I wish I was a snake

Posted Sat 3 Aug 2013 22.52 by charleychick
to the point where i want to crawl out of my own skin!!!!!

Id shed my skin and slither away not forgetting to stick my fingers up as i happily left it behind!!! i wish!!! hating psoriasis today same as yesterday same as tomo sick to death of it and hate wearing trousers in summer i feel like a diseased freak!!!

Posted Mon 5 Aug 2013 21.17 by Sparks (edited Mon 21 Jul 2014 13.10 by avril)
Life changing, confident drop less drive, feels pointless

Hello, I have the same problem on my knees I try to wear longish shorts , do u mind if I ask what treatments iv been having?

Posted Tue 6 Aug 2013 10.02 by tincambo
I have psoriasis on most of my body, but it's only been the last two years that it has become a problem, as a result I have low self esteem

Hiya charleychick, I know your pain i suffer from psoriasis too and have been for some years now, I went through a rough time when me and my girlfriend split up and the the stress made the condition far worse, the psoriasis pretty much covered my whole body face and all. Some thing had to be done i felt so down about my life i couldn't leave the house with out pilling on the creams and stuff, and worrying what i could wear. That's when i found a book called healing psoriasis by john pagano. I know it's been mentioned on this site before because i found out about it on here. I cant praise this book enough you really should get a hold of one and have a read you can find it on amazon. Just by following a simple diet change a few life style changes you can heal your self and be clear of this infliction. It worked for me and I'm sure it will for you too. The only thing i would say is just be patient it takes a while for the changes to kick in. I was well still is a bit naughty and still have a few beers on a weekend which slows the healing process ooops!!! but i can go out happy now not worrying too much about my skin yeah. Good luck with getting rid of your pso's stay strong.

1 Posted Wed 7 Aug 2013 16.29 by charleychick (edited Mon 21 Jul 2014 13.10 by camelblue)
to the point where i want to crawl out of my own skin!!!!!

Hi sparks i have been dovobet for our years up until last month where i said enough is enough as it has serious rebound effects and what started with a few spots on my legs has now moved up to thighs etc its nasty nasty stuff so avoid!! im currently using olive oil and cling film wrap on my legs at night lol started two nights ago its not any worse so thats good lmao will keep u updated i am also seeing derm end of sept who has promised me light treatment and i swear if he fobs me off with strerios cream again i will tell him where to stick it lmao!! Hi Tincambo i am so pleased to hear of your success although i am extremely sceptical with regards to the diets!! i did a gluten free wheat free meat free dairy free diet with fish only i avoided tomatoes i quit smoking i took supplements i got loads of sun i drank lots of water i did all this for seven weeks and i lost a stone which i didnt need to loose cos im only small as it is!!! this is why i am so sceptical about these diets im not sure if it works on some people but i also had allergy tests done and i have no allergies to gluten or wheat etc!!! what did u like about dr pagano i have heard of him and how long did it take you to notice results cos i did 7 weeks of strict routine like ive said and it did nothing :(

Posted Sun 18 Aug 2013 22.37 by scaleymcgee
suffer from guttate psoriasis, consistently triggered by throat infections

hey charleychick, Assuming that you're a girl....? Although I'd be much more of a trousers/shorts person myself, floor length skirts are really good when the psoriasis is flared up - I find they're much better than light trousers, because you get less of the gunky moisturiser clinging to the trousers. Plus it feels a bit more season appropriate. That said, the rain has started again so probably less relevant now, haha.If you're a boy then ignore all of that! Hope you get the referral for light treatment - it really works for me. xx

Posted Sun 10 Nov 2013 16.16 by starrrr (edited Mon 21 Jul 2014 13.10 by CAPAULINA)
I am having po for 20years and it is genetic .

feel the same . I think I am even scaling more than a snake ! especially in the autumn/winter time :(

Posted Sat 20 Dec 2014 16.29 by 47psoyrs
I never wear dresses. It's jeans or slacks to church & every where else. I don't mind cause it's more comfortable & I've never been a "fancy

I know you feel bad but being negative isn't going to help at all. There are some people who don't even have skin in places because they've been in a fire. There's always someone with worse health problems than ours. Yes, the itch is maddening but climb into a cool shower & just meditate about some place you like; like the ocean, mountains, etc. You have to learn not to pay any attention to other people. They don't realize what psoriasis is. Live your life the best way you can & have fun because it will be over before you know it. What really helps me when the itch gets bad is to pray. "With God all things are possible". Hope some of my advice helps & you're on my prayer list.

Posted Tue 23 Dec 2014 03.52 by 47psoyrs
I never wear dresses. It's jeans or slacks to church & every where else. I don't mind cause it's more comfortable & I've never been a "fancy

Charleychick, I'd like to apologize for being so nasty to you the other day. I have a lot of health problems pso being just one. Still that doesn't give me the right to put your post down. Please forgive me, okay?

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 00.27 by Zo
Hi 33 year fun loving person with horrible skin.

Feel your pain, its so horrible and i hate to moan abd be drama queen, but the effect it has on your daily life is mind numbing. People may understand but they still look at you with 'that' look!!!

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