Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 2 Mar 2020 09.33 by KC

To those who had their skin cleared up, were the scars/discolorations addressed too?

Posted Tue 3 Mar 2020 21.29 by Zaid

i have had psoriasis for more than 25 years and it was almost limited to the skin condition. i tried MTX at one stage and it helped in improving the condition but it is still there. topicals such as Divobet and lotion such as elecom help to control the symptoms but they hit back again after stopping the treatment. couple of years ago my fingers started to swell and with time they become stiff and i almost lost the function of my right (dominant) hand. i am advised to start biologics but had had gone through the side effects of it i decided not to. i am impressed by the idea of the blueberries and i will start it tomorrow. i really appreciate it if anyone went through the same painful and stiff joints and was able to pass that point to share his\her experience with natural stuff.

Posted Mon 9 Mar 2020 06.19 by JanePoppy

I have had psoriasis for 42 years and having read about the blueberries, started eating them about 18 months ago. In the last 6 months my skin has been the clearest without any form of treatment for years. My 8 year old daughter had strep throat back in Sept and a week later a couple of psoriasis spots appeared on her body, which quickly spread. The GP said the strep throat wound have caused it and it would go within three months which it did. In the last month she has had another flare up it this time all around the edge of her face, which is noticeable and now 9 years old, lots of children are asking about it, which doesn’t help when you can’t hide it. I have had her eating blueberries and it does appear to be looking worse so not sure if this is the blueberries. We also took her to see a dermatologist which prescribed eumovate. Does anyone else have young children who have/had it and can recommend anything? We will continue with the blueberries but I’m just getting worried for her as it is so noticeable on her face but of course being a young child we are limited to creams and I don’t really like using steroid creams. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2020 17.06 by KC

Since we are currently on community quarantine, I had no choice but to make the most out of what we have on our local stores. I found blueberries on our local supermarket and surprised that they are grown in the Philippines. However, though, these blueberries are so small -- they look like beads. I'm not sure how much of it I should consume and its benefits compared to the ones grown in other countries. Do you have any thoughts? Also I'm taking these as "maintenance". I could say I'm 95% clear. I have dark spots all over my body because of the lesions. There are several factors I think might be helping with my condition but I greatly attribute this to the sun. It's summer here already and I'm getting plenty of sunshine. I apply daivobet every other 4 days. And kimchi (for its probiotics and capsaicin) and blueberries are the ones I'm eating to prolong my "clear state". Should I ditch daivobet for the meantime while I'm on blueberries?

Posted Tue 31 Mar 2020 12.31 by Lasttime

Update @ 2 months of blueberries had great results A few observations expect a few flare ups and redness sometimes, dont be tempted to give up i nearly was.This may take longer for some to have same results. I have been on Enbral for 6 years over the time it seems to of lost its effectiveness. So i decided to give it a try continued the Enbrel and had good results Decided to miss a injection now and again everything seemed ok at first then the odd flare up reddening so went back on Enbrel weekly, had cough for months explained in phone consultation due to cov -19 had to ryn around do sputem sample chest xray , thinking possible phenumonia at first , two weeks later still waiting results after repeated phone calls and promises to be rung back. I know everyone is busy . But i have been told to go to doctors immediately if you ever get a persistent cough. Everyone is very busy so a word of warning if you get any complications So with Cov-19 and a chest problem i stopped the enbral injections never had any health problems like this ever and decided i sooner have a non suppressed imune system while this continues. Nearly 3 weeks no Enbral and skin is improving faster than when doing both> Chest terrible reading warning notes a couple of possible complications. And im not ruling out the dreaded virus wish i could get a antibody kit. So my thoughts are give this blueberry diet 12 months dont give up even if the odd flare up i looked like a beetroot in affected areas a couple of times but always settled down and then started to improve again Take care in these worrying times be safe

Posted Tue 31 Mar 2020 19.44 by Ellie
50 years

Thank you for your posts. A month into eating blueberries. Skin still a bit red but much smoother and no build up of dry skin Some new red patches but appear to be very flat think it will take time but that’s fine I can wait I am trying to eat much healthier and have given up alcohol so fingers crossed Your posts have really helped and I wish you all well

Posted Thu 2 Apr 2020 11.24 by Carro

Hi- I've been following this thread for a long time. After three months on blueberries I can see a tiny bit of improvement, but I'm encouraged to go on after reading some of the recent posts. Right now, like lots of you, I'm sure, I've been unable to get fresh blueberries. Are dried blueberries ok too? Stay well

Posted Fri 3 Apr 2020 10.27 by daveym

It's not been possible to read every post here but my mum has eaten blueberries all her life and her skin is great. My skin was good until I suffered a knee injury and a psoriasis plaque formed. Ever since then I get periods of flare up in a few places on that same knee and the odd little patch here and there but nothing extreme. I also suffer from anxiety and high levels of stress which I know can contribute. Do blueberries only work for a certain type of psoriasis or plaque psoriasis that forms crusty patches?

