List of Moisturisers/Creams

Posted Sun 15 Apr 2018 18.41 by Sarah Donegan

Hi Everyone. I was wondering if there is a list of different creams they have used anywhere on here? I feel like it will be trial and error for what works and what does so I was looking to try and just start working through a list :) Thanks in advance.

Posted Sun 15 Apr 2018 20.59 by Robert

Hi,Please try Aveeno moisturising cream,child farms baby moisturiser,simply pure hydrating serum for sensitive skin from Superdrug and Epaderm ointment at night as it is slower to absorb. You will get Aveeno, and Epaderm on the NHS,child farm from Boots and the serum from Superdrug is brilliant when at work,only 2.99, Hope this helps..

Posted Mon 23 Apr 2018 18.05 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Mon 23 Apr 2018 18.22 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I have guttate psoriasis all over my body, and patches of plaque psoriasis on elbows. In terms of non-prescription, non-steroid treatments: - Doublebase gel: it is a superb moisturiser/emollient (also available on prescription or to buy). The best moisturiser I have found. - Oilatum Emollient bath oil: I find it soothes irritation - Oilatum Shower gel: not a shower gel in the sense of an alternative to soap. You wash first as normal, then apply this. I find it excellent and very helpful - not cheap, I bought it off Amazon. Only been using it a week or so, I am waiting to see how long a tube will last to decide if I can afford to use it daily. reduces scaliness and seems to reduce itching for several hours after use. So far I really like it. If it continues to help, I will ask my GP if he can prescribe it. Childs Farm Moisturiser "Sensitive" (pink hand-prints on the container): includes tea-tree oil, and a citrus (grapefruit) aroma. I saw amazing claims for this all over the internet and press, claiming that psoriaisis disappeared completely. As far as I can see, after 3 weeks use several times a day, it is an average moisturiser with a pleasant smell. MooGoo Irritable skin balm: again, effusive claims of success all over the media. I find it an ok moisturiser, not especially long lasting and I find the smell quite unpeasant. Body Shop Vitamin E night cream: I bought the thickest/heaviest version I could find, and applied is every hour or two to my elbows- not only did it moisturise, it rubbed in well and even seemed to reduce the redness considerably.

Posted Tue 24 Apr 2018 08.27 by shy_girl1988

I have used exorex lotion for a number of years and when I use it, it works straight away. I put it on my arms, legs & even stomach and wrap myself up in cling film over night. The cling film allows the cream to seep right now. It really does help. Also could use cling film with any moisturiser I suppose. I have used clarelux on my scalp for years and for a short term solution its brilliant. Clears right up (yes it does eventually come back but it means I can control my psoriasis better) I use it on the run up to getting my hair died etc or for holidays. These are prescribed by the doctor obviously. I haven't really tried any home methods to be honest apart from a holiday as the sun works wonders. Hope this helps

Posted Sun 9 Sep 2018 22.33 by Kentpatient

Lush dream cream is a good body moisturiser. I use epaderm ointment on my face at night too

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