Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 16.01 by Dodger_girl

I've been eating frozen wild blueberries from Walmart, and its cured me. The only ingredient is blueberries:) I've been on the blueberry diet since January, I have about a cup a day!

Posted Sun 26 Jul 2020 08.32 by Pladecalvo

@Dodgergirl. ...but when you thaw them, don't they go into a horrible mush? I tried to freeze some and they went to a mush.

Posted Sun 26 Jul 2020 08.34 by Pladecalvo

@rapture83. Have you seen any improvement after two months?

Posted Sun 26 Jul 2020 09.57 by rapture83

@Pladecalvo nothing really to report, the patches are pink-ish rather than bright red but apart from that still there and still very visible. It’s guttate P I have mainly on my legs but some spots on my back and arms, my legs are a riot though ☹️! Awaiting herbal cream arriving from China, will let you know how it goes! As for my scalp, so much better thanks to Diprosalic, that stuff is magical! Only downside is that it doesn’t cure you, it just makes it go away, hoping if the scalp is all clear again I can just use it once a week and use some medicated tar shampoos twice a week to keep it at bay, fingers crossed! I’m just so happy as the scalp itch was driving me insane and don’t get me started on the flakes!!! Curse you Psoriasis!!!

Posted Sun 26 Jul 2020 11.20 by SharonG

@rapture83 Hi I would be interested to see if the herbal remedy from 'China' might help my PPP - Please let us know what it is and how you go on with it? I would love to find something herbal :)

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 08.22 by rapture83

Hi Sharon I will do, I use a Chinese cream on my face about twice a week as I get Serb D spots/redness on my face and chest, mainly if I ever have any alcohol or bad food but this cream basically keeps that at bay, it completely clears both! Sadly it doesn’t clear the Guttate P patches on my legs/arms which seem to be very stubborn. This is a different Chinese herbal cream that I’ve read online has worked for people on their actual body parts so I just picked up a few tubes, no harm in trying eh!? So my face and chest - Chinese herbal cream - This works! Legs and Arms - No solution yet Scalp - Diprosalic lotion & E-45 shampoo - This works! I’ll keep you posted on the new cream! Edit to add - This morning the patches on my legs and arms appear to be even more pink-ish than normal, as if they are getting better but this has happened before and then goes darker the next day, I don’t understand how some days it can be like that then just change and get darker, very strange! Thanks!

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 15.53 by SharonG

@rapture83 Thank You :) It's all trial and error but like you say cream can't do any harm can it? Mind you as long as the 'Chinese' don't put anything nasty in it!! Joking Lol

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 16.10 by Dodger_girl

@Pladecalvo mine don't turn into mush. I usually eat them frozen, but sometimes when I bring them with me to work, they defrost, but still just as good. Maybe you're getting a different one than I am?

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 16.34 by rapture83

Sharon I’ll not lie, if this stuff sorts my legs and arms out I don’t care what’s in it haha! Seriously tho, I think it’s safe as I’ve done research on it and the other stuff I use on my face has been fine and I’ve been using it for years! See what happens, it’s not going away so I may as well try something new, it’s all trial and error as you say until you stumble on something that works, everyone is different and heals in different ways

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 17.02 by SharonG

@rapture83 Lol I am with you on that!! I was only joking though you know that? x

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 17.43 by rapture83

Oh yeah totally haha! Didn’t mean that to sound serious, it wasn’t, was just a wee bit more info on the cream haha!! I’ll keep you posted :-)

Posted Mon 27 Jul 2020 20.54 by Pladecalvo

@rapture83. I get the same with mine. The patches on my legs were hardly noticeable this morning and I was looking forward to giving a good blueberry report. But 6 hours later they were back to being red again. As I write this, they are turning pale pink.I think it's time to give up on the blueberries. It's been 5 weeks now and there has been no improvement. If anything, its worse.

