Jenny D

Posted Thu 2 Oct 2014 18.15 by Jenny D
I have had psoriasis, on and off, since my early 20’s. I’m now 70

Hi everyone. I am a 62 year old female and this is my 1st post. I have had psoriasis for about 20 years,on and off, luckily mostly off. When I had a flare -up it was dealt with in the usual way with steroid creams and lots of moisturising. I could manage it without too much trouble. I have a combination of pustular and guttate on my hands, feet, arms, legs. After my mother died,also a sufferer, my skin erupted with outbreaks over many parts of my body and I was tortured by the most dreadful itching over virtually all off my body. I had to wear cotton gloves to bed and during the day,as my hands were covered in deep cracks some of which were nearly an inch long. Drastic action was called for! I had used the 'Blood Group' diet before for a severe mucus problem, many years ago. I am blood group A. I started the diet again and after a couple of days the itching began to ease. I followed the diet to the letter for several weeks and this dreadful flare up subsided almost daily. That was 18 months ago with my skin now remaining 95% free of Psoriasis. I am sure it would be 100% free if I stuck rigidly to it - but I have many slips! The diet can be found in a book 'Eat Right 4 Your Type' by Peter J. D'Adamo and there is a very good web site. If you don't know your blood group hopefully your G.P. Will help with this. Alternatively you can purchase a self testing kit (£8-9 inc p&p) from Stacktheme Ltd in Scotland. I hope this information will be of help and good luck to those who may want to give it a go. It has certainly worked for me. Best wishes Jenny D.

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