Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 26 Jul 2021 12.59 by lizziep

I’ve tried the blueberry route and it’s done nothing for me - we ate all different. I’ve had psoriasis for 50 years too.

Posted Mon 26 Jul 2021 21.19 by Pladecalvo

@lizziep. Have you tried Vitamin D? I'm getting some good results with it. I take one 2000UI tablet per day. I also do 20 minutes on the sun every day.

Posted Tue 27 Jul 2021 09.47 by SharonG

Hi Everyone I have not posted for a while - I WAS doing really well with BB's and I was convinced that they were helping but now - sadly - I have to report that maybe they have lost their magic for me :( I think that the HEAT at the moment is the problem :( As since the beginning of July and summer arrived (UK HOT) I have had a flare up on my feet - pustular psoriasis - it is not as bad as it was last year but I have found out that it is better to stay out of the sun :( As the hotter it got the more my feet itched and blistered - it's very red as well - so sorry to report this as I really did believe that BB's were my saviour - so I am trying to keep my feet cool any which way - bowl of cold water is helping - I will report back when the weather cools down a little to see if the sun is my trigger :( I know the sun helps a lot of people but just NOT me :( I will still eat the BB's as I now kind of like them a LOT Lol Hope everyone is doing ok with whichever treatment is working for them - it is all trial and error with this nasty ailment. Cheers

Posted Tue 27 Jul 2021 11.07 by Moggy1

Hi Sharon I also suffer from PPP both hands and feet. The heat has definitely aggravated both . My feet feel like they are on fire very red and just when one area looks to be clearing another area breaks out. I am waiting for phototherapy but have read in your previous posts this didn’t help you and may of made your feet worse. 😩 do you know if this treatment works for other sufferers of PPP and have you ever taken Acitretin ? Thanks and advice appreciated

Posted Tue 27 Jul 2021 13.13 by SharonG

Hi Moggy1 Awful isn't it? :( I did have the PUVA twice a week for about 20+ weeks and it didn't work for me I do now wonder if it damaged the skin? - I had it in January 2017 as my feet were getting worse - I was offered acitretin afterwards but due to the side effects I wasn't prepared to go there - I was then discharged from the hospital as there was nothing else they could offer -so now I am just managing it as best I can - unfortunately hot sunny days are a NO No for me and I prefer to stay indoors and try to keep cool - it is affecting my life to be honest and as much as I used to love the sun we haven't been abroad since 2005 - I would have to go when it was cool - to be honest I really don't want to go anywhere luckily my hubby feels the same and with Covid as it is really wouldn't want to. I don't even use steroid ointments now or anything I just cream up constantly - aloe vera gel is my 'go to' at the moment - very soothing and it does cool them down. I am now looking forward to Autumn lol How sad is that? Lol I have had this since 1998 but as time goes by it is getting worse with flare ups - it started on just one foot and was manageable but I now have it on both :( My cross to bear :( I fear. But still eating the BB's :) Fingers crossed. PUVA didn't work for me but it may work for you? Take care and pop back to let us know how you go on.

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2021 19.35 by Talia

Ive packed in meat and fish and most dairy except but the huge patch on my stomach is receding lots of it is fading. Ive tried lots of things but this is the best so far. Im trying to stay off wheat and sugar. Im taking omega 3 and cod liver oil.

Posted Fri 6 Aug 2021 19.52 by Abhinay

Hello I am 29 years old and having severe scalp and all over my back and on my hands and face I am currently taking home medication since an year but didn’t see much change I shall try blueberry 🫐

1 Posted Fri 6 Aug 2021 20.01 by Talia

Hi I have found that using baby oil on the scalp leaving it on overnight helps in fact baby oil all over the body helps if you can try to use every day also Aveeno moisturiser. I have found the biggest difference from drinking water and observing what food I eat. I’ve been told staff citrus fruit gluten dairy I have now stopped eating meat and most fish and I’m seeing the biggest improvement I’ve seen previously mainly from stopping eating meat. I have stopped using steroids as they make my skin worse. I generally just use moisturisers but I find baby oils and various types of oils help the most

Posted Sun 8 Aug 2021 21.44 by Maria

Hi everyone My daughter found this website for me and I'm so glad she did. I'm a newbie to the site but I can tell you the name of the injection due out soon is Bimekizumab I read about it in a magazine. It would be given as a monthly injection I have had P for40 years but nothing so severe as most of the people on this forum Two years ago it appeared on my hands and obviously that made me self conscious but I kind of found ways not to show my hands if possible.. Now I have an outbreak of scalp P My hair has thinned so much I have now resorted to wearing home made turbans from my many scarfs.Im using Alphosyl shampoo which I don't really know is helping.The P on my scalp isn't thick but it just isn't moving.Itd more like dandruff and I feel if I can't get the scalp clear my hair won't grow again which is a depressing thought.Any advice would be much appreciated

