Guttate psoriasis

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 12.09 by Livvyg

I stopped using enstilar for two days then my GP has come back worse. Im not sure if i should keep using it or not?

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 12.17 by JuanF-A

For advice on treatment using a steroid, you should always consult your Doctor/Healthcare Professional (and not take my, or any other non-professional advice). If you haven't had phototherapy, you may consider asking your Doctor about that as it seems to help, especially with GP, although I'm still waiting for my treatment so can't offer any personal experience.

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 13.13 by Livvyg

Have you found that the dovobet has worked for you?

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 13.16 by JuanF-A

Yes, please read my posts above.

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 22.30 by Slipit1

JuanF-A, Everything you commented on is absolutly spot on , I have gone throjgh extensive research and had several diifferent dermo app with 3 different affikiations as most of us had no idea what was happening when 1st attacked. Anyone new to this thread read JuanF and it will save you time on reading the thread, Thanks for the detail and the confirmation

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 04.11 by Tee93

Hey all, I was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis In the beginning of September. At first I thought it was poison ivy, and it kept spreading. Started on my scalp and within a week was covered from head to toe. Have had it for 2 months now and have a derm apt in 2 weeks. I was prescribed prednisone at first and it took the rash away for the most part besides a few spots. I stopped taking it and it came back, and I’ve been on methotrexate and folic acid for the last month. I retook prednisone for the past two weeks and it’s taken about half of the rash away, I run out of prednisone in two days so I’m gonna do a trial run of turmeric 538 mg root extract and I’ll take a few a day for the next couple weeks to see what happens. I also use hydrocortisone 2.5% and it seems to help. I also know prednisone has bad side effects, but I’d do anything for a day of relief. I’ve also heard breast milk is good to rub on the body to get rid of the rash, but have yet to try this yet. Any thoughts? Good luck to everyone on beating psoriasis!

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 12.46 by Slipit1

Hey Tee93, it seems you're taking it pretty well for just getting diagnosed how old are you if you don't mind me asking? I was diagnosed with chronic excema that looks like gutt tate last December and was freaking out cuz I didn't know what happened I'm 55 never had a problem before but it came out when I took a new antibiotic for a cold French I have found ways to keep it at Bay a little bit for the scalp I use 1% steroid ointment and coconut oil melted once a week has to be cold-pressed organic gives great relief put it in at night put a towel on your pillow and then wash it out in the morning

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 17.09 by Tee93

Hey Slipit1, thanks for the reply! I am a 24 yr old male, I workout about 5 times a week and eat healthy. Have been on this routine for the past year or so and am physically fit, so when I started to get guttate all over I was super curious to see what caused it. I did notice I started to get a sore throat before I got the rash. I had requested to be prescribed prednisone 20 mg, it really does take it away. At least for me. But I know it’s not a drug to be on long term. Side effects I’ve had are bloody stool, and stomach cramps. I’m sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with chronic excema. The only thing this rash has really effected might be my chances of meeting a partner. It upset me to know there’s no real cure for it, but in reality I can let it beat me and take over. Or I can keep doing what I can to take care of it and try new remedies to see what works. It has its days where it gets to me, but I try to stay positive about it. I tell myself that out of my other two brothers I’m the one who took the bullet and got guttate psoriasis. It makes me feel better. Lol

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 18.28 by marchamill (edited Tue 11 Sep 2018 18.29 by marchamill)

I have been suffering with Psoriasis since I was 19/20 and I am 21 now. In the beginning I tried various otc psoriasis creams but it did not give the necessary result. The process has been quite a struggle especially at the begin ig and trying to get use to the fact of having the condition. My specialist has now suggested that I try to use the UV Light Therapy. Hopefully all goes well and improves.

Posted Wed 12 Sep 2018 03.27 by Tee93

Good luck on the light therapy! I’ve been taking Humira to help rid of the rash and after about a month I was free of it. I went back to see if there was a way I could switch meds to one less risky (side effects) but apparently once u start humira you’re unable to stop as it will no longer work. I’ve heard light therapy is great for some people, 🤞

Posted Wed 12 Sep 2018 13.21 by JuanF-A

I am not a medical expert and am not qualified to speak on treatment options and their efficacy (or not). But speaking from my own experience, I posted further up this chain in July 2017, and the primary thrust was that the root cause of GP (or any auto-immune disorder) is likely a gut issue which in turn has become an auto-immune issue as food material has 'leaked' out of the gut over time. One year (and a bit) on from last July, my health has never been better, and I have had zero auto-immune episodes of any kind. Furthermore, all my allergies have gone, and I haven't been sick for over a year now. I know I've caught a cold virus during that time but only experienced very mild symptoms and wasn't 'sick'. I have continued to refine my diet to maintain a healthy gut and avoid any and all health problems, which has brought the added benefit of dropping from 110kg to 88kg in weight, and I have been at that constant weight for over 6 mths now, regardless of how much or little I eat. My first big diet shift was to reduce carbohydrates dramatically — that's starchy ones such as wheat (which also has gluten which is very tough on the bowel), potatoes and rice, fruits, and the more obvious 'sugars'. Since then (phase two) I've cut out all plant foods, as I'm sure some of these were causing me problems and am on a meat only diet — that's anything that comes from an animal source — and one which is high in animal fat content (as this is now my energy source in the absence of carbs/sugars). Not only do I feel great, but I also have constant energy without peaks and dips, better mood (zero depression), better sleep and stronger muscles (I don't work out much), no inflammation, and — most importantly — amazing skin and ZERO problems with ZERO medication. I also eat a lot less food than I used to as I feel full much more quickly and don't get hungry between meals. If you want to read some real stories of people with a similar experience to me, check out and There are loads more stories like this on there too for all sorts of health conditions. As I said at the start, I am not a medical expert or qualified to give advice (so this isn't advice but my own experience), but my GP Doctor wife (who is qualified) is advising all her patients with any problems — especially type II diabetes — to go low carb. She fully accepts that I am healthier than she's ever known me in over 20 years and that the science, biology and pathology all stack up. Hope my, and others' stories are helpful in making your own choices in treating your psoriasis.

