Just been Diagnosed

Posted Fri 12 Jul 2013 22.09 by stephyserya
diagnosed with Photosensitive Gasto Psoriasis

Hi there, I have recently been diagnosed with Photosensitive Gastro Psoriasis. My consultant was amazed but it. Im not. I have been given my first stage of "therapy" which is Dovobet Gel and ointment, Scalp liquid, and factor 50 sunsense lotion. I am constantly seeing flakes on skin on my clothes, in my bed, dandruff in my hair. People stare, or ask questions. I am 25, take care of how I look. Make up, hair, clothes...now I feel what is the point. I cant wear make up as it just attaches itself to the dry affected areas of my face, my hair just shows dandruff from flaking on my scalp and my clothes have white flakes. I know I am not the only person but because the photosensitive side of this means I cant have usual treatments, I feel so alone. I am taking antihistamines to stop the itching but it doesnt work. It came from tonsillitis and got much worse due to my highly stressful job and my own parents having their own medical issues. I feel there is no escape. Any help or advise would be really appriciated. I am trying to stay positive and think this will go, but I need to come to terms that it might not. Looking forward to reading your comments and thank you xx

Posted Fri 12 Jul 2013 22.11 by stephyserya
diagnosed with Photosensitive Gasto Psoriasis

sorry photosensitive guttate psoriasis

Posted Sun 18 Aug 2013 22.22 by scaleymcgee
suffer from guttate psoriasis, consistently triggered by throat infections

Hiya. I've just registered with this site, and am browsing through the comments - so I know you posted this a while ago. I don't have photosensitive psoriasis (sorry if I got your hopes up with a comment and this is now a let down) but I'll just give you my chat anyway. I'm 27 and for the past 4 years I've had guttate psoriasis flare ups yearly, triggered off by tonsilitis. Total pain in the bum. It's the light treatment that really helps for me, so obviously that won't be the same for you. What I really wanted to say though, is that I'm reading through the comments on the site just now, and loads of people are posting suggestions and tips for things that have helped them. Everyone's different, but it's definitely worth trying out people's suggestions and seeing what helps, because chances are something will help make things a bit more comfortable, even if it's not a magic cure. (especially regards the itching and scalp - have a look and see what other people have suggested) I know it's a pretty meaningless thing to say, but try not to let it knock your confidence. It can feel like the constant cream/ointment/treatment/cream routine starts dictating your life and can really get you down, but I've really found over the past few years that if you make an effort to get out and about and focus on doing things that you enjoy - rather than coming home to sit on the couch in your emolient sodden pjs - then it does really help take your mind off the skin. Chin up chuck - hope you're doing ok. xx

Posted Sun 18 Aug 2013 22.23 by scaleymcgee
suffer from guttate psoriasis, consistently triggered by throat infections

*I'm 26. I have no idea why I wrote 27. Senility setting in early, it would appear.

Posted Sat 11 Jan 2014 11.05 by WeckyBykes
I have 80% body coverage in small plaque psoriasis. I have had this long term - roughly 10 yrs. I have tried all the creams on the market, I

Hey, Not sure if you will see this due to the age of the post... I am the same age and I like to take care of how I look - the thing that worked for me is restore cream (I have just posted about it on the forum..) for myself it worked like a dream!! Keep your skin moist, never feel alone and KEEP SMILING - its does wonders :D

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