Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Fri 19 Oct 2018 14.23 by warren1 (edited Fri 19 Oct 2018 14.25 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Tim, To give it a reasonable try it is approx 20 blueberries a day for 4 - 6 weeks. I saw no obvious effect until 3 weeks onward. Thanks for the adequate info on the bowel movement lol. Any more would be too much information mate. Wouldnt rule out the gut health bit. Blueberries rule ok. Warren

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 10.35 by Sarahtenby
GP sufferer

I’m on about week 4 of the eating 20 blueberries a day experiment I am a guttate psoriasis sufferer I have tried to be healthier in regards to the rest of my diet last two weeks nowhere near perfect though and I still drink alcohol every weekend - I intend to still enjoy my life 😂 Im not totally clear but there is a difference and a huge improvement I’d happily get my arms and legs out now if I wore a dress maybe have to put a bit of body makeup on but I’m happier The psoriasis is less red and more flat and some of the patches are smaller and less flakey, maybe the next 2-3 weeks I’ll see even more improvement I’ll let you know So Phil I Thankyou for creating this thread and getting my attention I’m going to eat blueberries forever now it works out about £1 a day for me I can live with that and they are so tasty and good for you anyway.

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 10.51 by warren1 (edited Sat 20 Oct 2018 10.54 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Sarah hi, Really pleased for you. Sounds like your psoriasis is now much more bearable. Sounds like me, huge improvement but not absolutely gone. Well done in persevering, hopefully we will hear of further improvement. Amazing!!!!! I am sure, like me, you are so pleased.🙂🙂🙂🙂 Warren

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 12.34 by mummyof3monkeys84
I've suffered with plaque psoriasis for 6 years undergoing tests for psoriatic arthritis and Fibromyalgia

Hello everyone, Im going out of my mind with my Psoriasis its driving me mad! i have got plaque psoriasis and i have it all over my scalp, my ears inside and out and now its all on my eyelids! its so sore! Im just doing my weekly Tesco shop and i shall be newly joining the Blueberry plan! I really hope it will help me its driving me crazy with scratching and the bleeding! Im glad its helping people on here! congratulations to you all for being better to clear!

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 13.35 by Sarahtenby
GP sufferer

Thankyou Warren, yep not totally clear but certainly a ton better! Mummyof3monkeys your psoriais sounds really painful give this a try it sounds crazy that blueberries is helping people but it’s helped loads of us on here I buy them everyday always on my shopping list and forever more, only now 4 weeks in I’m noticing the difference Good luck let us know how you get on lots of friendly people in this thread - thread is getting so long now 😂 taking my fingers ages to scroll to read the most recent posts, I imagine it’s the most popular thread on psoriasis-association

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 16.53 by mummyof3monkeys84
I've suffered with plaque psoriasis for 6 years undergoing tests for psoriatic arthritis and Fibromyalgia

Blueberries are on there way tomorrow!! Never been so excited to eat fruit!! I’m excited so will give this a go as I am in pain from this it drives me insane with burning and itching I agree this thread is a very active one 🤣

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 17.32 by warren1 (edited Sun 21 Oct 2018 16.19 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Mummy of 3, Hi I remember having psoriasis in my scalp. A consultant told me that the psoriasis on my ears and forehead were droplets from the skelp. So when the scalp cleared the droplets cleared. In hospital they gave me tar pomade to put on my scalp at night and wash out in the morning. After about 5 nights the scalp psoriasis was vertually gone. In recent years i have been using 50/50 on my scalp at night and then wash out with Johnstons baby shampoo in the morning which i found equally effective. Having said that, the above were only temporary solutions which were too often repeated. ps. Vaseline is very similar to 50/50. The blueberry idea, is so simple just eat 20 a day. It worked for me and is working for others too. I like to help others on this thread as I know the shocking pain, stress, and embarrassment ths psoriatic plague it really is. Only a Psoriasis sufferer can truely sympathise with another one. It is a really nasty desease to live with. Keep on the blueberries. Warren

Posted Sat 20 Oct 2018 19.18 by mummyof3monkeys84
I've suffered with plaque psoriasis for 6 years undergoing tests for psoriatic arthritis and Fibromyalgia

Thank you Warren, It really is a awful thing to go through and I’m so glad I’m not alone and I’m grateful to come on here and not feel alone! I shall eat 20 blueberries a day and will keep you all updated. Does anyone else follow a diet along with the blueberries?

Posted Sun 21 Oct 2018 10.51 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Sarah, really pleased to hear about your progress and hopefully this will continue until you are fully clear like me. Hi mummyof3monkeys, I don't follow any diet, I just added in blueberries. I was cleared originally by eating Tesco's berry medley 4 times a week for a month. I buy the medley for lunch most days. Having identified the blueberry component as the key, I always have a punnet in the fridge, and I ensure that I always have 20 odd/day. Overall I recommend that you avoid too many foods that give an inflammatory response, you can Google a list. I find that I can eat more or less what I want within reason. I would say a balanced diet with some treats is OK, for me a least. If a psoriasis sufferer was to live of cake, sweets, beer and chips that could be a problem. Just add in the blueberries to your diet and see where that gets you a month from now. Good luck and keep us updated, Phil

Posted Sun 21 Oct 2018 16.35 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Mummy of 3, In the past i too have felt very alone. Especially in the midst of a flare up. All i could think about was my skin. A lot of people were very unsympathetic to the mess it caused. I told one man - just be thankful it isn'you. Any help i can give, you are very welcome to it. I have been in your shoes. Thankfully Blueberries are like the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope it will be the same for you. Warren

Posted Mon 22 Oct 2018 14.16 by Salty Backpack

Hi All, After reading this post i too am joining the blueberry club. (i hate them though) I have recently cut out Red Meat, white flour and increased my veg and fruit intake following the guidance of a book i read (sure everyone knows of it) I will also post my feedback after a couple of weeks.

