
Posted Sun 8 Jan 2017 18.00 by stacey77

Hi I'm new to the forum & looking for some advice. I have really sever psoriasis on my scalp behind & in my ear also on my chest & in my nails I've got steroid cream & gel from docs but it never goes away. It can get really painful on my chest, stings like crazy when I get in a shower & the fact that it looks like a crusty snow storm on my head & shoulders all the time is starting to really affect me. Just wondering if there was anything over the counter or natural products that anyone as found that as helped. Tia

Posted Sun 8 Jan 2017 22.28 by Dianep2

Hi I'm new as well and having the same problems as you, my prescribed ointment and moisturisers aren't doing any good, I'm scratching so much at the moment, any advice anyone can give to anything that will stop the itching, thanks.

Posted Tue 10 Jan 2017 12.56 by sugarfree

Really sorry to hear these problems. I sympathise. I was interested to read that Tia is after natural products. Please read this if you want a natural solution that worked for me and I'm not selling you anything except perhaps someone else's book and I'm not on commisison, sadly! I was diagnosed in summer 2015 and the creams helped a bit but I felt there was something wrong with me deep down. I didn't feel right. It had started in my mouth which kind of furred up. My tummy button smelled. I had red patches on my torso and they got bigger. Then all my orifices itched or hurt. I even got Psoriasis in my ears and when wax came out it was full of skin too. My scalp was covered in spots and scabs YUK! My brain wasn't working properly either. Until I wrote this I hadn't admitted how bad it was, even to myself. Then I came across a book written by Dr Sarah Myhill, a medical doctor but also a believer in alternative medicine and who keeps an open mind. She had, in my opinion, been bullied and persecuted by the medical establishment and I had been to support her at a rally at the BMA. I admit I like people who think for themselves. I know medics can be too 'establishment' - have you read about Barry Marshall who found a cure for ulcers (short course of antibiotics) but the medical establishment had refused to take any notice for years - but they do now. I therefore bought Dr Myhill's new book our of curiosity but mainly to support her. It has a pink sugary cupcake on the front fitted with Devil's horns and a tail! It can be bought from Amazon see Type 2 diabetes is a growing problem and I didn't want to get it. Also I knew that slim fit people (as I am) still get type 2 diabetes as they get older so thought there might be an explanation for this and I think there is. Basically as I see it Dr Myhill's message is to stop eating sugar and you will hopefully decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes plus your psoriasis will greatly reduce and virtually disappear too! My experience of creams and treatments 1. Eumovate useful but I try not to use it much. 2. Dermalex from Boots for Psoriasis is good but expensive but the scalp one is by far the best for me and I notice that this product often sells out. As well as using it on my scalp after shampooing (while the scalp is still wet) I use it on my forehead, eyelids and neck at night with good results. Hardly use any now though as I don't need it. 3. T Gel mild (without heavy tar) shampoo is helpful. 4. Best help of all is giving up sugar. I eat meat, fish and diary - not everyone can eat diary but I seem fine with cheese anyway. I also eat more nuts, butter, whole grains, dark chocolate, lots of vegetables and fruits especially berries. I have got to like dark chocolate at 90% but not everyone can enjoy this. Try 70% and work down. I eat the chocolate with a banana (probably ill advised but I have to eat bananas!) and also dessicated coconut that helps make the chocolate more palatable. Delicious. I've always felt better on whiskey, (Irish hence the spelling - so much smoother than Scotch - try Old Bushmills, the ordinary not more expensive kind). Stop drinking wine. Wine never suited me and now I know why. Most spirits do not contain sugar. Wine can contain a lot of sugar. Start reading every label on everything. I feel giving up sugar has got to the root of the problem whereas the creams were just dealing with the symptoms. I haven't really changed my diet in a huge way - just cut out sugar, wine, fruit juice (but not whole fruit) and jam and I've tried to reduce carbs a bit. I always liked whole grain bread and brown rice. Brown pasta is OK but not as nice as brown rice. The problem with brown rice is that it takes at least 30 minutes to cook. Solution - cook loads, cool quickly and freeze in small bags. Reheat in microwave. I feel incredibly much better, healthier and my brain is working better. So what's not to like about the sugarfree way? Who wants sugar if it brings you out in itchy scabs? Sugar gives you some energy but you often get a reaction after the body has mopped it up with insulin that leaves you feeling tired, plus you get no nutrients from sugar other than calories. I tried telling my specialist but a look came over his face that said 'mad lady alert' so I stopped. If I could quote others, that might change mightn't it? Pharmacists however are very interested - well the two I've spoken to so far were and took down the details of Dr Myhill's book. I would love to hear about anyone's experience and if going sugarfree helps or not. It does take a few months to work through however although I felt an improvement almost immediately but told myself it was probably just the placebo effect. I am just thrilled to have found something natural, health giving and easy that works! I am keeping an open mind but I do hope my experience helps others! Do please let me know. Maybe if this helps people they would be willing to let me or someone like Dr Myhill have their names so that we could persuade a university to undertake some recognised research that could really save a lot of people as well as NHS funding?

Posted Sat 14 Jan 2017 10.36 by Psolongpsoriasis

I'm in the same boat it's starting to really sting and hurt my body/scalp with my constant itching 😭!!! I would try anything to clear it.

Posted Mon 16 Jan 2017 00.42 by amani

hai sugar free.. just wanna ask,how about taking vit c? I just realized that when I ate something sweet or dairy products, my P would be viral all over my body. same goes when I got period. huhuhu..

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