Smooth red blotches...

Posted Thu 12 Jun 2014 19.44 by clare0210
I have had it on and off for 20 years.

Hi there, just thought I'd ask you fellow PSO sufferers before heading back to my GP. I've suffered from this on and off since I was 15, I'm now 38. My worst attack of it was 10years ago, I was covered head to toe in it but after a week of being wrapped up like a mummy in hospital covered in creams etc, I was cleared. I fell pregnant and it suddenly just disappeared!! However, inevitably it returned, but nowhere near as bad - just the odd patch which I've been handling ok, physically and mentally. But for the last 6 months or so, I've had the odd patch or spot, which have been always smooth - never rough or scaly. I'm still applying Dovobet as a precaution, sometimes the redness fades, then it's back, and so on. It's just not disappearing. With it being constantly smooth though, for example you can't feel it, just see it, is there something else I can be using rather than type Dovobet? Or, is it definitely PSO? Could it be some other skin condition now? I'm looking forward to hearing from one or a few of you. Thank you for your thoughts in advance. Clare.

Posted Wed 23 Jul 2014 11.13 by saintsfan

Sounds as if it's dr time. Really needs an medical professional to have a look and diagnose. Please be careful with the dovobet. It's great and has its place but shouldn't be used regularly long term. DON'T just stop using it though as that can cause problems. Reduce it gradually by, say, a day a week until you're using it perhaps one day a week. Sudden stopping can cause a major rebound. It's well known among dermatologists and something I found to my own cost.

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