Itchy feet

Posted Mon 21 Jan 2013 14.08 by Shirley
I was diagnosed with pustular psoriasis in July 2012. I have tried different treatments, tropical steroids, emollients,currently I am on a c

I suffer with hand& foot ps, feet are very itchy driving me mad, anybody got tips or suggestions on what I could try. Using hydramol ointment which I thicken on feet under cotton socks. Waiting to go for puva treatment anybody had this ? Would like your comments on this.

Posted Tue 12 Feb 2013 14.11 by carinabalbo

Hi all, Unfortunately, I cannot be of any help at this moment, suggesting which product you could use. However, I you could help me with some research I am conducting at the moment, which might be of any help for you in the long term. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Carina Balbo and I am the Local Project Manager (in the UK) of the MAPI INSTITUTE, based in Lyons, France. At the moment, I need to conduct cognitive interviews to 5 patients based in the UK who suffer from NAIL or PLAQUE PSORIASIS, and by reading your post I thought you may suffer from this condition. Am I correct? The aim of this interview is initially to discuss the wording of self-administered questionnaires used to detect patients with this disease. They were designed in the USA and adapted to UK English. We now have to "pilot" them to make sure they can be understood by all patients. I assure you everything is SERIOUS, and confidentiality is 100% guaranteed. To those of you who are reading this post, and would like to collaborate in this project, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information and/or a reference letter: Many thanks in advance. Carina

1 Posted Thu 10 Jul 2014 08.38 by bev61
First got plantar psoriasis in 2009. I have been in remission until April 2014, but it has now returned with a vengeance.

Yes, I feel your discomfort. I have been in remission for 5 years, but have had a very nasty flare up this year. My consultant has prescribed a Dermovate/Propylene Glycol lotion for nights, and a Dermovate/Coal Tar ointment for the day. At night I wrap my feet in clingfilm. Obviously you can't use Dermovate throughout the day, so I have recently tried applying Epaderm ( you can get it over the counter at chemists) regularly throughout the day then putting soft socks on. It softens the plaques, & seems to ease the itching. I am retired so I've got the flexibility to apply lotions etc. I have been applying the Epaderm hourly. If I am really desperate at night, I take a couple of Paracodol tablets & this does relax me and helps me sleep. Sometimes I resort to a bag of ice with an application of Derma cream or Diprobase lotion afterwards. Hope at least one of these remedies gives you some relief.

Posted Thu 10 Jul 2014 08.41 by bev61
First got plantar psoriasis in 2009. I have been in remission until April 2014, but it has now returned with a vengeance.

Sorry - forgot one thing. My consultant has prescribed a tablet called Neotigason. Tablets do carry risks, but I have been on Methotrexate before & that cleared my psoriasis for a very long time.

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