Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 11.13 by rapture83

@sharonG oh boy tell me about it, when you scratch that itch the relief is fantastic then 15 seconds later you feel incredibly angry you had to anger the beast! @Pladecalvo that sucks :-( I would happily live with this the rest of my life if the spots/patches were not red making them so visible, why can’t they just be light coloured, why???!! Haha!

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 11.18 by Pladecalvo

@ SharonG. Finally managed to read all this thread and noticed that some posters took 6 months or more to finally clear. Maybe we should be give it longer!

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 13.18 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Oh Bugger!! Not had ANY today!!!??? I better go and eat them then - 6 months it is? We will fight it together - UNITED we STAND divided? We FAIL!! Errr FALL Lol

Posted Wed 29 Jul 2020 14.20 by SharonG

Has anyone tried 'New Skin Liquid Bandages' I bought some but am afraid to try it it case it makes my PPP worse. It says you can put it on over the fissures and it last about a week/ Just wondering before I give it a go. Also Dr prescribed 'Flexitol' for the hard scales it did work but if you try this only put it on the scales nowhere else - I had to stop using it as my skin became too sensitive - but now the scales are coming back so I might have to try again! If I do I will only dab it on the hard bits. It's all a learning curve :(

Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 07.37 by SharonG

I am thinking of trying Homeopathy - has anyone tried it?

Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 07.47 by Pladecalvo

@Sharon. Yesterday I was very excited as my chest really was clearing but this morning it's back red. I did have a very restless night due to the heat and some disturbing news that I received yesterday, so that might have something to do with it. Yes, I think we should give it 6 months. If it hasn't worked by then it's not going to.

Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 08.18 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Up and down then? :( Hope your disturbing news resolves its self - sorry to hear about that :( Won't help :( And the heat!!! :( 6 months it is then? :)

Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 08.19 by JanePoppy

Hi Sharon, I started eating blueberries two years ago after reading this forum, and also reduced dairy. I have had p for forty years. I didn’t see an improvement until early this year. Everyone is different and some people see improvement a lot sooner. I would just carry on eating them. The following are also not meant to be good for psoriasis, dairy, gluten, nightshades, red meat, alcohol and smoking. Mine cleared whilst I was still eating some of these so I really think it’s individual. I believe homeopathy can help but it’s a slow process. I am about to start it today for my nine year old daughter who also started having severe psoriasis in Feb after a strep throat infection. I will update you. I think they normally say, it can take a month for every year you have had it. Take care. Jane

Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 17.17 by SharonG

@JanePoppy Aww thanks for your input Jane - I shall stick with the BB's - I gave up smoking last December after 45 years - this is when my PPP started to really flare - I asked my dermatologist if it could be related and he said possibly as I had taken something away from my body but it is still better to NOT smoke - so i won't be going back to it anytime soon :) I do not drink a lot of alcohol maybe one pint of lager or a glass of wine per day - sometimes none at all so pretty average there. But I LOVE Cheese Lol I don't eat red meat (steak etc) prefer chicken but I do eat mince beef in chilli and spag bog but I pack them out with veg when I make them. It is all trial and error isn't it? But I am looking to homeopathy as I would prefer alternative medicine to some of the nasty drugs that are out there. I hope it works for your daughter - I will look into it and make an informed decision - need to see if they are seeing people due to covid - the restrictions of covid are not helping me with anxiety and that in turn 'could' be aggravating PPP? :( Hey Ho Thanks again. You take care too. Sharon

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 09.15 by blueflag81

Hi Everyone I have been reading this forum with interest and have decided to start with the blueberries. I have suffered from scalp psoriasis since i was a teenager and I am 39 now, I have been eating the berries for 2 weeks now and I am still getting flaking skin but my wife seems to think the redness is not so bad, I know that everyone is different and this could take some time or may not have any effect upon me. I would very much like to hear from people regarding how they noticed the blueberries were making a difference to them and changes that took place. I look forward to your replies. Kind regards blueflag81

