what to do

Posted Sat 28 Jun 2014 19.36 by lisakerr83

I was diognoised just over 3 years ago it started off as 1 small patch and quickly spread, i was given uvb and its cleared it totally up for 2 and a half years confidence was back it was great now its back but my skin is crackin open and the pain is unreal would be very greatful if any1 had some advice as my local hosp like to drag their feet when sendin out appointments

Posted Wed 2 Jul 2014 08.40 by bev61
First got plantar psoriasis in 2009. I have been in remission until April 2014, but it has now returned with a vengeance.

I have psoriasis on my hands & feet, & my latest flare up has been completely disabling. Have tried most first line treatments including Dovobet & Calcipotriol, neither of which worked. During my first lare up a consultant put me straight onto Methotrexate. These tablets can have side effects, but my psoriasis cleared within a couple of weeks & I have been in remission for 5 years. A consultant prescribed 2 ( eye wateringly expensive) lotions this time round, which worked a treat for 3 weeks but they then stopped working. I might add I see a consultant privately. I love the NHS & it is often brilliant, but I have not had a good experience with my local Dermatology team. My private consultant prescribed a night cream, made up 50:50 coal tar & Dermovate. I applied that then wrapped my feet in clingfilm. In the mornings I applied a coal tar ointment with a weaker element of Dermovate. It did help, but has now ceased to work. I can no longer take Methotrexate, because of other meds I am on, but I'm returning to my consultant to see what other treatments are available. I did see the nurse at my local GP practice & she gave me some very thick & comfy heel pads for my bleeding feet. As an interim measure they do offer some relief. I bathe my feet & hands in warm water with a tiny bit of salt, then apply Diprobase lotion, which is very soothing at night and at least helps me to sleep. You don't say where you are affected by the condition so none of this may be relevant but you never know!

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