Oh my _ its embarassing lmao !Title

Posted Thu 21 Aug 2014 17.47 by fruitbat46
hell yes, and PSA

Had PSA for 16 years now, (I am 46) late to get it diagnosed too. I was 30 years old. I started to get it in the groin area, but now its rife. It bleeds, it looks like raw liver, and the pain and stinging is manic now. Nothing seems to tame it either. Some days just walking about is pure agony. Luckily I am a female and can wear skirts LMAO, but poor blokes with the same thing must be about suicidal ! Anyone got similar probs ?? Would love to hear from you. Love Mel x

Posted Mon 15 Sep 2014 13.37 by Emma
I've had psoriasis since I was 15yrs after a reaction to penicillin.

Hi, I to have psoriasis, had it for over 15yrs and it started when I was in my teens. I feel your pain.....it's obviously one of the worst places to get it and talking about it is hard! I have tried over the years to look for triggers and patterns, not with much success as most of it seems pretty sporadic but I do think that friction plays a large part in irritating the skin. For this reason I no longer wear big knickers as I find the elastic on the trim rubs which immediately starts it off. There are mild creams you can get to apply down stairs and other sensitive areas but sometimes the most difficult part is telling someone you have it there, even if it is a professional. I will never forget going to see my dermatologist and admitting I had it there and she just went straight in for a look, digging in creases (while another nurse looked on) making 'mmmmh' 'yes' 'oooo' sounds.....I've had better days!!! Obviously it's the same kind of care as anywhere else, stay hydrated, avoid soap, moisturise, try and wear as loose clothing as you can.

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