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 10.00 by Chrissie NW

Hi I have had Psoriasis for over 50yrs and yes, it is a dreadful disease, but there could be a worse one. It took me 8 weeks before I saw any clearance of redness, scales etc my just went from redness then it started going away from the centre of the patch to the outer, you do have to be extremely patience, I have never taken any medicine for the condition as a lot contain dreadful repercussions which I will not take i.e. tablets when blood tests have to be taken, all I used was Doublebase Emollient I washed, showered in this, if you taken meds or any of the creams you just won’t know which is working, I had never been clear, 8 weeks of blueberries cleared me this is 2 years ago and I did have it back with a vengeance but this was due to some very bad news which I didn’t take very well, but I cleared it up and I still do the Blueberrries every day it’s part of my life now. The only medical thing I use now as I have the same as you in my scalp and I use Synalar Gel ( must be Gel not cream and from Doctor) and you place the tube on the Psoriasis squeeze tube slightly and it’s cold so you will know it’s gone where you want it to, people will not know it’s in your hair do it A.M. & P. M. it will clear very soon.. Anyway hope this helps, but keep with it don’t say I’ve done it for six weeks and nothing keep on it. I’ve planted a Blueberry Bush this year, but no fruit till next year, I hope. Good Luck. Chrissie. North Wales.

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 10.09 by Chrissie NW

The above message is for Blueflag81 I have just noticed the name of the Gel is missing it’s SYNALAR. Wish this site would put arrows to take you to the top or the bottom of the page. Chrissie. North Wales

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 10.13 by blueflag81

Hi Chrissie Thankyou for your reply and its great to hear that it has worked with you, I very much will carry on and persevere with the blueberries and even if it did work, I would carry on eating them as they are good for you, I myself have never been a fan of using medicine for this condition chiefly because of some the stuff that is in them, I shall make a note of the Gel that you recommend and get some from the doctor. I must admit I Have been rather naughty with my diet over the years and I dont think I will be able to be good all the time But I am starting to have things now that may well help, For instance I have started just yesterday having green tea with a dash of honey which makes it quite nice, more fruit like Strawberries and of course the Blueberries, I am going to try and have fish more and I am going to cut milk chocolate and switch to dark which I quite like. I will keep everyone up to date to let you know how I am going Kind regards blueflag81

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 10.39 by Chrissie NW

That’s great what you are going to do, I was always told by a skin Specialist to help with your condition cut down anything that is red and I have cut out red meat, wine ( I have white now , in moderation of course!! ) beetroot, strawberries, red pepper, tomatoes you get the idea, all this was before the Blueberries but that helps me, I havnt cut them totally but really cut down, especially on red meat. Good Luck & Perseverance Chrissie . North Wales

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 11.08 by SharonG

@Chrissie NW I am going to give up tomatoes - all the other things I don't really have anyway but tomatoes? I eat LOADS!!! And RED peppers!! :( Especially now with this hot weather. And back on the Blueberries :) Thank You

Posted Tue 4 Aug 2020 22.30 by Kellysharpe

My psoriasis has got so bad and now its infected I hope I don't get put on tablets im hoping for light therapy again but my head is so tight what will relive it im going insane with worry its horrible x

Posted Wed 5 Aug 2020 08.54 by Pladecalvo

@Kellysharpe. Sorry to hear of your condition. Surely it's better to seek some medication rather than suffer as you are. Your condition seems so bad that probably, only tablets will work. It might be an idea to start taking some tablets to get it going towards clearing it a little and then stop the tablets and try the blueberries.

Posted Fri 7 Aug 2020 04.07 by Sthnguyen

@Kellysharpe I agree with Pladecalvo. With all of the new prescription medicine out there you no longer need to live with Psoriasis or not to the extent that you are suffering. Many of the medicine out there also have long term safety track record (10+ years) so you not be afraid to try them. I myself have been on numerous prescription medicine for a very long time (20 years or more). The newer mono-clonal antibodies are extremely effective and for me is around 80%-90% effective. I am only using alternate natural treatment to reduce my reliance on them. Also there are non-prescription otc stuff which can help you. Your skin raging on the outside is an indicator of the problems inside so you should treat the problem as much as possible. I find that using prescription medicine costs me almost as much as natural solution but there is less of a hit and miss with prescription. Your mental health is just as important.

Posted Fri 7 Aug 2020 11.01 by Pladecalvo

End of week 6 and my condition is a mystery. When I wake up in the morning, it a very pale pink and flat. Some patches on my arms and legs are hardly noticeable- but within an hour, everything is back to being blood red, raised and flaking. It remains like this until about 7pm, when it starts to go pink and flat again. By bedtime its back to how it was when I got up. I've even tried drinking only water through the day in case it's something I'm eating but it makes no difference.

Posted Fri 14 Aug 2020 03.30 by Dodger_girl

So my wild frozen blueberries have been amazing (besides staining teeth) However, they haven't had them in stock for 2 weeks:( and the cultivated ones don't work as well. Does anyone know if the powders, or supplements work just as well? I may just go ahead and experiment and report back if I don't hear anything soon!

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