P + water retention - anyone else had experience of this?

Posted Sun 31 Mar 2013 17.32 by cvb1
30 years

Hi All Just got a bad bout of P - worse I've ever had with near whole body coverage and frequent chills/ sweating etc. New symptom for me though is water retention - whole body swelling though most painfully in legs. Anyone else had any experience of this and found solution that works for them? Not sure whether to take antihistamine or not whilst this is going on - will it improve or make worse? Pharmacist seems to think its unrelated to my P but i've never had this before with or without an outbreak of P and clinic won't be open till after the bank hol. Anyone out there got any experience/ solution to share? Ta C

Posted Mon 2 Dec 2013 20.40 by Amandine
Plaque Psoriasis since childhood, now nail psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, eye problems, the full monty really!

Hi, I'm sorry no-one had an answer for you when you needed it - I wonder if you ever figured out if there was a connection? I have Psoriatic Arthritis and get swollen ankles a lot with it. There are a lot of complications of psoriasis - if you have a weird symptom and google it '.... and psoriasis' you will find someone who has reported it.

Posted Mon 2 Dec 2013 22.34 by Fogo

Hi C Water retention can be connected to kidney function. It might be worth having it checked Regards Fogo

Posted Sat 14 Dec 2013 23.06 by Amandine
Plaque Psoriasis since childhood, now nail psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, eye problems, the full monty really!

Fogo - interesting point, I have already requested full bloods and have an appointment for 3rd Jan, so they will include LFT's & KFT's in that.

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