Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 15.28 by Pladecalvo

@ lizziep. Blueberries didn't help me either. Have you spoken to your dermatologist about TALTZ. injections? I started TALTZ injections and was 100% clear in less than a month.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 16.24 by Sthnguyen

The (il = interleukin )Il -17 (Talz) and iL-23 inhibitors (Skyrizi) are amazing in my opinion but you’ll need insurance as it is 70k-100k a year. I am 100% clear on Skyrizi but was only 80% on cosytix (iL-17) and then developed an allergy to it. Skyrxi injection is only once every 12 weeks.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 16.31 by Pladecalvo

@Sthnguyen Luckily I live in a country with universal health care. I agree with you. They are so good. At the moment, my TALZ injection is every month. I'm expecting it to go to every 6 weeks at my next appointment.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 17.25 by Sthnguyen

I want to live in one of those countries. Anyhow if il-17 inhibitor is not working as good as it should for you, il-23 is probably even better because it is an upstream inhibitor. It prevents il-23 which in turn prevents il-17. Also ok inject at home. Subcutaneous.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 18.35 by Pladecalvo

TALZ is working perfectly for me. There isn't a single mark on me now.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 19.08 by Talia

What are the side effects of Talz

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 19.13 by Pladecalvo

@Talia For me there has been absolutely nothing.

Posted Thu 28 Dec 2023 12.00 by Tryingeverything

Hello everyone! Just popping in with a quick update. I’m on day 12 of eating 20 blueberries every morning. The first days my psoriasis got progressively worse. I’ve never been a flaking type of psoriatic, just red patches usually but I got very dry and very flaky which was unusual for me. I had to up my skincare and moisturise a lot but still I was flaking like crazy! Waking up with flakes all over the bed was nasty. Also I was very very itchy. Today I think I have reached a turning point, I have woken up with my plaques a faded pink colour instead of angry red. They are very flat now, almost completely flat still a little raised though and they are smooth, with no flakes. Hopefully I’ve reached a turning point! I hear that psoriasis often gets worse before it gets better? I wouldn’t know, I’ve never experienced remission in the whole 13 years I’ve been plagued with this. Fingers crossed it keeps improving!

Posted Thu 28 Dec 2023 17.10 by Sthnguyen

I take close to a full cup everyday. I get a frozen bag from Costco so it is economical.

Posted Tue 23 Jan 2024 07.24 by ASP (edited Tue 23 Jan 2024 07.38 by ASP)

I’m from India. I’m a 65 year old male suffering from Ps for the last 36 years. I had gone thro Dr Heng protocol and cleared in 2008. Recurred after few years but was manageable. Did not take any main stream allopathy treatment. I had to repeat the treatment in 2020 as there was flare up after I relocated to my country and food habits changed. Then again in 2022. But last couple of times Dr Heng protocol was not as effective as the first one. Im taking Vitamin D/K2 MK4, Zinc, Magnesium. Tried salt baths. I also take Krill oil & B12. I’m taking Axis Biotix daily since end Dec. Since last few days I’m having cold water baths for a few minutes twice a day (in the evening with pink salt & Epsom salt plus few drops of coconut oil). Now I have started fresh blueberry (20/day). It’s only my third day. Too early to report any changes. Will keep you posted on the progress

Posted Wed 14 Feb 2024 20.28 by Baris22

Hi all This is unbelievable. Blueberries are really working. I started eating them every day. It's been about 3 weeks. Psoriasis on my face is gone. It started fading away just after a week. The first couple of days it was horrible. My arms, my body were so itchy. I never had this itchiness before. It settled down but itchiness started again after 10 days. I still have Psoriasis on my arms, body and scalp. However the color turned into pink. I have Psoriasis for more than 30 years. I am 44 years old. I get the Blueberries from lidl and aldi. I try to buy the fresh ones. I tried frozen ones for 3 days. I am so happy my face is clear. Thanks for letting people know about the Blueberries.

Posted Sun 18 Feb 2024 12.06 by Dreckly1966 (edited Fri 23 Feb 2024 04.52 by Dreckly1966)

@Baris22 Are blueberries the only thing you’ve changed? I’ve read this whole thread and done a lot of reading about what can help/hinder. It’s my 17yo son that has it (scalp and guttate) as has my husband (scalp and plaques on knees and elbows). I’ve read great things about vitamin D too.

Posted Sun 18 Feb 2024 14.03 by Talia

Vitamin d300 and a probiotic

Posted Fri 23 Feb 2024 04.32 by Dreckly1966 (edited Fri 23 Feb 2024 04.51 by Dreckly1966)

@Talia Thank you! My son has started taking vitamin D3 in a spray form. He’s also adding blueberries, 2x tbsp of sea moss and 1x tbsp of milled flaxseed (which also contains vitamin D3 and a probiotic) to his morning smoothie. He’s using a topical treatment every 2 days but it does seem to be improving slightly. I’ll report back in case anybody else is following this discussion like I have!

