Does it get worse before it gets better?

Posted Mon 12 May 2014 12.10 by jay74
I am the partner of a sufferer of severe psoriasis. I feel helpless watching as she cries with pain and unbearable itch. I try to help as mu

Hi, my partner suffers with severe psoriasis. Two months I read Dr John Pagano's book and immediately started her on the diet along with removing gluten from the diet. At the time we thought the lesions couldn't get much worse but after two months of very clean eating she has been to hospital on three occasions with chronic urticaria (hives) all over her body and the lesions have spread further and have flared up with extreme heat and redness. She also suffers with inverse psoriasis which has worsened also. I was wondering if there has been anyone else that has had a similar experience. Understandably she wants to give up and eat what she wants... i.e cake, chocolate etc. but I'm really trying to encourage her to stick with it because I believe she is going through a detoxing period. But that's very easy for me to say when I'm not the one crying in agony with the pain and the itch. Any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers, from Jacinta

Posted Mon 12 May 2014 18.15 by ally123
significantly affected during my 20's, now in early 30's and on biologics, seeing great results.

Hi Jacinta - yes it does say in the Pagano book that it will get worse before it gets better, and like you say, it's probably just a detoxing period. However, it doesn't say to remove gluten so perhaps this could actually be contributing to the problem... Good luck, in a strange sort of way it sounds like its working! :)

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