Posted Fri 3 Apr 2020 11.07 by Ellie
50 years

Think so not hundred percent sure. I have plaque psoriasis Blueberries working for me. Very important to avoid nightshades smoking and alcohol which are all triggers You have to heal yourself from within drink plenty of water and eat healthy i.e fruit and green leafy vegetables. Maybe not citrus fruits tho. Good luck I think it’s great that we are all trying to help each other hope this helps

Posted Mon 27 Apr 2020 20.54 by pheasantenergy

Completely Flake, this string is incredible and there is science behind the mitigating parts of blueberries. Re discovering things on this page - people can without much of a stretch select alter then find to look for specific watchwords which I generally find helpful.

Posted Fri 8 May 2020 11.30 by Hazel

I will try anything that might be of help. I am all for alternative if they work. Thankyou for this one.

Posted Sat 16 May 2020 14.13 by Patty21

I have had psoriasis for the past 6 years now....i am ready to try out anything that would help... I will start the blueberries treatment today....i pray it works for me too....wish me luck guys!

Posted Mon 18 May 2020 09.10 by rapture83

Hi everyone! My Psorasis appears to be getting worse, I think it’s Guttate I have, it’s mainly my legs, some on my chest and a few on my arms but I’m getting more and more, especially my legs, they seem to be the main point of attack from this horrendous thing. It’s like individual spots, some really small, to medium sized to large size, when I say large the biggest would be about half the size of a penny coin, they don’t itch but they are there and they are red/pink, horrible! These only appeared a few weeks ago, just came out of nowhere! I also have scalp Psoriasis but it’s not huge plaques, it kinda looks like dandruff if you will but it’s embedded into my scalp which means it’s just constant flakes, it’s really getting me down! I also keep getting flare ups on my face, I don’t know what this is, it’s like red bumps/red rash mainly centre of the forehead and at the side of my nose/side of lips, there will be some pin head spots that have pus in them, they are so so small tho that only I would notice them as I’m looking close up in the mirror, any idea about that anyone? I have just started the blueberry diet, since Thursday last week I’ve been eating 1 cup of them every single morning when I wake up, wish I could send some photos but I will keep you all updated on how my progress is going. I’ve not changed my diet too much although I’m eating a bit more fish and white meat, trying to avoid red meat as much as I can, I maybe need to try and stop any alcohol, still had a couple over the weekend, hopefully it’s not ruined my blueberry intake! Keep you all posted, I think the spots on my arms look slightly lighter in colour, certainly not bright red, maybe that’s just me, I will come back on here Friday with an update as that will be just over a week. This forum is great, keep up the good work guys and thanks for any advice you can give me.

Posted Mon 18 May 2020 15.34 by Dodger_girl

Rapture, around the lips, almost sounds like my friend. She doesn't have psorasis, but she has a lot of food allergies. Like when she has avocados, she gets a rash around her lips. I think bananas do it to her too. A little update on myself...I started the blueberries in January. I have a cup a day of frozen wild blueberries. My skin is clear. Occasionally I'll have some little patches, but it's only when I have too much alcohol, or if I'm eating a lot of bad inflammatory foods. Or of course if I get super stressed. But I just put some cortizon on it, and it disappears. Prior to the blueberries, my eyelids would get super dry and flakey and would hurt. Since blueberries, I've only had that slightly happen once. It was close to my monthly and I was stressed, eating bad, and having alcohol (thanks stay order lol) however, once I cut out the foods (for the most part) and alcohol, I've been fine. I also put vaseline on them at night, and if I start feeling an itch on them, I put some hydrating eye cream on. I need to start eating better. I noticed my arthritis disappears at times, and it's when I avoid certain foods. But that's going to take awhile for me to really pinpoint. Plus its foods I love 😭 Hope the blueberries are still working for all who have had success! Thank you so much again for sharing! Its changed my life!

Posted Mon 18 May 2020 17.06 by rapture83

Thank you for the reply Dodger, funny you should say eyelids as the redness also appears on my eyelids and at the corners, It’s defo alcohol that aggravates it but it’s not that that’s caused it, I’m not sure where it’s actually came from or what’s initially caused it, I’m 36 and only started having this issue last year and I’ve been drinking and eating like anyone else my whole life, it seemed to just appear after every weekend due to alcohol and food but something must have actually caused it as I’ve been totally fine face wise all my life until last year, I just don’t know what it is, my doctor gave me cream for Rosseca but I don’t think that’s what it is, it’s a nightmare that I can’t enjoy a social life without knowing in the back of my mind that all the bad stuff is now REALLY bad for me :-( As for my legs, I used Enstillar Foam which completely cured me but since running out of that the spots were back with a vengeance! Also with my scalp I used a liquid thing my GP provided me, it stung bad when I put it on but again this completely cured me, once I stopped using it and just stuck to coal shampoos my scalp appears to be worse than it was before, I just can’t win! My mother has P and hers seems to come and go, I think I’ll just need to accept I’m maybe the same! I have my fingers crossed for the blueberry plan, I’ll keep at at, your story and others on here fills me with hope! How long into the BB plan did you start to see a difference? Thanks

Posted Wed 20 May 2020 17.50 by Baldwin

First post here, but I've been reading for about over month now. I'm currently in week 5 of a UVB treatment cycle and also have been eating 2-3 spoonfuls of frozen wild blueberries daily for 5 weeks. Results are good. I'm seeing improvement for the past week after the first 3-4 weeks of minimal change - it actually was getting worse during that time. Itchyness comes and goes depending on the area; I take this as a sign of healing. I figure the UVB may be having a greater effect than the blueberries, but time will tell. One question for the local experts: Does UVB healing appear in different ways than the blueberry healing? I've read people commenting on blueberries healing skin from the inside of a patch and outwards. I'll keep an eye out for that. Thanks so much to everyone for contributing their experiences here. This site is such a great place to learn and share.

