
Posted Sun 13 Jan 2019 10.53 by diceman
Hi. Blessed with psoriasis since 40 y/o. Think I now have PA too!

Coming on 5 months now since my first post. MTX has done one thing, reduced my age from 665 to 67!! That little typo apart, it does seem to work on what has been diagnosed as psoriatic arthritis. Seems to be having no effect at all on the psoriasis though. Initially, I did detect some slight improvement but that seems to have gone into reverse. Taking 15mg pw with no side effects of any sort so for me that one reason alone will see me keep taking it.

Posted Tue 15 Jan 2019 23.47 by Holly1
Has psoriasis since 2001

Hi I started on 10mg upped two weeks ago to 12.5 started noticing head aches and so tired and finding it difficult to sleep at night did anyone experience this? Iv just been told to up my dose to 15mg as its not working as quick as they had hoped tbh not seeing much of a change except it's not as painful. They spoke about potentially changing me to biologic treatments and that being in injection form (not sure if there are different forms or not). I'm totally new looking into biologic and wondered if anyone was told this and did they end up moving on to this and what's the main pros and cons to this.... Hope everyone is doing well!!

Posted Mon 6 May 2024 21.52 by lynn J

Hello I have started methotrexate five weeks ago not feeling great the day after taking them tired larthagic no energy and generally not well also developed a sore mouth and it has changed my voice now croaky and can't speak properly sounds like laryngitis but this is now week five spoke to a nurse but said its not a side affect the throat thinking of stopping it I think my skin is slightly better and foot pain a bit better be interested to see if anyone else has a throat issue.

Posted Thu 6 Jun 2024 18.47 by KarenannM44

Hi all New to this forum as just had my diagnosis confirmed two weeks ago after years of fighting which many of you I'm sure will know! My psoriasis has not been under control in the slightest for going on three years. Joints I'm wrists, fingers and toes affected so far. My rheumatologist has given me couple of options but he's has recommended Methotrexate. Wondered what others peoples experiences are with this drug? Or have other medicationa that worked for both the joints and skin. Can't say I'm not terrified at the prospect of have my immune system suppressed or the though that this medication is commonly used for cancer treatment. I do know leaving it untreated means ill continue in this hell I've been in and will only get worse as it spreads to other joints. Thank you Karenann

Posted Wed 31 Jul 2024 09.51 by Bobbybhoy

Hi Rober here, Psa for 20yrs and same as evryone else ive done everything possible before trying any meds. 4 weeks ago after waiting 2.5yrs for a derma appointment i was prescribed meta, 10mg a week with a folic acid tablet ( 1 day take the meta and 6 days take folic acid ) Just back from hospital yesterday, it turns out ive managed to develop Bells Palsey. I'm a clean guy with no injections since i was at school so no other meds are to be blamed for this reaction. Only thing ive done in the 4weeks was get a porcelain crown fitted at the dentist. Has anyone else experienced this? Or know of someone? Not half my face doesn't work and im off work ( Currently self employed also which isn't great ) Not trying to scare anyone but there's clearly better meds out there to take, Just stand up to the dermatologist and don't accept cheap alternatives. I asked for the Skirizi and he said i need to co down the road of all the other cheap nonsense first 😒 Take Care, Robert

Posted Thu 1 Aug 2024 20.34 by EmmaC123

Hi, I have been on 15mg MXT injections for a year and a half and I was head to toe covered. After my first dose, I had the worst migraine of my life and had to leave work early along with being incredibly tired. I find that the day after taking my dosage I am very sleepy too. Don’t let this scare you. I work around this by taking my dose on a Friday evening before heading to sleep so I can avoid the migraine and sleep in late on a Saturday morning. After a month, my psoriasis was nearly completely gone and I have continued taking MTX. More recently, I have experienced nausea on a Friday (I think this is my body knowing what’s coming) and my psoriasis has started to flare up again. While this was uncomfortable and disappointing, my derm has prescribed me with topicals to use alongside the MTX along with nausea medicine. Don’t be afraid of it, it’s been a blessing for me.

Posted Fri 2 Aug 2024 09.04 by rapture83

I was on MXT for about 6 months, It didnt make a difference to my P. I had really bad side effects with it the whole time and although my blood tests were fine I constantly had a throbbing pain around my liver area. MXT is tough on your liver, you can basically have next to zero alcohol, well the odd drink here and there so you need to be careful. I felt depressed on it and constantly felt sick, like I had a mild hangover feeling. I came of it after 6 months and within 1 months I felt totally normal again. It can effect people differently, some people are fine one it and it works really well. It will take months to kick in so don’t expect a quick success! Hope it works for you :-)

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