Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Thu 25 Jun 2020 18.27 by KC

Hi! I think sharing an update would be helpful to everyone. So I'm from Philippines, and the most that I could get is frozen blueberries. They're cheaper and could be picked up anytime. There is no shortage as of the moment even though we're on lockdown. Okay, so here is my experience: Duration of consumption: 3 months Type of blueberries: Frozen blueberries How much do I consume: 1 kilo of bb a week, that's basically my snack because I do not eat sweets and bread Other meds: I apply daivobet only when I am itching. Unfortunately, bb doesn't address the itch brought by psoriasis. And I could not sleep at night so I apply daivobet when itch is no longer bearable. The longest I could hold is 2 weeks. But I try to apply once in 5 or 7 days. Other practices that may add to bb effect; avoiding sugar; i consume kimchi (probiotics); avoiding bread; anything else is fine with me -- meat and rice are super ok. I use urea lotion in days that I dont feel like applying daivobet. I do not exercise and I sleep on an average of 6 hrs a day What have blueberries done for me? They have lessened my flareups and definitely allowed me to prolong my "rest days" from ointments. I would get little spots or two but they disappear quickly either just by lotion or soap. If you would ask me if I got a clear skin after consuming, my answer would be a yes, HOWEVER, I am afraid that a lot of factors may also be helping esp the weather we have during the summer months. My skin responds very positively and gets calmer during summer. Currently, I am getting new spots even with consistent consumption of blueberries. I must attribute this to stress caused by work. Now, I"m thinking if blueberries would still do the trick. I would probably increase my consumption and will see how it goes. Also, I'd like to see how bb magic would work during the cooler months (Aug to December). By then, I'd probably be able to give a better testimonial. Other products in use: urea moisturizer (i do not have facial psoriasis anymore), neutrogena t gel for scalp, urea lotion for body (i think any brand will do) Percentage of psoriasis coverage as of the moment: maybe 1 to 2%. I have skin discolorations though brought by phototherapy. Hope this helps!

Posted Fri 26 Jun 2020 08.14 by GfromAus

Hi everyone, New here! Had the pleasure of reading through this thread, so happy that so many of you have been free from psoriasis due to the blueberries! I'm 24, I was diagnosed with psoriasis in March 2015. Started off as a little patch under my left eye and eventually spread rapidly mid 2018. I've tried topical creams (daivobet), I've done UV therapy and Acitretin capsules.. didn't help. The summer months here in Aus definitely helped though, I can recall that all of summer 2018 and practically the whole of 2019 my psoriasis completely cleared up and I barely had any flare ups (despite eating like a pig). I was also having a punnet of blueberries along with a banana every morning at work, I stopped taking the blueberries when we started working from home due to COVID-19 around mid-march (not knowing the wonders it had done for my psoriasis). It's now winter and I'm covered head to toe in guttate psoriasis - it's never been this bad and I am struggling! I discovered this thread because I wanted to search the foods I was eating and the connection it had with reducing psoriasis. I'm so happy I found this thread. So please don't stop eating them!! I started a clean diet earlier this week because it has become so bad. Fresh fish, veggies etc. I've been having oatmeal with milk and not sure if this has made it worse... Are any of you still having dairy products? Anyway I have started with the blueberries once again and will keep you all updated. Let's kick psoriasis' ass!!

Posted Fri 26 Jun 2020 08.26 by rapture83

Hi guys, just an update on myself and the BB plan, I’m about 4 weeks in now of eating 1 cup every day. I’m not seeing a huge change at the moment, my psoriasis spots which are mainly on my legs, a couple on the arms are not bright red, slightly less red going onto a pink-ish colour but still very noticeable! They tend to be red if I’ve just came out of a shower/bath or finished a workout, they still get scaly as always which I only really remove when they are about to fall off but still no massive difference! I’ve read that it can take months before some major change happens, is this normal for the 1 month stage? Will continue with the plan as BB’s are good for you at the end of the day!

Posted Tue 30 Jun 2020 08.23 by Hazel

Like most people who suffer I am willing to try anything natural So if blueberries work then not only are you eating one of your five a day but an added bonus of anti inflammatory Thanks for the advice Take care

Posted Wed 1 Jul 2020 11.41 by SharonG

Hi All I have plantar pustular psoriasis on my feet only - had it since 1998 but controlled it with steroid ointments - in the last 6 months it has flared so bad nothing is calming it and I can barely walk some days as the skin is cracking and bleeding - I had puva 3 years ago but it did nothing - i sometimes wonder if that made it worse as my feet feel now as if they are burning!!! I am now trying the blueberries - about 30 in the morning - I have a concentrate drink too along with a pill blueberry extract - I may have a BB overdose Lol - I am about a week in - no change yet though :( I am also awaiting on dermatologist to see if I can go on acitriten? I don't want to take meds so I am desperately hope that the blueberries work :) Wish me Luck ? :)

Posted Wed 1 Jul 2020 12.10 by Pladecalvo (edited Wed 1 Jul 2020 21.47 by Pladecalvo)

I'm on my 8th day of eating 125 grms a day and unfortunately have to report that my condition has worsened considerably. I've never had it very bad, a few spots on my back, arms and legs, but three days after starting on blueberries it has exploded and my back and arms are covered with angry, large, red, raised patches. Perhaps I'm allergic to blueberries.