Posted Mon 26 Feb 2024 07.40 by Jazzy

Hi I have got scalp psoriasis for a year now and it’s driving me crazy I am under the dermatologist who is giving all kind of creams and oils to put on my scalp. But was wondering does anybody know if vitamin D helps ?also I am going to try the blueberries any thing natural is good.

Posted Mon 26 Feb 2024 23.43 by Dreckly1966

@Jazzy Lots of people say that vitamin D and blueberries help. We’re in the early days of trying (see my post above) and I think there have been improvements. My son is also being more careful with his diet, avoiding processed foods/sugar as much as possible.

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2024 19.12 by BigA1988

Just to say I tried the blueberry “treatment” for my plaque psoriasis, and it didn’t work for me.

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2024 19.30 by Tryingeverything

Helloooo an update as promised, I have cleared my psoriasis around 50% so far, and it is clearing more each day. However, it wasnt the blueberries for me. i just weaned myself off topical steroids and after a pretty nasty rebound episode it started going away on its own :)

Posted Tue 11 Jun 2024 07.12 by Sthnguyen

I realize that this post is about blueberries and for me, it helped. I still very much like blueberries and still eat it. I have, like most of you searched for the magic bullet for the last 40 years. I and many others have actually found it. I am 98% clear and no longer on my 100K/year biologic, Skyrizi. My journey started at the end of 2023 as I was trying to lose some weight (I was only about 20lbs over my ideal weight, I am now at my ideal @ 135lbs and 5/8") and just ate mostly protein and a little of carbs (which worked). Then I started to see Youtube videos on how the carnivore diet has healed lots of people with P. You use it as an elimination diet and can start to add other foods back to see what you are allergic to. Anyhow, I tried it and it worked. Within the first month, I noticed that my scalp inflammation which I had even on biologics (caused by hair implants) went away, and then I stopped having breakouts (itching, pimply skin, hives). The minor P that I still had (started to get better). Now five months later, I am still good and not on any drugs. (I still have a little P behind the ear but did notice that I was able to even make it disappear when on the clean diet). For me, unfortunately it is beef and fish, and lamb. But everything else (non-ruminant meat) I seem to have some sort of reaction to, such as pork, chicken, egg white (but blueberries are OK with me). Some are very minor but still can cause some rash to appear after several days. Any sugar or carbs at all will start a break out almost immediately (like sometimes less than a minute ), such as an apple, apple juice, oranges, honey, candies, etc. So no more sweets or carbs of any kind. Other people with P are able to eat most animal protein but not me, at least at this point. It may take more time for my body to heal. P may be related to leaky gut? There are a few tricks to being a carnivore. I am not going to cover it here as there are plenty of forums and videos on it. I did adopt a 80% fat calories to 20% protein. That means that I add tons of beef fats (tallow, or butter) with my meal to get to my 80%. It's a simple diet but not an easy one. There are some negatives with it and you'll most likely need to supplement. Now I see what was happening in the past and why I would get break outs for seemingly no reasons, why it was impossible to control. I was eating food that agitated my body every day. After around two month of being carnivore, I went to the doctor and did every test under the sun to make sure that the carnivore diet was not screwing me up and almost everything came in nearly perfect (CRP, CBC, kidney, ferritin, blood pressure, etc. ) my LDL which was high but taken overall (triglyceride and HDL) my doctor said it was a non-issue. Good luck to everyone here. I am glad I have found my magic bullet. Unfortunately for me, it is also a curse as I used to love food. But overall my cravings for bad foods has dropped off significantly. Can I do this for the next 5 year, 10 years, etc?, that remains to be seen. I guess I would rather eat (ruminant food), than to have to deal with P for now. Good luck everyone.

Posted Sun 16 Jun 2024 11.14 by gr4nts

Having searched and searched for a Psoriasis 'cure' a couple of years ago I tried a search with certain criteria- I will NOT read or give credit to any claims that want to make a profit! This includes the usual 'buy my wonder treatment' consult our 'specialists for a small fee' and YouTube bombardment of advertising. After all my hours and hours of research, based on the above, I tried the carnivore diet for 3 months. The change in my whole life (including my psoriasis) was astonishing. However, I panicked after 3 months at the rate I was losing weight and in a moment of weakness ate some chocolate - goodbye carnivore diet! Like a lot of people in the Western world, I have a sugar addiction. The psoriasis has been on and off but located only on my leg and groin areas which I had learnt to sort of control and live with. Recently, with a completely new job change and associated learning curve stress my psoriasis is out of control and breaking out all over my body. I, yet again, have been searching using the same criteria as before and with very similar results my carnivore diet is already underway. I enjoyed reading Sthnguyen's post above and whether anyone else has introduced blueberries into the carnivore and how they got on.

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