Psoriasis and mirena coil?

Posted Mon 12 Dec 2022 12.17 by Ali49

Hi Doodles, this is Ali. Apologies if I come up differently but it is me (I couldn’t remember my password-welcome to menopause 🥴) So, update: I’ve been waiting a month to post again for you all, so thank you for promoting me! Firstly, I am feeling, overall, much better without the mirena. That’s the important bit. Now, curiously (& this could have been purely psychosomatic) the same day that the mirena was removed, my scalp calmed down, markedly. The psoriasis shrunk and lost its angry soreness within a week. My joints calmed down and my bp came down too. Yes, that could be coincidental and an effect of feeling happier at being more in control but- that’s a fact, it came down. I’m not a little over a month with No mirena and no estrogen patches. I am noticing subtle hormonal (or lack thereof) symptoms. My skin feels dryer. I’m hot & cold now & then, and a little acid reflux with some minor joint aches. But, that’s it. I did have, last weekend, a migraine (24hrs), it was horrid but less than I have had this last year. Nothing since and I certainly feel happier and more positive. The psoriasis on my scalp is still there BUT it isn’t anywhere near as bad & it’s improving … slowly. I feel, for the first time in years, that I can get on top of it. My body isn’t inflamed and I can definitely feel that. As to continuing with hrt (I’m told my estrogen levels are low): my symptoms aren’t bad, at present, so I don’t feel in a hurry to go back on it right now. But I have sp with GP and she has suggested different hrt (progesterone pill with estrogen cream) that I can control easier myself . I will try at some point but I think I’d rather give my body a chance to level out over Christmas hols, then see where I am. So, I’m conclusion, Doodles, for me, the mirena was a bad move for my psoriasis. Taking it out HAS helped, but it’s by no means a cure. It has helped to calm my body’s inflammation though… this is for certain. It needed to come out! My menopause journey is less certain but, I promise to update in another month. I think I will try again with different hrt because I suspect the drop in estrogen is going to affect the psoriasis, at some point, negatively, and that’s when I’ll try again. But, until that point, all I can tell you is that I feel I did the right thing. Mirena does cause issues for some of us- not all. My scalp is itchy, still, I scratch - constantly. But it isnt anywhere near as red and angry now and the dreaded flakes, are smaller, less noticeable. I actually wore a dark jumper recently- whoop whoop! it isnt perfect, but it is SO much better than before. That’s a win, in my book! I wish you good luck with yours, hon. I think, for us ladies, it’s always a fine balancing act with our hormones & psoriasis. They are connected & it can be a minefield. I hope you find your way 🤞 I’ll update again in a few weeks….

Posted Fri 3 Mar 2023 14.33 by Jessnut

I am on Humira which I restarted in October last year after having my 2nd child. I quickly went from having terrible psoriasis to no legions whatsoever (which was the case prior to stopping Humira before pregnancy). I then had a Mirena put in late January of this year. Despite still being on Humira a flare up started about a month afterwards. My scalp is unbearable. I have never has psoriasis legions so sore and itchy. I have been on Humira for years and never had any psoriasis in this time so the only thing I can think of is the Mirena.. I love the idea of the birth control the Mirena provides, and it cost a few hundred to have inserted so I am hesitant to have it removed on a hunch that it's causing my flare up. Has anyone had it removed and found things have improved? Or has anyone had a flare up after Mirena and found it settled once their body adjusted to having it in?

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2024 11.28 by Louloves

I am 38. Have never had psoriasis before. One year after birth of my second child, I got Mirena coil. 6 weeks later, my scalp became itchy and flakey then slowly my psoriasis has got worse and now I have it on my face, arms, chest and legs. I tried enstilar foam which helped but as soon as I stopped, I noticed new patches. I wouldn’t say I gave flare ups, I’d just say it consistently gets worse every month. Shampoos/creams/gels all have limited success. Really considering have mirena removed but wondered if anyone is willing to share their stories on doing this? I know it might not be a cure but if it helped ease symptoms, it would really help.

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2024 14.50 by Jessnut

UPDATE: I kept the Mirena in and over the year I am back to and having next to no psoriasis again (I am still on Humira/Adulimumab). Whether it was time needed for my body to adjust to the Mirena, or whether the flare ups were unrelated and due to the tiredness / and hormonal changes from having another baby /breastfeeding I could never say. I do think for me my flare ups have been linked to hormonal changes in the past so both are likely contenders.

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2024 15.21 by Louloves

Hi Jessnut Thanks so much for your reply. I’ve had mirena 18 months and psoriasis only getting worse. Maybe my body has not adjusted or maybe psoriasis completely unrelated. It’s so hard to know what the triggers are for me.

Posted Sat 5 Oct 2024 13.03 by Juju

I am so glad I have found this thread. I am 52. I was prescribed Amgevita for severe psoriasis a couple of years ago and experienced total clearance and a marked decrease in joint pain and stiffness, everything was great. I had been suffering from menorraghia for some time and was told that there was no availability for a non-cancerous hysterectomy so I underwent a womb ablation and the Mirena coil was fitted at the same time. Suddenly my biologic medication stopped working and I have developed a seriously itchy scalp (just at the back of my head), itchy armpits, groin and a shivery itchy feeling all over my body, mostly at night. The itch is intense and feels more like hives with bumps though there is no actual visible rash, except my scratch marks. Though my psoriasis is spreading, it's not at the level it was before but the joint pain is back. Strangely, in the past before the coil was fitted, my joint pain decreased whenever I would take my period and the pain would increase again as I moved through my cycle. I have spoken to the dermatologist to ask if there could be a connection and I have an appointment in a fortnight's time - she is as perplexed as me but is not ruling it out. I would love someone to find some medical papers to back up my suspicions. Just reading the comments here is very reassuring that I'm not on my own.

Posted Sat 5 Oct 2024 13.21 by Doodles

After removing the marina coil, my psoriasis did improve thankfully… I then hit perimenopause and noticed more flare ups and started on HRT which helped a bit… although I have now had to come off the HRT and been medically pushed into full menopause due to having hormonal breast cancer and my psoriasis is driving me insane!! Coconut oil on my head is helping my scalp from getting too angry and I am trying to keep away from steroids but I would just like to be itch free for just a little while!!

Posted Sat 5 Oct 2024 20.27 by Louloves

Hi Doodles, I’m so sorry to hear what you are going through. I had horrendous scalp psoriasis and did an overhaul of my lifestyle choices in January. I cut out gluten and started taking daily Tumeric and vitamin D supplements. It wasn’t an overnight fix but my scalp has cleared up. (I still have a couple of patches on my wrist). I found he the inkey List Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Scalp Treatment really helped me. It is a liquid so not greasy or heavy on your hair. I used it 2-3 times a week initially and then once a week. Sorry, I’m aware I’ve bombarded you but wanted to give you an idea of what helped me. I still have my mirena coil.

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