Posted Wed 1 Jul 2020 15.01 by SharonG

To Pladecalvo Oh NO!!! So sorry to hear this! :(

Posted Fri 3 Jul 2020 14.33 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello Pladecalvo, We don't have to be sorry for you as very often it gets worse before healing. So I would say it is a very good sign. Don't change anything for a few weeks and think positive! Good luck to you Kris

Posted Fri 3 Jul 2020 15.44 by SharonG

For me? So far so good - but I wonder if it is because the weather has turned cooler too? And I am back using steroid ointment - I am sticking with it :)

Posted Fri 3 Jul 2020 21.59 by Pladecalvo

Will do Frenchman. I'm going to give it at least 5 weeks.

Posted Sun 12 Jul 2020 19.59 by Tinytasia

Hello all. I have followed many people's successes on here the last few days, especially Chrissie, Warren and of course pdr321. I have had Psoriasis for around 6 years, initially mild, only on right elbow, a patch about 8inches by 4inches. Dovabet seemed to keep it manageable. However, every outbreak since has been progressively worse, appearing on left arm, then upper arms, hands, legs, thighs and now on the back of my neck. Unlike most sufferers, heat and sunshine have an adverse affect. Apparently my condition is not severe enough to get a referral to a dermatologist!!!! I was desperate, getting no sleep because of the itching and frankly suicidal. Couldn't bear to be touched, bleeding all over the bedcloths and generally depressed. I read this forum on July 9th 2020. I grabbed onto it like a drowning woman and rushed out that very day and bought 4 x punnets of blueberries. This is day 4. I realy think that already there has been improvement to left arm and neck. Area is not so red anymore. Right arm has no improvement yet but that makes sense as it is the worst spot and it has been there the longest. Also no change to hips and legs. I have been eating blueberries as a snack, 20 or 30 per day. It has made me hopeful that there may be light at the end of the tunnel. I have not changed my normal skin routine yet. I use emollient to wash the areas and also as a moisturiser. Dovobet applied once per day. I will maybe try and stop using the Dovobet in a few weeks if there is further improvement. My skin is now so thin from the steroid cream that it has a permanent bruised look so I wont be sorry to stop that. Thank you to those who have shared their blueberry experiences and especially pdr321 I will report again soon.

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 15.49 by SharonG

Hi All Well I am scared to say anything for fear of jinxing it but.....................I am 3 weeks in with blueberries and I am seeing an improvement!! :) There I said it!! Just hope now I haven't jinxed it!! I will keep you posted - so far so good :) It hasn't gone completely but it is a little better! So @Tinytasia - stick with it. Oh I tried frozen blueberries but didn't really like them - they will be ok if I run out of fresh though but I really do prefer the fresh. I too will report again in a couple of weeks. :)

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 15.59 by SharonG

Oh forgot to say: My routine is up in the morning and put on moisturiser - at present I am using zeroderm - I have very thin socks that I then put on - I have been repeating this when my feet feel dry - so sometimes up to 4 times per day - at night after my bath I soak my poor feet in COLD water for about 10 minutes then re-apply the zeroderm - I then put plastic bags over my feet and put my socks on over the top - about an hour before bed I take off socks and plastic bags to let my feet breathe - wipe off excess zeroderm and then just before I get into bed I put on the steroid ointment - at the moment it is betnovate. Then next day 'repeat' I eat about 20 blueberries first thing in the morning along with a 2 teaspoons of concentrated blueberry juice in water - I also take a supplement - Blueberry Vision - I got both of these from Holland & Barratt - so that is my routine and like I say - so far so good :) Fingers crossed.

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 16.38 by Pladecalvo

Day 21 of the blueberry challenge. Following an explosion of the condition on day 3, there doesn't seem to be any decrease in the redness and there is now lots of flaking.

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 16.45 by Ellie
50 years

Think it might be toxins leaving your body keep drinking water and try for a bit longer Use moisturiser often Don’t give up

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 16.59 by Tinytasia

@SharronG Do you find cold water helps with the itching (sorry to go off topic) I find that running the cold tap over my hands and elbows reduces the redness and stops the itch for a while. Maybe I will start a new topic to see if this helps anyone else. Day 5 of blueberries, I showed the patches to my Mum today and she says she can see an improvement.

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 17.15 by Pladecalvo

I'll keep on with it for a few more weeks Ellie

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 17.17 by Pladecalvo

I would imagine that the cold water would help. I have the opposite effect after showering in hot water. Much redder and more itching.

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 21.52 by SharonG

@Tinytasia Yes I do find that the cold water helps with the itching - and cools down my feet. Day 5 for you - Yay - stick with it - so far so good for me too :) I am praying that the blueberries help as I don't want to go on acitretin or methotrexate - evil drugs!! Side effects sound awful - The drugs will have to be my next step if what I am doing now doesn't work :(

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 21.57 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Have you tried a 'cooler' shower to see if that helps - as cool as you can stand? I put my feet in a bowl of 'very' cold water - it makes me jump but once they are in it's ok lol and so very soothing and then I slather on the moisturiser. Good Luck :)

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