Psoriasis and Ramipril

Posted Tue 8 Apr 2014 10.13 by John
Suffered on and odd for many years but suffered severely for the last two. Creams have had little or no affect and , although light therapy

I have had Psoriasis, on and off, for about ten years. I have also been on Ramipril for cardiac problems, for about the same time. I recently went into hospital for a hip replacement operation. I was asked to stop taking Ramipril for five days before going in. The operation was a complete failure and my femur was cracked, resulting in a hospital stay of almost three weeks, during which I took no Ramipril. The only good thing about my hospital stay was that the Psoriasis completely cleared, leaving only some pigmentation. After being discharged, I resumed with the Ramipril and the Psoriasis also resumed! Has any one else had a similar experience? The NHS website says that less than 1 in 10,000 suffer Psoriasis after taking Ramipril.

1 Posted Wed 4 Jun 2014 13.22 by Micky (edited Sun 12 Oct 2014 20.59 by Dianne)
I was prescribed Ramapril for high blood pressure just 5mg. After a short while I noticed a rash on my arms and legs. Now 2 years on I have

I was prescribed Ramapril just 5mg. After a month or so I noticed a rash. After 6 months it was on my arms and legs. I stopped taking Ramapril and complained to my GP showing him some website comments on the side effects of Ramapril ie Psoriasis. Now two years on I am covered in Psoriasis. I have to keep covered up, I should make a claim against such negligence. If anyone can suggest a real cure or a real relief I would welcome it.

Posted Fri 10 Oct 2014 10.52 by damian44 (edited Sun 12 Oct 2014 20.59 by Baxteremma)
For the past 10 years on and off. but steadily getting worse

Hi John Your post is very interesting i too have had P for about 10 yrs and been on Ramipril for the last 2 yrs and it was increased last year to 5mg. because of illness last year resulting in a lot steroid use my P had gone but once i stopped the steroids the P came back but its worse than before. i have never thought of a link between ramipril and P but i will speak to my GP to discuss coming off to see if it clears. Thanks Damian

Posted Sun 12 Oct 2014 21.25 by Richard261
Affected area is manly on my head, I have been subscribed numerous different types of treatment, from creams to 3 different types of shampoo

Hi John, firstly I was looking up for something to treat a fungal infection that I noticed my 89 year old mother has, although it seemed to of been missed by all professionals including daily health carers, anyway along with the substantial affect it seems to have on fungal toe infections it appears to be reported from quite a few people that its used in Chinese medicine for the treatment for scalp psoriasis with what appears to have almost curable results when added to shampoo, although it would probably have to be used on a regular basis. Secondly, I don't know if there's a connection in the beginning of me being proscribed Ramapo which I have been taking for a few years now, I was first proscribed 5mg and then as my blood pressure increased am now on 7 . 5mg and also my psoriasis has also got a lot worse, I'm due to see my GP soon when I shall print out some of the comments raised on here, Like a previous user I to am going to look into compensation as being proscribed Ramapo ,and also after attending a dermatologist and having to made to suffer to a depression levels especially as all treatment givers from GP to physiotherapists trying to get me to go out especially as its flaring up all the time. I shall report any difference in my conditions after using tee tree, and also after seeing my GP. Good luck with anyone that is also suffering.

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