Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 23.47 by Chrissie NW

Hi I had Psoriasis in my scalp to my feet, with the exception of my face and it's not scaly, but extremely red raw it was horrendous and would not wish it on my worst enemy. I do not have any now, truly amazing. Keep taking the Blueberries 20 per day and keep it up. Chrissie

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 07.37 by demonicale

Hello Chrissie, Thank you for replying so quickly, it really means a lot to me that I can get yours and a few others feedback on the blueberries. A question that's bugging me. Would you think it's OK to have the blueberries mixed with natural yogurt?. I'm paranoid that the yogurt would have a counter effect?. Many thanks!

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 08.03 by Sarahtenby
GP sufferer

I have guttate Psoriasis and suddenly another proper flare up has appeared - I am 100 percent starting the blueberry magic today! I will update you all in a month so glad I found this thread and for Phil magic blueberry man So happy for you guys it’s worked for bet you feel like different people, did any of you guys it’s worked for have guttate psoriasis xxxx

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 08.09 by Chrissie NW

Hi yes it is perfectly ok to have Blueberries with yoghurt. I had them on my porridge, mini shredders with Blueberries inside (from Aldi) but most days I just had 20 out of the box, wash them, let them dry off and eat them. Hope this helps. Good luck and I hope it works for you, I took them for a month to six weeks and the results amazing as I was literally covered and red raw. Chrissie

1 Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 08.49 by demonicale

Thank you Chrissie as I was worried that having yogurt with them might not work. I can't believe that it's not even a week yet (week tomorrow) and i'm already seeing a difference!. Mind you, I've been having them morning AND evening so that might speed up the process a little. I'll keep you all informed of how things progress!

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 09.35 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Sarah hi, My psoriasis was guttate. seemed like thousands of little red spots. Then it got worse and worse until i was a red flaky mass, except my face. Chrissie had same as me, I am sure you can feel the heat off your skin. You have my sympathy, when my skin was like that it nearly put my head away. Hope it works for u as it did for me. Best Wishes Warren

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 12.13 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren, I was just reading above re:- why hasnt the Psoriasis Ass not done anything about the Magic Blueberries. Well I emailed them yesterday so ask why it has not been any interest from them and considering we are on the Forum letting the world know how people with P have been cleared of the nasty, damaging disease. I have had a reply this morning by email acknowledging, my email will be passed to the relevant department and I should here very soon, thought I would let you know and perhaps Sir Phil will see this as well. I just want them to see all our discussions and whatever else they have to say. Thanks Warren. Chrissie

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 12.38 by Cazzy27

Hi Chrissie. Well done on taking this further. I know it didn't really help me but they shouldn't ignore these findings. Hopefully they will look more into it. Nice to hear that you're on holiday wearing shorts. I can't imagine the difference it makes to you and all the others it has helped. Carole

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 12.53 by Chrissie NW

Hi Carole, lovely hearing from you, yes Im on Holiday on Anglesey, it only takes just over the hour to get here from home, it a four bed bungalow and tomorrow there will 14 here all ladies until Sunday, this is as it was a BIG birthday for me so its all friends, plus school friends Ive come away for a rest but its been crazy but great, but today the wind is horrendous and we think the bridge to the island will be closed, hoping its ok tomorrow as thats when they all arrived. Anyway, less of me, I hope you are keeping ok, Im still clear, but when I read a message from Phil to Warren I thought well I will contact the Association as it is clearly a Charitable Organization and should be looking at there forums and reconising what Blueberries have done to the people on this site, anyway I should hear from them soon and will come back on the Forum and let everybody know what they have said. Its lovely hearing from you and try and keep well, Chrissie

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 13.07 by Cazzy27

Hi Chrissie. Wow how lovely to have so many friends to share your birthday with. I'm sure a few laughs will be had. I'm in Turkey at the moment and it's very hot. Finding the feet are drying up a bit but I can still walk at the moment. Keep up the good work. I can't see how they can ignore these findings now. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and hope the bridge is open for the rest of your party to get there. Regards Carole

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 14.53 by Chrissie NW

Carole you are in my favourite country, we spent two months in Turkey borrowed a house from a friend and we flew up to Instanbul for four days what a Capital, history is outstanding the four ladies enjoyed it immensely, we love the heat. Hope skin holds up and not hurting and enjoy the rest of your holiday. We have 70 MLS an hour winds it's calming down a bit but still fierce. Regards. Chrissie

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 15.20 by Sarahtenby
GP sufferer

Warren - yes that’s how my flare up went last year loads of sore red hot angry spots and they grew into large red areas and went flakey exact same by the sounds of things, then lastly went all up my neck over my face all around my nose behind my ears very red very sore - I become a recluse and was extremely self conscious and feared I’d be like this for the rest of my life it effected everything relationships friends social and work It did eventually die down although some spots never totally gone but I really don’t mind that one bit But I can feel the start of another flare now new spots getting bigger everyday again I want to kick its ass now before I get worse I would do anything 😰 so I’m praying blueberries are going to help I hope the psoriasis association read this thread guys and research more into it great you emailed them I didn’t realise there were so many different types of psoriasis too Xxxx

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 16.12 by demonicale

So Chrissie you had the cereal with bluberries as the filling inside the wheat bites?. I've found Tesco blueberry wheat cereal.

