is not often prescribed currently
When should dithranol treatments be used?
Dithranol can irritate skin that does not have psoriasis on it, so it is most appropriate for well-defined plaques of psoriasis on the limbs or torso.
Dithranol is usually not suitable for psoriasis plaques that are small or widespread across the body, such as in guttate psoriasis. Dithranol is also not suitable for pustular forms of psoriasis.
You should not use dithranol treatments on sensitive areas of the body, such as the face, genitals
or skin folds, unless specifically told to by a doctor and it should be kept away from your eyes.
How should dithranol be used?
What are the side effects of dithranol?
Tips for using dithranol treatments
Types of Dithranol treatment
For information on the different types of dithranol treatments available to treat psoriasis, take a look at our dithranol information sheet.
January 2023 (Review Date: September 2026)