Posted Wed 24 Oct 2018 12.22 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Saulty A bit of extra help with a diet to reduce inflamation may help some. I find that i can eat whatever i want, including burgers , chips, chocolate, cream buns etc and as long as i keep eating the Blueberries my psoriasis is 95%gone and maintaining. Warren

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 20.32 by Amyalexander

Hi I’m 25 and I have guttate. I actually came across this conversation because I have been taking blueberries in a shake for 2 weeks and my psoriasis is very angry so I wondered what was causing the flare up. But now I read that people has had success rather than make it worse so now I’m confused... I was struck down with ME currently house bound for the last year and I’m drinking a smoothie that’s meant to help with adrenal fatigue. It’s 1 cup of blueberries, a lemon , Maca powder, mct oil and kale. I’m wondering if it’s another ingredient causes the flare... Anyway I stopped using cream and I’m two weeks into my shake I’ve got patches coming up that are new and it’s very red angry and itchy. I’ve never experienced it being itchy before. I’m really worried as I have so much more now than I did before and it’s making me so miserable on top of being newly disabled. I’m am ontop of my stress as I’m well looked after no money trouble and a very loving partner etc. Is it normal to have a bad flare up before the blueberries start working? Any advice? Thanks x

Posted Thu 25 Oct 2018 21.46 by pdr321 (edited Thu 25 Oct 2018 23.41 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Amy, Sorry to hear about your situation with ME and the flare up, it's not normal to have a flare up while you are eating blueberries. However your method of eating the blueberries isn't one that I know, and seems a bit complicated. I know nothing about the other ingredients that you are putting in your smoothie. I don't believe anybody else, that has reported success with blueberries, has used your method of delivery. I think that a balanced diet with blueberries added (as off the bush) is the way to go. I am no expert though, and I think it likely that people get psoriasis for different reasons. I know that when you stop using some medications, that psoriasis can flare up, and I have had this happen too. A couple of weeks is not enough to see real benefit, I was not aware of any improvement after that time. If you can bear it I would just eat the berries without other supplements, and try to eat a balanced diet for a month and see where that gets you. I wish you every success and relief from your symptoms. Phil

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 08.41 by JanePoppy

Hi all I have suffered with psoriasis for 41 years. Like many of you, I have had various treatments of steroid creams, uvb treatment, spent time in hospital for bath treatments, taken methotrexate, had my tonsils out because of constant throat infections which can be the cause of a flare ups. As soon as stopping any treatment, the nature of the devil is, it would always return. I recently have had another flare up, which is when I looked at this forum. Thanks to Phil and the rest of you for sharing the miricle blueberry story, I can confirm that my psoriasis is a lot flatter, less angry and sore thanks to eating about 30 blueberries a day for the last three weeks. Long may this continue! Jane

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 12.54 by Jelb3195

Hi everyone. I have been suffering with psoriasis since 2011, cause by stress they think. Had 90% body coverage by 2012 and tried numerous creams/tablets. Eventually they moved me onto metatrexate. Which did work. My dosage went from 10x 2.5mg weekly, to 5x2.5mg weekly. After finding this page in the summer, decided to give blueberries a try. I have now managed to stop my meds and it's worked. I did go a few weeks without eating blueberries so did have a slight flare up, but nothing like I use to get in the past. The main thing i'm wondering... Has anyone tried any blueberry extracts instead of actually eating them? I'm not the biggest fan of blueberries so do struggle with having to eat them daily 🙈 even drinking them in a smoothie is becoming a chore. I've found a site that sells clean blueberry extract, each capsule has 161mg of blueberry extract (25% Opc antioxidants =40.25mg) But all of that just confuses me... so I'm hoping someone can translate as to if they think it may work? Thank you all for sharing your experiences, it's great to know I'm not alone. And that there is a way without strong medication :)

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 13.40 by Delree9

Update: So it has now been about 32 days of eating blueberries. My skin has NO new lesions, and I actually see break through skin. I stopped taking the benedryl as suggested but I am finding my skin to be as itchy as ever. I am very happy about the progress and can accept that the healing time will be a journey. Just wondering what everyone did about their extreme itcy skin during their heal process? My doublebase has not arrived yet but is do for delivery on Nov 1st. This itch almost makes me want the TREMFYA!

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 13.54 by Chrissie NW

Hi I’m a double base user, please wait till Wed. Put olive oil on the itch if desperate, don’t go on the Trem it’s only over the month it took 6-7 weeks before I noticed considerable change and I’m still clear, still eating the blueberries and the Medley from Tesco it’s well worth it, I don’t know how long you have suffered with the Psoriasis, but I think I’m the longest sufferer on this thread, 51yrs next May I’ve had everything as you can imagine, but keep to this Blueberry plan and it’s well and truly MAGIC. Chrissie NW

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 14.10 by Chrissie NW

Delree9 I’ve just answered you and I forgot to say that I hope you have ordered the correct Doublebase Gel as I don’t think they have the Doublebase Gel on Amazon the only one they sell is Doublebase Emollient Additive for Bath, this is not want you need, I may be wrong just check but I think I’m right and if it’s not being del till Wednesday you may be able to cancel, it would be no good for you. Chrissie NW

Posted Sat 27 Oct 2018 18.20 by Delree9

Chrissie: Oh! I my goodness, I hope not. It's called doublebase moisturizing & protective hydrating gel. The box appears to be purplish in color. Please reply if this the wrong one and I will cancel immediately. Thank you sooo much. Also, first breakout in Apr/May, 2018.

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