Guttate Psoriasis, Sanex Advanced Hydrate 24h and Iron Supplement!

Posted Fri 4 Aug 2017 11.24 by Hoggle0401

I'm writing this in a hope that I can somehow help anyone else who is suffering with the horrible skin condition! Firstly I should mention that Psoriasis is in my family with my Dad suffering from Plaque Psoriasis for 30+ years (which is now under control despite years of treatment and being in hospital for a period of time). Luckily I have always managed to be psoriasis free, until after the birth of my son. When my son reached around 10 months old I suffered with a bout of Tonsilitis. This is something i've had many times before as a child. About 2 weeks after this we were on holiday and I started coming out in 1cm 'spots'. After a few weeks of them not clearing I went to the doctors as I knew what this looked like. The doctor confirmed this was indeed Guttate Psoriais (and looked just like the paint splashes you hear of!). The doctor prescribed me some Cetraben and Dovabet and off I went. After around 4 weeks, I was plastered head to toe in Guttate Psoriasis, and I would not have wished this on my worst enemy. There was not an inch of me which was not covered in scales. After 10's of trips back and forth to the doctor, and being advised that these may form into plaque psoriasis as they worsened, I was at my wits end. The doctor literally gave me every Psoriasis medication to try possible, and nothing either levitated the bright red, itchy sore scales or treated them. I was referred for UV light treatment but the wait was over 4 months away which when you are in that much discomfort seemed like a life time! So I looked for alternative treatments..... My scalp was covered in thick scales and I'd say this was the worst part, as I have long dark hair and so it showed up. Having returned to work in a new job from maternity leave also made me more conscious of this. My husband found a treatment called Sedigel. This is a fairly dry gel which just elevates the itch and flakes for a short while. A god send during the working day. I then began to get mouth ulcers like I have never had before. My mouth felt like it was constantly on fire. So I visited another GP who suggested an Iron levels check. Sure enough I was oddly pleased to hear that my iron levels were a third of what they should be. This was at least something else that I could try in a hope my body would heal! I then began the light treatment, 3 times a week for 10 weeks. Sure enough it worked and the scales began to fade. For anyone who has not tried this, please please do push for a referral. It does not work for everybody, but it's worth a try. The one thing I will say is you have to be prepared to commit to it, and expect that the treatment is uncomfortable (I basically felt sunburnt every other day). Whilst undergoing this treatment, I was given a sample of a cream in a goody bag to try at an event one day. It was Sanex Advanced Hydrate 24. And my goodness I loved it and would recommend you try it if like me you are at your wits end! I applied this twice a day, and it just kept my skin really well moisturised without feeling greasy (which for anyone who has had to plaster Dovobet on right before getting dressed or going to bed will appreciate... it's like being plastered in Vaseline!). It's about £4.50 a bottle and you can buy it at most high street pharmacies. I'm not sure if it was a combination of all three (UV treatment, Iron supplement with Orange Juice each day, and the Sanex Advanced cream) but I am now psoriasis free and have been for 8 months (touches wood). It has also cleared in my hair despite not having UV treatment there. I hope that in writing this I am providing somebody more options to try if like me you are looking for other treatments. Believe me I must have spent hours surfing the internet looking for new treatments to try, and I hope this provides some sufferers hope that it can be maintained. Good luck and I empathise 100%!

Posted Sat 5 Aug 2017 05.00 by xloreleix - 33 from Pinner
Hi im 26 years old and suffered from psoriasis since i was 16. Currently enduring a battle with PPP and about to try acitretin

Thankyou for taking the time to write this! Im going to give the sanex a go! Im on my 3rd day of atritetin (however you spell it) as i had to go to a private detmatologist as running out of time as im going travelling in november but she said the phototherapy would be to expensive so hopefully this wont have as bad side effects as what im hearing otherwise il just have to grin and bear it abroad eeek! Unfortunately this time i think i got PPP as for the first time 4 weeks ago i came up in blisters all over my hands and feet thats where i lost it! Wish me luck!

Posted Sat 5 Aug 2017 05.53 by Hoggle0401

Good luck with the treatment and I hope the Sanex gives you some relief at least. Let me know if it works for you!

Posted Sat 5 Aug 2017 16.15 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

What is it?? There is no way of contacting you as the forum does not have a messaging system. Is your post code CB23 6BL as registered at Companies House?

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