Effectiveness of Coal Tar?

Posted Sat 23 Feb 2013 00.33 by emilyjm
I've had it for the past 6 years. Covers most of my body each time it flares up (bar my face, thankfully).

Hey everyone, I'm a 22 year old female, and have endured on and off guttate and classical psoriasis for about 6 years. After tonsilitis recently, it has flared up yet again, and it is the worst it has ever been - itchy, everywhere, and just generally mood-lowering! I went to a different GP today who prescribed me a pot of 6% Coal tar. I've read some quite good things online about it, but wondered if anyone had any personal experiences/success stories? Please let me know! Thanks, Emily

Posted Sun 24 Feb 2013 14.48 by Haider

Dear Emily I'm a 43 year old male, I have a good success storey with coal tar 20%, but you must use it for 6 months / one time a day. Best Regards, Haider

Posted Thu 2 May 2013 17.31 by KT13
30 years with psoriasis. Had nearly all treatments uv, tar etc

Hi Emily I have just joined this site. Please see my comments on the Psoriasin forum. This ointment is tar based but is easier to apply KT

Posted Wed 14 May 2014 08.06 by Deejay
Hello,im deejay 32 and have had it since i was in college years,i get it on my scalp, back and legs,have tryed many treatments but the effec

Hi emilyjm, I know how it's feel and like u i started the same problem of course until now, im taking metx. tablet 10mg per week. Also I can suggest the following OTC medicines that i think will help u a lot. - Salibet or Daivobet ointment for your body - Defosalic lotion for scalp If you have additional question you can reach me thru my email deejay.perez27@gmail.com cheer up!

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