Posted Sun 8 Aug 2021 21.54 by Talia

Hi Maria i find leaving baby oil on my scalp over night once per week helps. Boots exfoliating pads for forehead and ren hotclith cleanser once or twice per week seems to help. The ren moisturiser really softens the skin on my forehead. I use simple shampoo and palmers oil coconut conditioner which has no chemicals amd lots of oil to moisturise the scalp. Something that isnt being done with ordinary shampoo. Im taking vitamin e and omega three staying of nightshades spicy good nightshades gluten and trying to cut down sugar. Really quitting meat i saw the biggest difference. Ive been told my stomach lining is damaged according to some websites so this makes my ski. Sensitive to spice and citrus certainfruits. Im not sposed to eat beef or meet more than three times per week. This is a guessing game but hopefully well all get somewhere by sharing info

Posted Sun 8 Aug 2021 23.03 by Maria

Thanks Talia So kind of you to reply I'll certainly try your suggestions and let you know how I get on

Posted Mon 9 Aug 2021 19.34 by Pladecalvo (edited Mon 9 Aug 2021 19.37 by Pladecalvo)

@ María. I didn't find Aphosyl any good. The dermatologist put me on Sebiprox shampoo which is working well so far.

Posted Mon 9 Aug 2021 19.42 by Maria

Thanks so much.. I'll ask the doctor for that

Posted Tue 10 Aug 2021 23.47 by kaleemhamza (edited Tue 10 Aug 2021 23.51 by kaleemhamza)

I want to share this treament who are suffering from it. From past 1yr i was suffering from psoriasis. Want to make ppl live life normally. What i have suffered i dont want another ppl to suffer it. Im very happy now. Im frm india Its unani and Ayurvedic medicine. In 10days 80% is cleared

Posted Wed 11 Aug 2021 14.17 by Pladecalvo

.@kaleemhamza. Hello. Could you be more specific please. For example, is there a trade name for the product?

Posted Fri 13 Aug 2021 04.19 by kaleemhamza

If you have whatsapp no i will show difference

Posted Fri 13 Aug 2021 07.28 by Pladecalvo

@kaleemhamza I'd like to try it. Send me a WhatsApp please and we can discuss it further. My number is +34 63375220

Posted Wed 18 Aug 2021 05.18 by Adjustgutflora

Hi Stuart7, as you asked about other "superfoods" that may be helpful, I'm moved to mention my story again. My psoriasis was as bad as it has ever been and a dermatologist I saw rated it at the serious end. The skin on my belly especially had become really thick but the psoriasis was also very wide spread. I saw a program on the Australian ABC where a gastroenterologist treated a woman with serious irritable bowel by re-balancing her gut bacteria using kefir, which is a fermented milk (non-dairy version available) that originated in the Caucus mountains, east of Turkey, around Mt Elbrus. I also came across some US research where it was found that the gut imbalance among people who have psoriasis is similar to that for people with irritable bowel. It took a few months but I have gained an almost complete clearance of my psoriasis from having 1 1/2 to 2 cups of kefir a day. Filmjolk is a Swedish version that seems to confer similar benefits. My remaining trouble spot is my scalp but I manage that by collecting sea water, warming it and pouring it over my scalp. In collecting sea water it is important to avoid getting it from near storm water outlets if it has been raining over the preceding few days. I think I might try the blueberries too to see if they help. It has dawned on me that I have been eating blueberry filmjolk too, how about that.

Posted Wed 18 Aug 2021 06.58 by Talia

I have to agree with this. I definitely think psoriasis is something to do with gut bacteria. When I was younger I had a tiny patch and now I have more. I have tried kefir but I also tried it with goats milk and panicked when more spots appeared. I think that with me it could be that I shouldn’t be having too much dairy. But I do agree that kefir and also kambucha basically fermented food is good for the gut and I believe recovery is something to do with clearing the gut I’m reinstalling good bacteria I also believe having watch the video from Dr Axe on YouTube who says similar things things that my body is not digesting protein very well. I have therefore virtually cut out meat and I have seen the thick scaly patch on my stomach which was the size of a melon gradually withdraw it has become‘s much smaller by around a third over the course of two months and almost invisible. I put this down to stopping eating meat. I had a food allergy test done as well which cost £27 which I found on the Internet and this suggested that I was in fact allergic to things like tumeric cashew nuts and bizarrely chicken. I have completely stopped eating chicken and meat although IAlthough I occasionally cheat at weekends and I have noticed a great reduction in my psoriasis. I would agree with the seawater comments from the post above because I’ve noticed that when I’m on holiday seawater helps to clear my skin I think there is possibly a link with drying out psoriasis. As I’ve noticed that when I’m on holiday the Sun seems to try out the psoriasis on my legs and it completely disappears.

Posted Tue 31 Aug 2021 07.11 by jamesyw88

Hi everyone, I am a long term lurker here! Anyway, I tried the BB before and after 4 weeks saw no results BUT recently I have been drinking 150ML of the "Naked" Blue Machine smoothie drink which has different berries in it. After around 6 weeks doing so, some parts have cleared right up and others the redness has died down completely. This seems to be working for me at the moment, I will keep you updated.

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