Psoriasis on the finger tips !!!

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 11.06 by Rebeccad
Hello im 31 and just been diganosed with psoriasis mostly in patches but the worst is my fingers where my nails are !! I also ve 2 children

Ive had this now going on a fair few months thinking it was just my excema coming back after being dormant for years but today doctor finally said it was this so going to try the cream she gave me tonight with my micheal jackson gloves haha but in day time am weaeinh plasters wrapped round my finger tips it so embarrassing!!! And hurts like hell does anyone elae jave it on finger tips P.s have more on patches all over body but dosent bother me as much Thanks x

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 18.47 by VickyB

My husband suffers with P on his elbows, knees, scalp. He had a fever beginning of the month and the tips of his thumb and two index fingers are chapped, red and sore. He's been referred to the dermatology dept, but there's a two month wait. It's really getting him down, the pain he is in is excruciating and he's self employed and still working through the pain. He tries all prescribed creams with only some slight relief on his elbow and knees, streroid strips for the fingers to no avail. Even started eating Blueberries, which slightly helps, but not the fingers. He even went to alternative me chine therapy last year, looking at his diet, again some little relief. But it's his fingers they are so bad at times he's said just chop them off. It's horrid seeing him in so much pain. He's back to the Dr's next week. I'm not sure if the finger problem is related to his P, or if it's an allergic reaction. Any advice greatly received.

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 06.22 by wendyloish

Hi VickyB, I think it might help your husband if you Google peripheral neuropathy. I would suggest you do not wait for dematology, but have your husband see a GP. there are various causes of this problem, which is more than just skin deep. wendyloish

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 07.16 by Rebeccad
Hello im 31 and just been diganosed with psoriasis mostly in patches but the worst is my fingers where my nails are !! I also ve 2 children

Mines been on my finger tips since april time doctor kept saying all my skin problems was excema n said to keep using xeroderm but that done nothing my finger tips r so sore red broken skin it hurts like mad can move my fingers or it hurts now resorted to putting bepanthem on them and using plasters i must look lile a tramp/Michael Jackson lol i hoping it's nothing that will ger worse as due back to work next year and it hardly professional !

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 19.46 by VickyB

I don't think it's peripheral neuropathy, he has feeling in the fingers,he doesn't experience no sensation or tingling, just skin peeling and very sore. He too wears plasters and gloves he says keeping the fingers moisturised makes it worse as the skin become subtle and peels more. Back to the Dr's Tues

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 20.29 by Rebeccad
Hello im 31 and just been diganosed with psoriasis mostly in patches but the worst is my fingers where my nails are !! I also ve 2 children

I find if my fingers are dry they become very cracked and sore dosent help thay i can sit there and peel the skin away til it's red raw !!! Same with the patches on rest of body driving me insane now don't really want to go out cos of it !

Posted Tue 16 Oct 2018 13.11 by Heather01

I think I might have the same problem - my dermatologist also said this was eczema and put it down to having children!! I’ve used dermovate and Elocon but they’ve done nothing so I also just keep using loads of dermal, plasters and the white gloves! I struggle bathing the children and doing nappies, have to wear plastic gloves to chop fruit and veg, it’s a nightmare !!! And lots of people say “oh I have the same at this time of year” and put it down to dry skin. Let me know if you come across anything miraculous that makes it disappear 😩

Posted Sun 21 Oct 2018 12.58 by IRIS

Hi evryone, I've just joined here, I've had p and arthritis for many years, I've been on Methotrexate for past 3 years, with great results. In June I developed, what my gp and local chemists was telling me was 'fungal' on my thumb nails and surrounding skin...I treated it with every possible treatment I could, without success....awful awful pain, nails rotted away, pads on thumbs raw......the list goes on and it has really effected every part of my life atm, I saw my consultant last week, been diagnosed as 'Arcrodermatitas continua of hallopeau', now also on Acitretin. I have to say I'm petrified of the side effects! I think more poeple have this 'varient of psoriasis' without realizing it. I have total sympathy, it is just awful to live with. Best wishes to all!

Posted Tue 23 Oct 2018 19.21 by Rebeccad
Hello im 31 and just been diganosed with psoriasis mostly in patches but the worst is my fingers where my nails are !! I also ve 2 children

Hi ive just been given calcipotriol ointment to use twice a day so far it's softened my finger skin but just as easily peels away as it constantly itches im loosing my mind the doctor said use that for 4 weeks then if not much improvement then were refer u to dermatologist!!! Ive only had this for 6 months don't know how uve all coped with it also hac it on my lady garden constant itching there and may be on my bottom lip !!!!

Posted Mon 29 Oct 2018 19.04 by aceofspades

Yes! Over the many decades of dealing with psoriasis, I have found skin to peel around the fingernails at one point or another. I thought it was dry skin as the weather would turn. But you're right, this is one of the more agonizing forms of psoriasis in terms of being painful. You may want to watch out for any little pits (like tiny dots) forming on the nails. My feeling is anything involving the nails is going to require something a little more "heavy duty" than ointments. But the general disclaimer is to consult your doctor on the best form of treatment.

Posted Sun 2 Mar 2025 17.10 by Stormy

I'm new here just got it on my finger tips.. I alternate real honey.( not corn syrup found in most grocery stores honey jars.) and castor oil. with a glove overnight. it's helping🏝️

Posted Tue 25 Mar 2025 14.21 by SNelson8

Thanks Stormy for sharing. Can I ask do you use plastic or cotton gloves overnight? I’ve found cotton dries my fingers too much but plastic makes them too sweaty!

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