Has anybody been prescribed Sulfasalazine for PsA and had a bad skin reaction?

Posted Sun 1 Jun 2014 14.19 by susan191052
Calves elbows 7 scalp particularly affected

I was prescribed Sulfasalazine for psoriatic arthritis and after 3 weeks came out in an itchy rash on my lower arms, just where I have plaques, over the next couple of days the rash spread up my arms and legs it was typically small raspberry coloured flat spots, but then I got larger raised spots on my palms loads of small almost blister like spots along the sides of my fingers and on the skin around the edge of my fingernails. ant these were sore to the touch. The same on the soles of my feet and it was so sore to walk. I went to see my GP and we decided that Sulfasalazine was to blame. Coincidentally, last Wednesday, I was at Dermatology at our local hospital to start UVB. Just as well- my hands started to peel really thick layers of skin, the consultant confirmed reaction to medication and I went home armed with Epiderm & cotton gloves which eased the tightening of the skin as it dried out but the peeling continues and now the peeling has started on my feet. Also, even though I haven't taken Sulfasalazine for well over a week the rash has increased all over my body and along with that mor Pso plaques have developed in areas I have not had them before. Hopefully the UVB will see them off but I am more than a little concerned that Pso will develop all over my hands and feet in the future. I am hoping that this reaction will end soon as in just 2 weeks we are off to California to spend time with Son & grandson and family.

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