Nail Psoriasi

Posted Tue 21 Oct 2014 11.37 by malc

I have sffered for over 20 years. In more recent times it has affected both my finger nails and toe nails. My GP did not consider it appropriate to suggest it could be Psoriasis, but treated it as a fungal infection instead. Those who already suffer with this know too well how painful it is, particularly if you stub your big toe. For the past 2 years, I have been experimenting with antioxidant supplements and now have something worth sharing. My nail Psoriasis is now under control again. I say again because I wanted to isolate which therapy was responsible. I have concluded thus:- Because for the last 6 weeks I have eliminated all supplements and introduced only one, that this one must be therapeutic. I take a combination tablet (one a day) Alpha Lipoic Acid (a powerful antioxidant) Acetyl-L- Carnitine (an amino acid) I purchase these from Healthspan, although other sources are available. In the concentration I take it does not appear to clear my other extensive Psoriasis; however it may have a calming effect. I have spoken to my friendly Pharmacist and he suggests that it is probably most effective on the fingers and toes because of the high concentration of blood capilliaries in these areas. The cost is moderate; about 20p per day: a small price for less pain. I do wish we could break the cycle of the same old steroid based lotions and potions, and focus on treating the cause (our unbalanced immune systems); It will probably save the NHS billions in wasted prescriptions alone. It goes without saying really, but do your own research and draw your own conclusions. Also Turmeric is a natural anti-inflamatory and an antioxidant. I hope you all find this helpful regards, Malcolm

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