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 05.35 by MomofchildwithGuttate

Hi everyone I have an 8-year-old son who came out of the womb with Guttate psoriasis along with eczema and food and outdoor allergies as well and we have tried everything from diets to creams, oral medication, shots, phototherapy, and steroids you name it we have tried it and nothing has seemed to work. So his doctor mentioned to me about something called Leaky Gut and lets say your looking at your gut it looks like this net with small holes well these holes can become aggravated with certain things you eat like dairy, gluten, sugar, etc and when these holes get bigger it allows toxins and undigested food to enter your bloodstream which them makes your red blood cells start attacking and causing inflammation under your epidermis which is the top layer of your skin, anyways I am taking my son to a gastrointestinal doctor to have the blood test done to confirm this is what is causing his problems if so healing the gut should rid him of everything going on or at least make it 90 percent better by what doctor says. Just an idea for those of you who are at wit's end and don't know what to do anymore. I will keep you guys updated on how everything turns out especially if he ends up with little to even nothing going on anymore.

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 05.50 by MomofchildwithGuttate

Tee93 breast milk is not good the part of the breast milk that is good is the colostrum — an antibody-packed form of breast milk — has shown some skin-healing properties, It is not recommended as a psoriasis treatment. That whole rumor started with the Kardashians and as far as you fearing you will not meet a partner just get that out of your head because the right partner will love you for your psoriasis and all. My husband has psoriasis and we have been together for 11 wonderful years. It does not bother me because the way he treats me is way more important than what's going on with his outside.

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 10.09 by JuanF-A

MomofchildwithGuttate, if you read both my posts here you will see that healing my gut worked for me. Your Gastrointestinal doctor may or may not subscribe to the idea of leaky gut, but doing a test to see if there are issues of permeability could at least give you a confirmation. I never had mine tested, but by healing my gut as if it were leaky, I healed very quickly and have stayed healed ever since. There's no harm in treating leaky gut as it basically involves cutting out foods that cause inflammation and eating those which provide healthy cells for your gut and your whole body too. The one thing your 8-yr old may not like is that you would be absolutely best off removing all carbs, and especially refined sugars - that's sweets, artificial drinks, cakes, biscuits etc. Good luck!

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 16.21 by MomofchildwithGuttate

JaunF-A thanks a ton He doesn't really do sweets and he does do some carbs you know because he is 8 I do have trouble getting him to eat some food because he is picky and thinks they are gross even if I hide them in his foods he somehow knows lol but he does have an appointment with a GI in a week and they said that they could test him and we would go from there. I do have a question since healing your gut do you still have flare-ups or did it stop completely after healing the gut?

Posted Thu 20 Sep 2018 18.02 by JuanF-A

MomofchildwithGuttate I haven't had any flare-ups and other allergies (which had started to appear and increase, such as hay fever) completely disappeared. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek who is referred to as the father of Western medicine, and whose oath all Doctors take before practising (the Hippocratic Oath), stated that "all disease begins in the gut". Food for thought! Keep us posted.

Posted Fri 3 Jan 2020 09.35 by Tee93

Hi I was checking in to see how everyone is with symptoms, I have been doing my same regimen for about a year now and its been working great for me. I would love to share with everyone, in the long run it is cost effective. I went from taking Humira bi weekly to taking doses of natural medicine daily. If anyone needs information I would love to share.

Posted Fri 3 Jan 2020 15.05 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Tee93: why not just say now what you did, or what you used? I see on another thread you have said you want someone to give their email address...... If you want to help others, just write what you did.

Posted Mon 6 Jan 2020 06.25 by Kate

Hi everyone. I suffer from GP too. Definitely something to do with leaky gut. I was prescribed omeprazole by my Dr for stomach problems. To my surprise, my skin cleared up and so did my scalp. As soon as I stopped omeprazole my GP came back with a vengeance. Furthermore, definitely diet has something to do with P although docs don't associate the two. Over Xmas I had seafood and itched all night, had to take antihistamine. Also allergic to certain nuts, so i had some chocs over xmas with hazelnuts, again I itched all night. If anyone can advise about my scalp please. For my skin I use dovonex twice daily and dovobet at night which is fantastic. Wishing you all a good day

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