Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Wed 29 Jan 2020 05.43 by Sthnguyen

I posted on here in Nov 2019 and am giving an update. It has been 2.5 months since I started on blueberries and it has been the best single treatment that has worked for me. As a matter of fact it may even better than the Humira that I was taking. After taking the blueberries, I was able to improve further than while on the Humira alone and for the last month I have completely stopped Humira and my skin is still doing fine. I am very much 100% clear but may have an occasional itchy area or a spot or two which I take care of using some cortisone or other creams for a few days. Humira can have a long term effect so only would know for sure how well blueberries are working after a few more months. Knowing my body and the quickly my skin gets worse if I miss a dose of Humira, I do not expect my skin to get worse in the future while on blueberries, as it has not happened, but I guess I will see. I saw some discussion on here regarding eating fresh vs. frozen blueberries and I want to say that I am only using frozen blueberries (about 1 cup per day). I read that the anthocyanins which are the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant components in blueberries does not degrade much when frozen, only a slight loss or none at all. I want to bring this out because for me, fresh blueberries costs about two to three times as much as frozen, but with frozen you may be able to select the variety, such as wild, organic, farmed, and northern or non specific type of blueberries frozen. Wild and northern species have more anti-inflammatory per weight than farmed or southern varieties. Fresh is better but frozen probably works as well and is much less expensive than fresh. There are also dried blueberries and blueberry extract for those who cannot get frozen or fresh blueberries. I plan to use the dried or extract while on travel. If it is not working for you, you may want to increase the amount of blueberries to at least a cup a day. Blueberries is also good for so many other things as well, such as increasing insulin sensitivity (anti-diabetic), reducing hypertension, preventing hardening of the arteries, and improving brain function. Good luck or should I say good eating everyone. I will report back several months from now

Posted Sun 2 Feb 2020 22.36 by Lasttime (edited Sun 2 Feb 2020 22.41 by Lasttime)

Update 16 days Well things are still improving and i never really expected to see much improvement at this stage. Even previous to chest infection i had noticed that Enbrel was beginning to be loosing its effectiveness but when i got chest inflection i was covered again. Started blueberries at that time within 10 days noticed improvement and itching which i am quite immune to after all these years. No skin build up at all not using any other creams or lotions. Have noticed when i am hot or sweating after exercise it looks quite red and inflamed but a couple of hours later its back to its normal self. At 14 days i noticed quite a few more small patches but no build up sill amazing really as i have missed two embrel injections and it would normally be horrific by now. Can not encourage people enough to really give this a try and imo i would give it at least 3 months before giving up everyone's P responds differently and at different rates to different things. This is on power with any treatment that worked for me at this time. Was chatting to someone (young guy) with it on hands and face , been there so understand what he is going through, started to tell him about blueberries and my experience and this thread. He replied he hated the taste and was due to start methotrexate soon. Explained a few experiences to him and suggested he tries and endures the taste he may be surprised. Will update in a few weeks

Posted Sat 8 Feb 2020 07.01 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Hi I tried daily blueberries, cutting out citrus fruits, gluten and nightshade veg, low fat and much less refined sugar. I don't smoke or drink. Skin really improved then flared. I have kept the healthy eating g going to though. I was on humira for 4 years and it worked fantasically (almost instant). At year 3 I stated suffering neuroligical nerve ending issues (tingling in feet, fingers, legs etc.,), had various tests and MRIs and humira was stopped. I stayed psoriasis free for a few months then it started to reappear. Neurological issues continued and so did the flare. I started the diet above at Christmas and had good initial skin reaction. However, for me, my skin then started to flare and hasn't stopped. My psoriasis is relentless unless on a drug therapy so my dermatologists have suggested I start ustekinumab (Stelara). As scared as I am, I feel i have no choice. I've never had those periods of inactive psoriasis unless on strong drugs. I'm really pleased so many get relief from changing something small but it obviously doesn't work for everyone. Always try though x

Posted Mon 10 Feb 2020 17.59 by Lasttime (edited Mon 10 Feb 2020 18.00 by Lasttime)

Update 22 days Sticking with it probably eating 40 or so twice a day, eating a bit more fruit oranges ,bananas cut out a lot of refined sugar very rarely drink and dont smoke After stage of more red patches appearing they are fading and breaking up ,slight itching has calmed down. No plaque build up and remains quite flat truly amazed, from reading the whole thread it looks like time scale and amount needed could be different from person to person. Think you need to really stick with it for at least 3 months before judging results imo give it a reasonable time scale. Glad i took photos every week it helps you notice the subtle changes over time

