Psoriasis and Employment

Psoriasis can have an impact on your professional as well as personal life. Find out more about psoriasis and employment.

People with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis can sometimes find that their condition has an effect on other parts of their lives - notably, their work. Changes may need to be made in order to effectively manage their condition at work, and they may be asked questions about their health when starting a new job. Although there are certain occupations that could cause problems for people with psoriasis, these are very few; many professional avenues are open to people with psoriasis, especially when given the support they need from their employers.

Tips for managing psoriasis at work

  • Educate your employer and colleagues about your condition. Although psoriasis awareness is increasing, there are still many people who do not know what it is, or do not understand the extent of the condition. People who work in occupations that involve direct contact with the customer (e.g. checkout operatives, hairdressers, children’s nursery assistants) may experience wary looks or unkind comments from customers or colleagues. Explain that psoriasis is not contagious or infectious, but also be honest about how it might affect your abilities, the way it may make you feel, and the time-consuming nature of certain treatments. The Psoriasis Association can provide you with materials to help with this.
  • Work with your employer to find solutions to help you do your job and manage your psoriasis at the same time. This might include working more flexible hours to accommodate medical appointments, extra sets of uniforms, protective clothing (e.g. gloves) to prevent worsening patches of psoriasis, or facilities to apply emollients.
  • Don’t forget the importance of moisturising your skin throughout the day. Dispense some of your moisturiser into a small pot that you can keep in your office, bag or locker, meaning you can then apply the moisturiser whenever it is convenient. If you regularly travel or stay away from home, you could also keep a separate moisturiser in your travel bag, to ensure you always have it with you.
  • Moisturise with a lighter cream in the morning and a thicker ointment when going to bed. This should help to keep your skin moisturised, but also mean you don’t feel greasy throughout the day.
  • It is understandable that you may wish to cover up your psoriasis for work or certain meetings or events. There are a number of camouflage products to help you do this, available either on prescription from a GP or via organisations such as Changing Faces.

Problematic Occupations

Armed Forces

The Armed Forces have strict policies on recruiting people with health conditions. Widespread psoriasis is stated as a condition that precludes (prevents) entry to the army, RAF and navy. There are a number of reasons for this; service personnel often spend long periods in harsh conditions, with limited medical facilities, and experience periods of high mental and physical stress. A severe psoriasis flare-up could be debilitating, preventing that person from carrying out their duties and therefore putting themselves and others in danger. If your psoriasis is mild and you are considering a career in the Armed Forces, you should get in touch with the relevant careers centre to discuss your application.

Food Handling

Organisations in the food handling industry are cautious about employing people with skin conditions. The Food Standards Agency’s Fitness to Work Guidelines (2009) state that no person with a skin infection or open sores, or suffering from a disease that is likely to be transmitted through food, should be permitted to handle food or enter a food handling area. Psoriasis is not infectious or contagious, and tends not to harbour bacteria or produce open sores. If the psoriasis is in an uncovered area, it can be easily covered by a distinctive, coloured dressing to ensure a person with the condition is fit to work in food handling.

People with psoriasis on their hands may find repeated hand-washing, wet work and cold conditions may make it worse, and so should work with their employer to ensure protective gloves are available.

Physical, Outdoor, Construction

Cold or overly warm weather, wind, rain, and many industrial materials and chemicals can all worsen psoriasis. It’s important, therefore, for the individual worker to know their limits and, again, work with their employer to ensure relevant protective clothing is available. However, the presence of psoriasis should not be a reason to not employ someone in this area.

Medical Professions

Again, the continuous hand-washing required to comply with hygiene standards may make psoriasis on the hands worse, but it may be possible to manage this through regular moisturising breaks. People who work in the medical professions must report any skin condition which makes it difficult to carry out hand hygiene procedures. They may require support from their superiors whilst they receive treatment, and may need to be moved to non-clinical duties for a period of time.

