Humira // recent change to the drug??

Posted Mon 20 Mar 2017 22.13 by Shellybean69

Hi All I have been on Humira for approx 3 years now and when I started on it I felt confidence improved as my skins was clearing up! hooray!.....I was finally able to ditch the foundation which I used to cover up my arms with and wear a short sleeved top feeling good but within the last few months they have since changed the packing with less fluid in the injections with a smaller needle apparently to make it easier for the patient to consultant assures me that the drug rep told them the amount of dosage had not differed....since this change however I have been experiencing severe symptoms which are similar to IBS....I went to my docs got bloods done and all OK except one showed up inflammation which is not surprising really after the way my bowel has been behaving..... I am scheduled to have a camera in my bowel soon just to make sure there is nothing dodgy in there that shouldn't be......I then decided to take 4 weeks off from taking the injections just to see if it would help my bowel problems and I do not know if it is just coincidence but I am starting to feel human again with only a slight tender feeling in my belly.... am I alone with this recent reaction or has anyone else had similar issues? any helpful advice / comments welcome :) thank you for taking the time to read this xx

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