Posted Mon 10 Feb 2020 18.34 by Sthnguyen

Sizzy, I agree that you should use biologics if necessary to control and get rid of your psoriasis. What I did was slowly reduce my biologics over time so that my skin was still while trying other remedies. My prescription medicine was my fall back medicine as necessary. I was actually able to reduce my biologics over three years using other herbal medicine to about 1/8th of what I needed but now with blueberries I am able to completely not use it. The biologics will continue to be my backup plan. My path was not a straight line. My skin improved ever slowly over time and there were times where I had breakouts but the breaks outs were less and less. I only found this group after trying something else out that completely wiped out three years of hard work. But now I am 100% clear. It takes time for your body to normalize, sometimes years, as in my case, and even then not fool proof. Blueberries is the magic bullet for me in regards to completing my regiment of things I do to completely get rid of my psoriasis.

Posted Tue 11 Feb 2020 21.28 by andrea
have had p for too many years

After reading so many positive outcomes back in 2018 I decided to try the blueberry challenge. At the time I was on 17.5 mg Methotrexate which was loosing its potency and my P was appearing once more as guttate on my body & legs. I was dreading summer so I forked out for a 9 tube uvb machine. As I have had uvb in hospital on & off over the years I treated the use of this machine with great caution starting with a low dose at 30 seconds and gradually increasing until all had disappeared except for a couple of stubborn patches on my legs. Still I kept on daily with eating about 15 blueberries daily. Four months later & my skin started improving. In November 2019 I have finally & gradually reduced the Methotrexate to 5mg. Still on the blueberries !! I am thrilled & my dermatologist is too!! I am planning to reduce the Methotrexate to just 2.5mg then come off it & see how I go if my skin is still clear as it is now with only a small patch on each leg. I

Posted Wed 12 Feb 2020 08.20 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

I've been taking blueberries for 3 months now. Globally it has improved but it is extremely slow and there are ups and downs, which makes me doubt I will ever be really clear. If some of you have experienced progress over a very long period thanks to BB, let us know!! Thanks!

Posted Fri 14 Feb 2020 13.47 by MarkGlasgow - from Rutherglen
Hi i,ve had psoriasis since i was 38 and each year new creams come out and new flare ups from literally head to toe,i,m a bit sad

Hi guys I,m a long time sufferer since I was 38,now at 48 after UV treatment and various creams and lotions I think I,ll try blueberrys as I feel a lost cause when on holiday as its taken up 99% of my body and I feel like people stare at me when they see all the dots all over me

Posted Sun 16 Feb 2020 20.28 by Eatmorechocolate

Hi Ellie what injection? Hi Mark Glasgow Please give it good try. It has taken 9 months for a patch on the base of my foot to gradually disappear completely. My scalp and shin are taking longer but so much better than a year ago. Other than the blueberries I now eat a ‘normal’ diet Including moderate alcohol, gluten, dairy and nightshades. I add kefir and kombucha most days. I think there are no natural quick fixes. If it takes months to develop the imbalance that causes flares it makes sense to take a long time to recover the balance.

Posted Wed 19 Feb 2020 08.10 by Em

Do the blueberries have to be wild blueberries? If yes where can I buy them from. I’m so pleased such a natural healthy way of beating psoriasis has worked for so many. X

Posted Wed 19 Feb 2020 10.32 by Lasttime

Think wild blueberries would be great if you can be sure they safe {no pesticides ect) I eat commercially grown (ie supermarket purchased) Even frozen if you have problems at times. I can see a definite improvement @30 days The original posts said around a month i would give it quite a bit longer as some of the above posts say. Then make a decision about continuing Would be a shame to miss a possible remedy by not giving it a fair trial

Posted Wed 19 Feb 2020 14.42 by Sthnguyen

Em, After reading much on blueberries, northern wild blueberries may have more anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory content but regular blueberries (non-northern or farm raised) will work just as well. You may have to take just a little more (10-20%) than wild northern variety. So in terms of content of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory in ranking: 1) wild northern blueberries (best) 2) farm raised blueberries (frozen or fresh) 3) freeze dried blueberries (almost as good as fresh or frozen) 4) dried blueberries dried blueberries lose the most of its active properties when heat dried. I say get whatever you can get, preferably organic to avoid man-made chemicals, and because you will be eating lots of it. Probably more important to control your psoriasis than to worry about being perfect on it. My mom is 87 years old, still drives everywhere and is still healthy and fit and she never touched one ounce of organic food as price is more important to her. Not even sure she knows what it means. She just eats well balance meals, eats practically everything and avoids nothing but she does it in moderation.