Posted Wed 20 May 2020 17.51 by Baldwin (edited Wed 20 May 2020 20.14 by Baldwin)

First post here, but I've been reading for over month now. I was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis about a year ago. Was on Enstillar foam for som time and it worked to keep things under control. Eventually the condition started to worsen and my dermatologist prescribed UVB treatment. Due to the inconvenience of visiting the clinic 2-3 timers per week in the middle of a work day, I never ended up going. Fast forward a couple of months and COVID-19 occurred, which closed the clinic temporarily. I ended up purchasing a full height, 8 tube UVB machine made by SolRX here in Toronto, Canada and began my own home treatment. I'm currently in week 5 of my first UVB treatment cycle and also have been eating 2-3 spoonfuls of frozen wild blueberries daily for 5 weeks. Results are good. I'm now seeing steady improvement over the past week after the first 3-4 weeks of it getting quite a bit worse. Itchyness comes and goes depending on the area, which I take as a sign of healing. Once the UVB cycle is complete, I plan to maintain using UVB once per week and eating blueberries every day. I assume the UVB is having a greater effect than the blueberries, but I don't really know for sure and only time will tell. So I have one question for the local experts: Does UVB healing appear in different ways than the blueberry healing? I've read every post in this entire thread and people report blueberries healing their skin from the inside of a patch and working outwards. I'll keep an eye out for that. Thanks so much to everyone for contributing their experiences here. This site is such a great place to learn and share.

Posted Mon 1 Jun 2020 14.22 by rapture83 (edited Mon 1 Jun 2020 14.27 by rapture83)

Hi guys, I just wanted to provide a quick update on the BB project. I have been eating 1 full cup exactly every single morning since the 18th of this month so about 2 weeks, the spots\small patches on my legs and arms have went from bright red to a slight red\pink colour, still visible not certainly not like before when they were bright red, I've just left them and had some peeling, I basically stopped using any steroid creams and instead have been using a dermatological moisturizer called Cetraben which my GP gave me a long time ago but I had never used it, you can also buy this over the counter, I basically just use that to keep my skin moisturised. I think a combination of this and the BB's might be having some sort of effect but I'm not getting my hopes up as I have done this a lot only for it to fail. I will provide another update in a few weeks. Does this sound like the progress others found when doing the BB plan? My scalp has shown no signs of improvement though, not sure if that will be later down the line but I've basically stopped using coal tar shampoos now and I'm now using normal organic shampoo that have no chemicals or stuff in them, it's not making my scalp any better but my hair is softer and smells nicer, less itchy also but still very flaky 😞

Posted Tue 2 Jun 2020 12.07 by JD

i think with the blueberries add in some of the other holistic remedies , simple oils like grape or olive oil , no smoking or alcohol ,some mindfulness good sleep ,good exercise ,simple diet , and actively deal with any stress by avoidance or talking it thru . Limit bad news and be kind to yourself everyday, ( i also take anti allergy tabs) every 2 days which make a difference .A little sunshine i believe all of these make a small difference and like most you probably do many of them anyway .. good luck jd .

Posted Tue 2 Jun 2020 20.07 by Camomille

Hello everyone. First of all, sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. After 3 years of seeing different doctors and dermatologists, doing blood tests and skin tests, i finally found a dermatologist in march who diagnosed a PPP. I only have it on my feet and it's not very wide. First it was small and on the side of one foot, then it got bigger and last november, it appeared on the other foot. My doctor thought it was dyshidrosis so she put me on treatment for that so I am not sure it didn't worsen it. In february, it got under my foot (the first one) but it's honestly not that bad, and certainly not as much as many of you. The new dermatologist I found put me on enstilar but after a month with no effect, I called her and she put me on Dermoval (I don't know if you know what that is). It is now a bit better but not by much. The pustules are tinier. So today, I went back to see her relatively happy because I thought there was some improvement. But she said that it was not enough and told me about Soriatane and how i would have to take the pill and not have kids for years during and after the treatment. And I am still so shoked because I don't think it is so bad. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't itch, and it's not wide. So she scared me a lot, since I am only 31 and would like to have kids in the the next years, and there is no forum like this one in France and I feel quite alone and scared. But I told her no though, i said that i was going to stay on Dermoval 2-3 times a week, and that we'll see how it goes till September. I will try the blueberries. I am not sure I can find fresh one but I'll try. Thank you for reading and I'll keep you updated.

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