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 16.46 by Linda D

Hello everyone, I have PPP, and have eaten Blueberries every morning for 3 years....I have to say, it has made no difference to my PPP, but get very few colds etc....I have also gone gluten free in last few months, but the combination of finishing work & moving shortly have made the soles of my feet worse, and have been so sore with cracked lesions over several months. I have to put dressings on everyday to go 2 work and be able to hands have some sores, but not as bad as my feet. Am hoping by end of October, when I have semi retire & moved and stress is lowered, they will settle? As I do not want to go onto these toxic medications.....fingers crossed. Linda D

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 21.05 by warren1 (edited Wed 19 Sep 2018 21.08 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Sarah hi, Yep sounds like mine. I found that when my psoriasis flared up it just took its own ferocious course. The only thing i could do is put cetraben on or 50/50 liquid parifin and wait till it started to die down. Then i would use steriods. The steriod that worked best for it was Dermavate. It was given to me by Dr Kerr Consultant, when i was in hospital. Doctor Corbett, top consultant in N.Ireland explained to me that the reason the guttate psoriasis went up to the head and out at the arms and legs was that the flare up was seeking to make an exit via the extremities. I found that many of my flare ups were linked directly to throat infections ie strep throat. You could possibly ask for and antibiotic if there is a direct link. I was never quick enough though. You can see that i have been through the mill and i can fully sympathise with your situation. Blueberries have made a massive difference to me. You can trace my story back to 1st August on this Thread. It is amazing. Its like a dream and i havent woke up yet. Even my feet which were usuall cracked, red, raw and bleeding have cleared. My wife saw then yesterday and said thats totally amazing they are 'white as a ghost thats her way of saying normal. As i have said i owe a lot to Phil and Chrissie on this thread. Its so simple 20 blueberries a day for 4-6 weeks. i bought them in Tesco. i showed Dr Pagano's book healing psoriasis the natural way to a consultant when i was in the hospital ward 10 years ago and she dismissed it saying there is no scientific evidence to support it' To be honest i tried it but could not keep his diet ,I simply found it too hard. But Now here is an answer linked to diet its Blueberries. Any dermatologists reading this, and i have met many, this has worked for me. sorry i went off on a rant just there. trust the above is a help Sarah Warren

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 21.40 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Linda hi i take it that PPP refers to Pustualar Psoriasis. I have had plaque, erythrodermic , guttate psoriasis mainly throughout my life. It is this psoriasis that the blueberries have worked on. I have only had Postular psoriasis on two occasions in my life on my hands and feet and both were linked to extreme stress. This blister form of psoriasis is possibly the most dangerous. Again you have my sympathy. Have u tried the 20 a day dose? or just some? i dont know from your text. From this thread we have noticed that a number with plaque, guttate and erythrodermic have benefited. Postular psoriasis is different in that it is like a volcano erupting under the skin then blisters and hard red sore psoriasis. again my sympathy is with you Linda. Warren

Posted Wed 19 Sep 2018 21.50 by Linda D

Thanks Warren, I have had a very stressful couple of years....& this ppp came on suddenly in Feb this year, despite steroid cream & lots of emollients, nothing seem to have helped. I have had a large handful of blueberries everyday on my ppp itches like crazy at night, because I gave to wear cotton socks & feel like walking on glass in the day. Like I said, am now leaving my stressful sales job on the corporate world, & moving 2 my new home early hoping with less stress they will settle & heal.. .Linda D

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 05.10 by Cazzy27

Hi Linda. I to have PPP on the soles of my feet so know exactly what you are going through. Are you on any medication at the moment? I'm on a low dose of Cyclosporin which helps me walk a bit. I have tried the blueberries but sadly they didn't help me much. I stopped the meds during this time but after a month I could hardly walk so had to start back on them. Not sure why mine started 7 years ago but I will look out for your post to see how you get on. Good luck with the move etc and hope your PPP calms down for you. Carole

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 07.38 by warren1 (edited Thu 20 Sep 2018 12.57 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

just a word about the Psoriasis Association. In the past i have found i have found them very helpful, giving advice on the phone, sending links and literature in the post. My son has said that he knew when my skin was bad because i was on the phone to them. I have spoken to Laura on several occasions and found her to be very sympathetic, helpful and knoledgeable. i have benefited from these contacts. There have been times when i have mentioned things to them which have been on this Forum which have helped people and each time they have said that what has helped one person may not help another. i have found that they consistantly follow the Health service advice regarding treatment ie in relation to creams, ointments, systemic treatment, etc. Which is totally understandable and protects them from giving advice/direction in relation to things that are not scientifically proven. In light of the above i can understand why the association is not jumping in to this arena with both feet. If there is a possible cure i believe they will be very forward to pursue it. I cant remember them coming into any other thread on their forum either. I believe we are all on the same side, we all are against this disease, i was going to say plague. If blueberries is the answer to thousands of people being cleared of psoriasis then i am sure that the psoriasis association will rejoice with us. ps just had blueburries and haven't turned purple yet lol

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 14.49 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Had plaque psoriasis for 30+ years which seemed to disappear after starting low carb (for weight loss) plus vitamin supplements about 3 years ago. Since stopping low carb (and gaining the weight back) :-( psoriasis is back in full painful force together with psoriatic arthritis worse than ever! After reading this post I'm off to buy some blueberries! I will report back how I get on. I noticed also that you can buy blueberry powder online - has anyone tried this? Would it have the same effect? Fingers crossed anyway x JulieM

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