Psoriasis Treatment on different parts of the body

Posted Fri 11 Aug 2017 12.45 by Clare89x
Hi Everyone. I'm Clare and I'm 27 years old

Hello all, I used to have psoriasis really bad all over my body. Literally everywhere. Face, scalp, back, chest, arms and legs. I eventually got admitted to hospital with it and underwent tar treatment. I was in for around 2 weeks and the treatment worked everywhere apart from my arms. I've not had any more problems with the areas that it worked on but it just doesn't seem to want to shift from my arms. Because I hate the look of it and I feel that people would stare, I always keep my arms covered up. I've tried loads of different creams and gels on my arms but nothing seems to help. Has this happened to anyone else? I just find it strange that it's gone from other areas and just wants to stay on my arms. Any help and advice would be really appreciated. Thanks

Posted Fri 11 Aug 2017 12.55 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

Have you tried exposing your arms to sunlight? Not enough to burn, but a good dose as often as possible sometimes works wonders :thumbup:

Posted Fri 11 Aug 2017 13.02 by Clare89x
Hi Everyone. I'm Clare and I'm 27 years old

I have tried the sunlight but I always get quite anxious out in public letting my arms out.

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