Posted Tue 28 Jul 2020 07.52 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo I am sorry to hear that BB are not helping - I am beginning to think the same - at first I saw a little improvement but now? Not so much - almost back to square one :( The soles of my feet are pale in the morning then depending on how much I walk about by evening they are RED!!! I am creaming up every time I sit down!! Up to 10 times a day and more!! Drives me nuts!!! But if I let it harden then the scales and cracking are unbearable!! That is when walking is so painful but I have to WALK!! I will not give in to it even if I suffer afterwards. Hey Ho eh? @rapture83 I was just checking Ha Ha don't worry about sounding serious ;) Lol

Posted Tue 28 Jul 2020 20.37 by Pladecalvo

@Sharon. Same with mine. When I wake up in the morning my patches are a very pale pink which is a definite improvement but within an hour it's red again. I have enough blueberries for another 6-8 days and that will be the last. If it gets worse after that, I'll go back on them. My condition has never been very bad compared to some cases I've read about here but it has most definitely got worse since I started on the berries. I was working on the theory that it would get worse before it got better but it hasn't happened. So listen up blueberries. Shape up or ship out! Next week is your last chance! Lol!

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 09.59 by SharonG (edited Wed 29 Jul 2020 10.03 by SharonG)

@Pladecalvo Aww same here :( I am waiting to see if I can try acitriten or methotrexate - I was offered it 3 years ago after I had had puva treatment (which was a waste of time and I do wonder if it has made mine worse as I do feel as if my feet are burnt!! - I now keep out of the sun!) When I read the side effects I declined and then because I declined they (NHS) removed me from there books!!! Then when it flared up again I had to go right back to the beginning - but now there is no dermatology dept. at my local hospital and I was referred out of the area - the appointment got cancelled in June due to Covid I had a telephone consultation the Dr said she couldn't access my medical records as I live in a different county!! I then had to tell her all about my history blah blah blah - she sent me for blood tests via my GP who she has now asked to liaise with her via email!! She said I needed a chest x-ray but would have to go over to her hospital - I said WHY can my GP not send me for the x-ray here - local to me and not 40miles away!! - and then email the results to her!??? She then said I will ask your GP if this is possible - and that is where I am - waiting!! I had bloods done 4 weeks ago and have heard nothing as of yet - but the covid situation will be delaying everything - so in the meantime I pinned my hope on BLUBERRIES!!! And now????? :( :( :( sorry to bore you but that is where I am at :( Hey HO eh? I am in the UK have I told you that? Sorry if I have - where are you? You may have already said I need to scroll back Lol Aha - I just scrolled back and have edited - Spain? You are in Spain? :) Hope today is a better day for both of us - BB's or NOT!! Lol

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 10.20 by rapture83

Guys I’m the exact same, wake up in the morning and they guttate patches on my legs and arms are so pale it’s almost like they are healing the. A few hours later they are pink, some darker, red-ish! Last night I cursed myself as 1 of my biggest patches I had was so itchy for hours even after cream etc.... that I had to scratch it which in turn made it bleed which in turn made it bright red but I’ll put some cream on it after that and the itch is gone for days but I know for a fact I’ve probably angered it! :-(

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 10.31 by rapture83

I meant to also add that I too am in the UK, thankfully we don’t get a lot of sun where I live, it’s mainly grey/raining so I can cover up my issues with jeans and a jumper most times but we had a sunny spell last month for a few weeks, it was incredibly embarrassing wearing shorts that I resorted to buying a concealer and applying that on top of the red spots to try and cover them ever so slightly, quite sad to go to those lengths but it’s just a personal thing really, some people are more embarrassed than others and I guess and I’m one of them! I feel for the people who live in hot countries like parts of the US and places like Spain as the poster above who can’t cover up as much as us UK folk. It really is a horrendous thing this and I’m baffled in this day n age as to how there has not been a medical cure or some sort of medication that keeps this thing away/cures it, it’s rubbish :-( By the way, still doing the BB’s, another 25 down the hatch this morning, still been no progress so far.

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 10.39 by SharonG

@rapture83 There is nothing finer than scratching that itch Lol Sometimes I scratch for a good old TREAT to myself Lol I am so worth it!! Only do it occasionally though Lol Aww so sorry you feel the need to hide it - people can be vile but I have to say me personally I am up front and out with it!! - If they stare I say 'Can I help you'??? They soon change their tune - folk are just ignorant and need education so? I have to oblige lol Can't help myself!!!

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 10.47 by Pladecalvo

@SharonG. Yes. I'm in Spain.

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 10.52 by Pladecalvo

@rapture The temp here in Spain at the moment is in the 40's...and I'm wearing longsleeved shirt and jeans. Bloody murder!

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