
Posted Sat 7 Oct 2017 13.43 by Emmam

Hey guys, I've had psoriasis since I was born and has always affected me! Finally at the age of 25 I have been prescribed cyclosporin and I am going to start it tomorrow, 2x 100mg a day, anyone been on this and can give me my reviews? VERY nervous! Thank you

Posted Sat 7 Oct 2017 19.01 by Andrew1
I was diagnosed with the condition in 2007.

I have used cyclosporin twice in the last 8 years and both times it has worked very quickly for me. Everyone is different but unlike some other drugs like methotrexate it works faster on your immune system. You should find good results with it but you wont be on it for long. I was only on it for one to two years then my body - liver and kidneys didnt like it and I had to change drugs - again this is personal to me - it may be different for you. However I think you will be surprised how quickly it works. Side effects are there of course and again for me were of luck with it......hope you find success ................

Posted Sun 8 Oct 2017 10.58 by Emmam

Thanks for replying! Had stomach cramps when taking it last night but luckily nothing today so maybe it was the dinner I ate that gave me that!! I'm going on holiday to Germany and it's going to be so cold and psoriasis gets so much worse when cold, will be nice to not have to worry about carrying around 20 different moisturisers lol

Posted Tue 10 Oct 2017 13.28 by jdrussell78

Yes I was on this for a couple of years, in my experience it has been the only treatment that worked for me and i went from about 80% coverage to 10% in about 2 months. I did have heightened blood pressure though and had to take medication to reduce that as well as having 3 monthly blood tests. Good luck with it.

Posted Tue 10 Oct 2017 17.01 by Emmam

Thank you! I have been on this for a few days now and have come down with an awful cold! Not good start but hoping I'll see some difference soon!

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