Anecdotally, leading psoriasis experts have stated that psoriasis is not particularly prone to infection or harbouring bacteria, however, any open wounds could pose a risk in a medical setting, and so should be covered. Patients may be wary of being treated by someone with a visible skin condition, and so it may be good practice to keep psoriasis covered by clothing or dressings, or to explain to patients what the condition is and that it is not contagious.

The professional bodies listed below publish guidance on hygiene, infection control and professional standards which can be consulted on this issue. Although careful planning and management is needed to ensure hygiene and safety standards are met by an employee with psoriasis; in most cases it is not a reason to not pursue a medical career.

General Medical Council

Royal College of Nursing

Royal College of Physicians

Recent changes to employment laws

As of April 6th 2024, changes to work laws came into place across England, Scotland and Wales. These changes aim to make workplaces more flexible. They should be helpful to those living with chronic conditions like psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.

Flexible Working:

Under the Employment Rights (Flexible Working) Act 2023, employees can now make two requests for flexible working arrangements per year, from the first day of their employment.

Employers must respond within two months and give justification if the request is denied. There is no need for the employee to explain how the request might impact their role.

Carer’s Leave:

The Carer’s Leave Act 2023 now allows employees to take one week of unpaid leave each year to care for loved ones.

This includes those with disabilities, elderly family members, or anyone facing long-term illness or injury. You can take this leave as soon as you start a new job, and no qualifying period is required.

Pregnant Employee Leave:

Pregnant employees now have more protection from job loss in accordance with the Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act 2023.

The legislation protects pregnant employees from being made redundant for 18 months as of the date they notify their employer of their pregnancy.

Paternity Leave:

Changes to the Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024, will give expectant parents greater say in how they take their two weeks of paternity leave.

Now, the leave can be split into two separate weeks and be taken at any time during the first year after their baby is born. Also, only 28 days' notice is required for each week of leave, instead of the previous 15 weeks’ notice.

For more information you can visit:

Financial support if you are in/out of work

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

Sometimes living with a long-term condition may mean needing to take time off work. Some employers may have their own sickness policy, which will state how much pay you are entitled to when off sick. Statutory sick pay (SSP) is the minimum that an employee is entitled to, and is paid by an employer once you have been ill for four days in a row, including non-working days.

It is paid in the same way as a person’s normal wages (weekly or monthly, for example), for a period of up to 28 weeks. The standard rate currently is £116.75 per week, although tax and National Insurance will be deducted from this, as they would from normal wages. To be eligible, your earnings must be at or above the lower earnings limit (currently £123 per week), and you must have told your employer of your illness by their set deadline, or within seven days if they do not have a deadline.

An employer cannot terminate your contract to avoid paying you SSP, but they can make their own requirements for proof that you’re unable to work. You will need to provide a doctor’s Fit Note after being off sick for seven days. Other factors may influence eligibility for SSP, including how many days you work a week, how long you have been off sick and whether you have been off sick in the previous eight weeks.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is for people who are on a low income (whether in or out of work). Entitlement is worked out by looking at your income and your circumstances, including if you are single or living with a partner, if you have children, if you or your child are disabled, or if you have a health condition that prevents you from working. You may need to have a work capability assessment to see how your disability or health condition affects your ability to work. There are numerous different rates of Universal Credit, depending on the personal circumstances of the claimant.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

PIP is a benefit for people aged between 16 and 64 who have a disability or long-term health condition.

PIP is based on how each individual’s condition affects them, not on the condition itself, although there are specific rules for the terminally ill. PIP applicants will have an assessment to see how their condition affects their ability to live independently and do everyday things such as move around, communicate, get dressed and make food.

You can claim PIP whether you are in or out of work.

PIP is made up of a Daily Living Component and a Mobility Component, and applicants may be entitled to one or the other, or both.

These are paid at standard and enhanced rates visible in the table overleaf:

The above information is available in our benefits information sheet.


The information on this page is also available in our employment issues information sheet.

Living with a long-term condition such as psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis can impact a person’s work life. There are options and financial support available to those who are eligible. You can learn more about them in our benefits information sheet.

March 2025 (Review Date: March 2026)