21years old had psoriasis since I was 5

Posted Sun 22 Dec 2013 21.44 by gemma-ann
In every way possible

Hello guy im only 21 and had psoriasis for 16 years not and have had every treatment possible ive just started an injection which is every 12 weeks and im just wondering if any1 could tell me what it is like . Ive also got psoratic arthritis now in every joint, im very down and feel useless for my daughter who is 2! Also some of my unwanted friends (I call my psoriasis) looks like chicken pox but ive already had chicken pox, has any1 else suffered like this? I feel like im the only one

Posted Wed 14 May 2014 07.26 by Deejay
Hello,im deejay 32 and have had it since i was in college years,i get it on my scalp, back and legs,have tryed many treatments but the effec

Hi gemma, I know how it's feel and like u i started the same problem of course until now, im taking metx. tablet 10mg per week. Also I can suggest the following OTC medicines that i think will help u a lot. - Salibet or Daivobet ointment for your body - Defosalic lotion for scalp If you have additional question you can reach me thru my email deejay.perez27@gmail.com cheer up!

Posted Mon 2 Jun 2014 09.44 by Asthana101

I can understand how u feel and wish u recover soon. I've had Ps for 10 years and RA for 2 years. I've recently started a gluten free diet and stopped all medication except the pain killers and 3 days on, I feel great. If it works for you then you'll be all fine. Go through the below link: https://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/connect/view/general-chat/my-psoriasis-gone-after-40-years

1 Posted Thu 11 Sep 2014 17.53 by katecell8atgmail (edited Thu 18 Feb 2016 23.29 by ravi1)
My mom had it but not anymore

Psoriasis is not a skin disease, it's a blood disease. The skin problem is simply the symptoms. No one's telling you this because companies make more money from treating symptoms than underlying causes. If you just swallow a piece of garlic each day (no need to chew it) to help clean your blood, your psoriasis should eventually go away completely. This is what my mother did. It would be much appreciated if you could email me any results. I think it's pretty clear this is not a skin disease and it upsets me greatly that it is being treated as such.

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