My Cure after research worked for my Palmar Plantar Pustular Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

2 Posted Wed 30 Jan 2019 15.05 by Maxine (edited Wed 30 Jan 2019 15.49 by Maxine)

I am 47 never had kids, could do with losing a few stone and after having Pulma Plantar Psoriasis on my hands and feet leaving me crippled and cracked red raw for the last ten years and endless research, endless steroid ointments etc I have finally found my cure! start on the inside . . . I was offered but refused to take Methotrexate as its a cancer drug and the side effects are awful. UVB and other strong steroids only give some relief whilst using them then when you stop it flares up ten times more. I didn't want poison put in my body. So after endless research as well as coming on here and reading about people's experiences eating the Blueberries, I am here to tell you that after just five weeks of eating a whole punnet (150g) of blueberries every morning and also using Psoriasin coal tar ointment 3 times a day (you get a tub off ebay or Amazon for gbp 15 as its from America) my skin is healing rapidly for the first time in a decade! But also, at the start of my 'blueberry mission' (thanks to a man on here who first discovered this) I started taking Vitamin B12, B6 & B Complex, and Vitamin D iu5000 (one a day) all in high strength - again from ebay - (search Lindens they are the cheapest and do over 100 tablets for 5 or 6 quid - get high potency.) Also, one / two cod liver oil capsules daily - i take all these every morning before breakfast with my morning tea without fail - what's ten seconds and one mouthful? I cut out ALL dairy (this is the cause of many skin complaints) sugar and alcohol, bread and pasta. I went mostly veggie apart from chicken and fish- so many tasty dishes to play with and buy ready made too, all fresh and healthy, nothing over processed and no tinned goods except Tuna! no sugar drinks at all. Herbal teas and litres of water daily. Then on two of your meals sprinkle 2 tbsp of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) powder (I found 700g on ebay for 5.75gbp From a reputable seller). THIS ladies and gentlemen kills off worms and bugs and parasites in your gut! and make sure you get the Food Grade version. All those parasites in your gut play havoc with your immune system and your skin, causing psoriasis and eczema, so its time to expel them! All our problems stem from bad gut bacteria. I cannot stress enough the difference to my health, my overall well-being and my red raw cracked pustular feet and hands are almost clear!!! i now have light pink patches turning back to normal skin colour HURRAH!!!! and I will never give up eating the blueberries as i have also survived an office full of novoviruses and colds. TEN years a of hell and now finally I'm feeling normal again!! I hope you will all try the same and stop this awful suffering i hope this works for you too. Cleanse your gut, eat healthy and cut out dairy and sugar, but honeslty a punnet of blueberries a day is the best miracle of all! I am sticking to my simple routine and healthy eating for the rest of my life and good riddance to this debilitating hell ive endured for a decade! Best Wishes xxx

Posted Thu 31 Jan 2019 07.46 by Maxine

Hi Wendy My story is my personal cure of MY psoriasis and my aim is to avoid antibiotics as they weaken the immune system. After much personal research, killing off bad bacteria and parasites in the gut which harms your immune system making you susceptible to immune diseases such as Psoriasis it has worked for me and i will share it as much as possible. I don't care for scientifics in certain areas where there is money to be made, I care for finding natural cures from the earth and vitamins. The earth DE powder actually restores good gut bacteria and a whole host of other health benefits - all without the need for antibiotics. I will share far and wide on any post i see fit if it benefits anyone. I am not telling anyone what to take, I am sharing my story to help others and encourage more research rather than go to the GP for poisonous Psoriasis medication which only works whilst you take it. I replied with my story to several posts so that those people suffering didn't miss it in the hope it will help them. No harm done there. After all, I cured myself and If that can help even one more person I will post it where i see fit All the best

Posted Thu 31 Jan 2019 09.09 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 1 Feb 2019 06.42 by OhNo_NotAgain?) (read if you want a giggle - remember, at the end of almost every article saying how beneficial Diatomaceous Earth is, there is a link to buy it from the organisation that published the article . . . . . . there is money to be made )

Posted Thu 31 Jan 2019 10.03 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 1 Feb 2019 06.44 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Maxine: I find it intetesting that you say: "I don't care for scientifics in certain areas where there is money to be made, I care for finding natural cures from the earth and vitamins." Where do you think the money that you pay for vitamin supplements goes to? Have you looked at the monetary size of the market for "supplements"? Even vitamin supplements are developed from scientific research. For example, while the body might benefit from a certain vitamin, the best form of that vitamin as a supplement to ensure effective take-up by the body, needs to be determined. Some vitamins will simply be excreted if the body does not need the full amount that you are taking, but some have a toxicity and taking too much over a time can be harmful - science helps to determine that. Someone claiming that something such as DE will kill "bad" bacteria in the gut, and not only leave "good" bacteria unharmed but also increase the growth, is simply mumbo-jumbo UNLESS backed up be research that stands up to examination. Looking at the websites that promote Diatomaceous Earth and extoll the almost magical powers, they are also trying to sell their brand of DE to you - there is money to be made!

Posted Fri 1 Feb 2019 10.24 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 1 Feb 2019 13.10 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

By the way Maxine, when someone writes "I went mostly veggie apart from chicken and fish", then they could just as easily write "I am not vegetarian", or not mention it at all, as it is largely irrelevant in context.

Posted Fri 1 Feb 2019 11.28 by Maxine

I don't eat red meat at all and very rarely eat chicken or fish so yes I am mostly veggie actually. Also, there is plenty of research and evidence out there regarding DE and its health benefits in food grade form. Money to be made is minimal compared to the health service and the poison they pump into you like Methotrexate. We're all here to help each other so you can take your self where the sun doesn't shine with your irrelevant mumbo jumbo as everything I have stated has CURED my pulmar plantar pustular psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in 6 weeks without the aid of poison and prescriptions and hospital visits. Be better not bitter.

Posted Fri 1 Feb 2019 13.12 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Maxine: please post just ONE reference to a proven piece of research and evidence into the benefits and proven effects of ingesting DE. JUST one . . . .preferably without an advert trying to sell bags of it to the gullible (there is money to be made ;-) )

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