Psoriasis on face. Help!

Posted Fri 29 Mar 2013 23.22 by Gaea82
7 years

Hi all. I'm new in here and was just wondering if anyone had any tips on how to cover up psoriasis on your face? I'm fed up of people saying just wear more make up. Within an hour my face has started to build up scales, which show up even more with make up on. My whole face is covered, and has been now for five years. This really gets me down, with people staring and pointing, and I'm finding it hard to cope. Thank you in advance for any advice

Posted Sat 30 Mar 2013 10.56 by Dave
To cut a long story short, psoriasis ruined my life when i was just a teenager.

Hi Gaea82 I use Alphosyl HC every night after bathing in Hydromol Emollient. The Alphosyl works to keep it off my face when applied correctly. The bad news is, Alphosyl HC is no longer in production so it will eventually run out and i haven't been able to find a replacement. That said, you should still be able to get some from your local chemist with a prescription, if your GP will give you a hand written one, and they still have it in stock. Failing that i would definitely insist on UVB treatment at the hospital, through your GP as an outpatient. If anyone knows of a worthy replacement for when Alphosyl HC stocks run dry, please post here. Take care.

Posted Sat 30 Mar 2013 18.48 by Gaea82
7 years

Thank you. Will be seeing dr soon so I'll see what I can get

Posted Sat 22 Jun 2013 13.38 by tiggy631
Skin and bones

Hi Gaea82 I have had psoraisis for over thirty years now, I also have psoriatic arthritis. I got some on my face usually near my eyelids and couldn't risk driving as scales would fall off into my eyes without any warning. My then GP suggested Protopic Ointment 0.1% which is Tacrolimus monohydrate. It seems to work like magic on any face lesions but for some reason nowhere else. I always keep some at home just in case. Might be worth asking about it for yourself. Hope you get something that works soon.

Posted Fri 14 Mar 2014 11.21 by jotat37

Hi all I have been doing a bit of research as I have facial psoriasis and there is some make up that will cover it I know its not a cure but will maybe make it easier to live with I'm not sure if it works as yet but I'm willing to give anything a try, there are a few different kinds but all seem a bit pricey, although I have read that it may be possible to get it on prescription, the names of the make up is Dermablend, Veil, Dermacolour and keromask hope this helps x

Posted Thu 11 Sep 2014 17.51 by katecell8atgmail
My mom had it but not anymore

Psoriasis is not a skin disease, it's a blood disease. The skin problem is simply the symptoms. No one's telling you this because companies make more money from treating symptoms than underlying causes. If you just swallow a piece of garlic each day (no need to chew it) to help clean your blood, your psoriasis should eventually go away completely. This is what my mother did. It would be much appreciated if you could email me any results. I think it's pretty clear this is not a skin disease and it upsets me greatly that it is being treated as such.

Posted Mon 9 Feb 2015 11.42 by
Ive had psoriasis in many areas in my body

Hello Ive had Psoriasis on my face as well. A colleague recommended a treatment - gel, oil, cream called Soratinex. and all cleared up after 6-8 weeks after trying. Have been symptom-less for about 1.5 years. I hope this helps you - costs about 150 pounds I think for 2 month treatment for the set..more or less. Mark

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