How long have you had pso?

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2016 15.07 by susan191052
Calves elbows 7 scalp particularly affected

50+ years and more coverage now than ever, Hopefully it will lessen as I am now the proud owner of UVB NARROWBAND CANOPY - XMAS PRESSIE FROM DH

Posted Fri 26 Feb 2016 19.38 by KennyKen
Psoriasis on face

Since November 2015 so quite recent and I'm 27. It seems to flare up every week or two and it's hard to concentrate, since it attacks all of my nose/upper lip and surround area.. so facial expression is painful and hard to eat. I'll have one day or two each month when it's finally all healed over time, then my body decides to bring the psoriasis back ! It's really annoying me now and I think it's related to a persistent throat infection yet my Doctor says nothing is wrong. Only thing I've found useful is Fucibet to counteract the inflammation. My scalp also flares up every week or so it's like the psoriasis moves around from my scalp to my face alternating, urgh it's really made the last few months terrible for me...

Posted Sat 19 Mar 2016 10.39 by
Ive had psoriasis in many areas in my body

Ive had psoriasis for last 10 years. Ive tried many treatment bt nothing worked. 8 months ago I bought a non-steroid product called Soratinex (upon the recommendation of a colleague) and used it for almost 9 weeks where all my psoriasis cleared. I have been clear now for almost 6 months. It is a bit pricey but definitely recommended. The site where I bought it is I hope this will help everyone like it did with me Mark

Posted Sat 17 Oct 2020 15.32 by hidden6ix

i've had it since i was 4, always very enraged, by the time i was 10 it engulfed me totally, no creams helped, uv treatment helped but was only given it once , i eventually started smoking weed and it fell off me and was cleared almost completely Now i'm nearly 50 and have psoriatic arthritis and have never felt so bad all my body hurts and my shoulder is deformed , despite having chronic psoriasis my whole childhood they refused to acknowledge i might have psoriatic arthritis for over ten years leaving me in economic ruin since my thirties (having to much time off work with incapasity problems left me having to find new jobs once i recovered) now aside from my shoulder i struggle to walk, pick things up,stand, sit, dress and my eyes become bloodshot and sensitive to light for days ,i've had four kidney stones and have ground out my teeth to shattering and have had teeth rejected by my gums and my jaw hurts, all of this is psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis , pay attention to your aches and pains they may be telling you that your psoriasis is about to get much worse , check your nails, in my childhood no nail problems but now they are pitted and lined and grow thick very quickly hands and feet and have discolouration and extra kerotine that looks like nail fungus but is not, sore feet , everyone will tell you this is normal sore feet like they get ,IT IS NOT they have no idea, they are not "normal "aches and pains again they have no idea i have pressed on with physical work biting my lip about my pain dew to this mindset and now walking a mile is to much for me, take care of yourselves and keep seeing the doctors that understand pso/psa

Posted Wed 21 Oct 2020 02.54 by Snik

My pso started when I was 16, it's been 13 years. I have pso in my scalp, ears, face, back, chest, it's started in my scalp and then is progressing every since new places, starts small but grows over time. The worst part it's not the pso but the psa, on my 20 started and it's been 9 years with psa. I used to said in past that pso is the worst but psa is another world of pain, changing the daily life, to be hard to do simple tasks like dress or walk. I have psa in my both ankles, on my left fingers foot and hand, left knee, ribs, back and neck. The pain on the ribs is excruciating, it fells like they are broken in pieces, difficult to breathe and move. It's a hard life for sure, it's a harsh desease, hopping for better results

Posted Wed 25 Nov 2020 02.31 by Mr Incurably Misunderstood

New to this forum, but had plaque psoriasis now since I was about 5 years old. I'm now 41 and can't ever recall a time when I didn't have this condition. Growing up I've always done my very best to hide it. Felt embarrassed,different, that I didn't fit in, etc. ect. I've always done my best to brush my feelings towards it aside. Now I realise it's connected to all sorts of problems that I have. Physical problems as well as negative behavioural patterns. I've pushed almost everyone away, just because I get far too frustrated with the misguided semi-positive generic 'sure they'll find a cure soon' type responses that I always receive from family and friends. I've endured this feeling of isolation for almost 40 years now. And frankly I'm just exhausted from feeling so low down and blue.

Posted Tue 19 Jan 2021 21.44 by BEN1979

28 years. Been lucky in a way, when it's bad I use timodine on my face, dovobet, if it's really bad, and generally these have sorted me out. Last 10 months have been bad for me, stress being the cause I think. Body is now covered, itchy, bleeding. Was hospitalised for less 25 years ago. Hey ho, people in worse positions. Roll on summer and some vitamin D

Posted Wed 20 Jan 2021 02.51 by JimCosta94

I’m 26 years old and I’ve had scalp psoriasis since I was 15/16 and then genital and anal psoriasis since I was 21 then full body now for the past 2 years. I’ve never been to the doctor because of the embarrassment this is the first time I’ve ever even told anyone about my genital psoriasis. Due to COVID-19 I can’t even see my doctors to get seen and diagnosed but they give me a consultation over the phone and give me a tiny tube of steroid cream that lasted less than a week as my patches are fairly big now. Just a serious downer on my life I’ve wasted so much of my early 20’s hiding away with depression and anxiety, low self esteem and dark thoughts. I’m only just opening up to be able to deal with it because of the low quality of life I have been living. Hopefully I can find a treatment to help me and just start living my life as normal but it seems that it might never be which hurts a lot. Sorry for the downer by the way just needed to get it off my chest really. Thanks.

Posted Fri 22 Jan 2021 16.41 by Joy

I've had it for nearly 47 years, tried everything going: creams, gels, lotions, Chinese herbal treatment, light treatment, changing my diet nothing works for me long term. I've had a few short periods of respite but had it almost continually all this time.

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