Body heat from psoriasis

Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 17.20 by Doris

Hi there. I’ve had p now for 25 years-half my life. I have also had a lot of surgery including a full hysterectomy at the age of 24. I’m unable to to take hrt and have put down my constant perspiring down to lack of oestrogen. However I’ve recently wondered whether anyone else suffering with psoriasis finds that it is very warm to the touch and if this meant that you also got very hot? I would love really appreciate your experience. Oh and in case it helps I have an 80% coverage of three different types of p. Thank you in advance and I wish you all well Doris

Posted Thu 3 Jan 2019 23.22 by Bonnie.Staffs

Hi Doris In reply to your question, I find that hot weather conditions can make my Psoriasis flare up. This could be from walking outdoors when it's hot and I'm dressed for cooler weather (didn't check the weather forecast!) or when I'm in the office and the temperature gets too warm for me. Conversely, when it's too cold I'm not comfortable either. When my skin flares up, the red patches can feel very hot. At present, although it's winter where I live, I'm able to wrap up warm and deal with the cold. Not the best time of year for psoriasis (I find spring and early summer most comfortable, around 22 to 24 degrees Celsius) but I've been following the blueberry forum: eating 20 to 40 blueberries a day for the past six weeks or so and finding that my skin is improving.

Posted Fri 4 Jan 2019 04.04 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 4 Jan 2019 07.05 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Doris: I see that the answers you have received seem to be about coping in hot weather, and perhaps not exactly what you actually asked. I had psoriasis all over my body and face for around 12 months in my early 20s (I am 60 now), but did not notice any increase in temperature or sweating. Last year I came out in extensive guttate psoriasis and plaque psoriasis. I did not experience any increase in overall body temperature or sweating. I DID notice that my scalp seemed to be radiating a lot of heat - I could notice it as I held a hand close to or touching the scalp. It seemed similar to as if there was an inflammation under the skin. As the psoriasis has subsided again, so has this hotness of the scalp.

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 14.31 by Chuggybear (edited Sat 5 Jan 2019 14.33 by Chuggybear)

Hi all I find it really interesting reading everyones experiences regarding sun and hot weather. I find when i go abroad by the end of 2 weeks my skin is completly clear. I have very psoraris on legs , arms , back, thighs and under part of my arms and over my elbows. I recently had an extremly bad flare up and ended up once again in the drs crying asking for help. I have previously in my lifetime been admitted in hospital for coal tar baths together with light treatment then dithranol( i use to look like a dalmation). , various courses of light treatment, lotions and potions. The dr prescribed this time round Enstilar along with a liquid coal tar solution and dithranol to put on at amazed i am 90% clear. Previously i was using something called Dovobet which stopped working. Sorry i have digressed..what i wanted to say is since i have been using these two treatments it almost feels like ive been in the sun all day and get really hot at night. Could be related but thought i would mention it. Im so glad i joined this association it has been so helpful refering to and reading other posts. I wish we could be prescribed 6 weeks in the dead sea ive heard its a miracle worker xxxx

Posted Sun 6 Jan 2019 10.35 by Doris

Hi. Thank you so much for replying to my question. Really interesting. Wendyloish it was very enlightening regarding the immune system. Sadly I did have a full hysterectomy (including both ovaries) at the age of 24 so unfortunately oestrogen has been a concern. I am definitely going to look into my thyroid. I’m very sorry to hear you had such a frightening experience with yours. I wondered is anyone’s p hot to the touch? Also reading through the forums people seem to be having some luck with Enstilar. Going to try this for sure. As I’m sure all of you who have this annoying embarrassing debilitating p I am so tired with trying everything and everything so this year I have decided I’m going to war with it!!! I’m going to cut out all nightshade dairy a gluten and keep eating the blueberries for a couple of months and then reintroduce foods gently and see if and what I react to. I will certainly let you all know how I get on. Finding this site has been of great comfort and so interesting yet at the same time so sad to hear how many people continue to suffer with the wretched psoriasis. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply Kind blessings Doris x

Posted Sun 6 Jan 2019 11.09 by Doris

Hi Chuggybear. Six weeks in the dead Sea does sound pretty terrific. I think we might have to wait for awhile till the troubles are over but until then have you tried dead Sea salts? Of course it won’t be like the real thing with sunshine and all the lovely mud but I find it soothing in the bath. I’ve looked around for the cheapest way of getting it and so far I managed to find a load in TK Maxx and it was 2 pounds for 1 kg. Good luck. I’m so happy to have found this association also. I find it so comforting and interesting. I also find it so sad that there are so many sufferers. I went into hospital for round the clock treatment about twenty years ago and find now there isn’t a ward let alone a wing for skin diseases. I could rant all day but it doesn’t help and just gets everything going!!! I’m so grateful to finally have people to talk to about it who fully understand. Many blessings til next time Doris x

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