Need reassurance

Posted Sat 7 Jun 2014 18.05 by Butterfly3
Have psoriasis on knees feet elbows hand and wrist

Hi everyone :-) My names natalie and im new to all this but unfortunately not new to the horrible existence of psoriasis. Im now 27 I had a serious operation back in 2006 when I was 19 and since leaving hospital was suddenly covered in this dreadful condition. I have plaque psoriasis on my elbows and knees as well as being quite severe on my feet. I also have it on my knuckles and 2 fingers. I was getting to the point where it was completely ruling my life so I decided to take action. Nearly a month ago on 10th May I cut all dairy from my diet and switched to almond milk in my tea. Previously I was consuming an awful amount of milk iin starbucks lattes so thought this would be the best place to start. I have also cut down a lot on sugar I don't eat any cakes biscuits etc although I do have 1 sugar in my tea. I eat a healthy diet with plenty of veg and the only fruit I eat are apples and the occasional banana. A typical meal for me would be a portion of fresh fish with veg. Usually green beans broccoli cabbage carrots etc. I also eat fresh soup...... quite boring and restrictive really. Throughout the day I don't tend to eat a meal until I finish work so will have apple for breakfast and sometimes two crackers. And snack on fruit. Every morning I take cod liver oil and vitamin d capsules along with milk thistle and seven seas immune support then every evening I take another milk thistle just before my meal. I take these with an actimel yoghurt drink ( usually two a day) anyway a week after starting this new diet I noticed my skin was slightly improving then on day 8 I suffered a massive knock back as I woke with psoriosis all over both my legs back and front along with a few spots here and there on other parts of my body. I 100 % felt like giving up but I didn't and nearly a month on im still her and so is my P breakout. I read this could be due to toxins leaving my body. Has anyone else suffered like this and how long has it lasted. It's really getting my down at the moment and am starting to really struggle as it's effecting every aspect of my life and was better off with less psoriasis before I started this cleanse. Look forward to hearing of u and if anyone wants to email me ill be more than happy to chat.

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