Link between scalp and face psoriasis?

Posted Mon 18 Feb 2013 03.41 by peetheoff

Hi all, I dont know about any of you, but I've noticed that when my hair isn't short (I am a guy) my psoriasis seems to set in my scalp worse and then I get psoriasis inbetween my eye browns and occasionally on the sides of my nose, However when I have it cut short (and continue using T-gel) both my scalp seems to impove and the psoriais on my face seems to go away. Anyone else noticed this or have any tips? I also suffer from psoriasis on my neck just in the middle (and we always have to shave) I use "moisturing sensative skin" shaving gel but im guessing there is no point as I'm constantly shaving that area, any shaving advice guys? Cheers

Posted Sun 22 Sep 2013 21.47 by Spencer1982
From the age of 4 (now 31) I've suffered with it over many parts of my body

Hi. Been suffering from ps for 27 years now and I've been getting the same with my hair for a number of years now. Have to be brave to have it short that helps clear it up. Some times it can be hard as it shows of the redness more. I'm not getting much choice now as my hair is failing out anyway. Strangely enough though my ps has gone from where my hair use to be. I get the same on my face as well as under the nose. I was give a cream daktacort which worked for a little while but was aggravating it after a couple of days. Now borrowed daktacort ointment (seems the same apart from one says cream and the other ointment) that my 18 month old son was give as he had a eczema outbreak some months back, but that has really charmed it down and almost cleared up. Good luck hope this helps

Posted Mon 23 Sep 2013 10.49 by Spencer1982
From the age of 4 (now 31) I've suffered with it over many parts of my body

Hi, Is there any shower products you can recommend as I'm on the go a lot and never have a chance for a bath. Cheers

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