Posted Thu 20 Feb 2020 12.08 by Em

Thank you for you reply’s. I’m just come off a deep detox to try and rid myself of any toxins. And had a pundit of blueberries for the first time in an attempt to rid myself using blueberries. Well I got very itchy, has anyone else experienced this on day 1? Could you please give me a breakdown of the effects eg, itching in week 1, week 2 more flakes, etc etc. Thank you so much. I just want to make sure I’m on the right track. Xx

Posted Thu 20 Feb 2020 21.06 by Samb88

I have suffered with psoarisis since around the age of 14 I'm now 31. I first got it through injury and that covered my whole body then for yrs I only suffered with it on my head irritating but manageable, But over the last 2 yrs I've had 3 massive outbreaks that have covered my whole body for over 8 months at a time so basically been constantly covered. I've tried all treatments from the docs and they never help. I try to keep my skin as moisturised as possible and always clean. After reading this forum even though I hate them I'm going to start eating blueberries daily I work in a shop so shouldn't be too hard to get hold of them 🤣 I've thought about all routes to go and nothing seems to work. I get so depressed from it all the time and think the stress makes it a thousand times worse.

Posted Fri 21 Feb 2020 16.38 by Sthnguyen

Em Your increased in itching could be from: 1) an allergic reaction 2) normal flareup 3) temporary reaction to changes in your body chemistry from the blueberries. The only thing I would be worried about is an allergy. Blueberries have salicylate which some people are allergic to. Even if you have not had an allergy to blueberries in the past you can still have one now due to a new sensitivity or the amount that you are eating. If it is 3) then you should stick to it for a while to see if the itching subsides. People on this forum have already discussed their skin getting worse before getting better. Only you can decide what is best for you and what may be happening in your body.

Posted Fri 21 Feb 2020 17.04 by Dodger_girl

I was more itchy for like a week or 2, but I'm much better now. Have been eating blueberries since beginning of January, and skin is really clear now.

Posted Tue 25 Feb 2020 09.29 by KC

Hello. I am new here in terms of putting comments but I have been reading this whole thread since last year. I am really happy to read some successful testimonies from people and hoping I could do the same thing in the Philippines. Here, it is very difficult to get fresh blueberries and I decided to put this practice on hold until I find some source that could sustain/provide the products for at least 3 months. I'm wondering if blueberry juice could do the magic as well since that's the only thing I could get at the moment without any problems. Brand is the one sold in Healthy Options. Hope someone could assist me and help me start this blueberry diet Thank you! :)

Posted Tue 25 Feb 2020 13.25 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hi KC, I took fresh BB for months and it improved my skin slowly. Last week I went on a cruise, So I took the ampoules I had bought:,2128.html It seems to be working the same way, I take one a day. You can probably find the same thing on other internet sites, it is pure organic BB juice, nothing added. Also I've noticed that since I took care of my chronic gingivitis my pso has improved more positively, I am convinced that the BB work better if you remove your original trigger. Good luck to you!! Kris

Posted Tue 25 Feb 2020 13.33 by KC

Thank you. I'll update everyone after a few weeks.

Posted Thu 27 Feb 2020 11.45 by Lasttime (edited Thu 27 Feb 2020 11.46 by Lasttime)

I noticed a itching after first few days of starting blueberries and it continued off and on for 3 weeks. I put it down to changes and the start of healing of skin. Dont be put off by the odd flare up i had 2 or 3 that looked really red but settled within a couple of days. Been @38 days now not clear but amazing on plaque build up just red patches fading and shrinking do not be put off if it seems to spread in early stages. Telling sign its going in right direction for me was the lack of plaque build up. It may look at times like nothing is happening but do not let that put you off. Some people had fantastic results after a month some myself included seem to take longer. I would suggest giving it 3-6 months at least. The results are amazing and i carn not recommend enough you give it a real trial

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